Wednesday 2 July 2014

Wrote to Teresa at the hospital clinic advising I won't be returning. AlI I ever end up with at the hospital is STRESS and I have enough of that in my life.

Now one of my toes on my right foot has decided to turn UPWARDS. Any pressure on it hurts like hell.

On a bright note... I've received lots of beautiful greeting from my Artistry group for my birthday tomorrow.

I'm supposed to be going out for lunch tomorrow... depends on how I feel.

Thursday 3 July 2014

I was tossing up whether or not to go to lunch but I made the effort.
My favourite restaurant... A couple of wines,
Seafood crepe topped off with a strawberry crepe, cream and ice cream.
Now I feel like a 'nanny nap' *S*

Didn't tell Marj it was my birthday until we had paid the bill because I knew she'd want to pay the lot!!

Glad I went because Jason has totally forgotten it's my birthday.
But that's OK... When we see something on the news about the 4th of July celebrations on the news, the penny will drop!  KERPLUNK!!!!!

I want to see how long it takes him to remember.
I'll enjoy his embarrassment!!

  Friday 4 July 2014

Yep... Jason and Jared wished me a Happy Birthday today... a day late!!!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Been freezing here this past week.. it was like Spring today, except for the fact it was also my shopping day.
I was breaking into a sweat as I scanned and put the groceries away
As much as it's painful for me I don't want to leave it to Jason. I like to keep track of where my money is going . Took me hours before I could collapse in front of the TV. But hey... I'm still here, that's what counts.


Thursday 10 July 2014

Got a phone call from Theresa (Wounds Clinic) today, she totally sympathises with me.
She disagreed with the doctors at my last visit but couldn't argue with them.
However she has given me her phone number if I need advice and wants me to keep her
updated as to my progress with my leg ulcer in particular.
It has already reduced considerably in depth.

She also wanted to know if she should pass on my letter to those in charge...
but I said no... I have plans for a letter when I can include a photo to prove my point.

I have to go to Maroochydore next Tuesday ( a 2+ hour drive) to see my Rheumatoid specialist. Hopefully I'll get something to ease the aches and the Psoriasis.

The cold weather has interfered with my creativity... lost interest because my hands are so cold.

My feet are nice and warm though... my friend Marj dropped of a pair of hand knitted thick socks for me and they're so cosy!!

Monday 14 July 2014

Another freezing weekend!

Yesterday, got Jason to take me up to the new shopping centre that opened last Thursday... 70 stores, 3 department stores and 2 supermarkets. What a schemozzle!!! Crowds of people all caring less that people wanted to get past them! Blocking the way, standing chatting with kids and trolleys in the way! Parking was almost impossible... couldn't find any 'disabled parking' spots. We ended up in the original parking area and fluked a spot BUT it meant a very long walk to check out the new sections.

I went, hoping to get slippers, didn't happen! Don't think I'll be in a hurry to return.

Tried to get an alarm clock for Jared.... Don't people use regular clocks any more????
Ended up with an electronic one. Told him I got it for him but he wasn't interested enough to even check it out! So it's stored in my room.... still in the box.

I was exhausted by the time we got home.

  Tuesday 15 July 2014

Left home around 10:30 for Maroochydore.. the trip was uneventful except for a couple of roadworks but we arrived in plenty time - 1PM for my 1:30 appointment.
Can't complain about the roadworks, our main highway needs improvements desperately.

My specialist phoned Medicare to see if I could get back on Humira since I have been on nothing for so long. They were 'snappy' with her and wouldn't come to the party!
I would have to wait another 18 months!
Soooooo... she's changing my diagnosis from Rheumatoid Arthritis to Psoriatic R.A.
With Psoriasis as the main culprit we have a chance in sidelining Medicare.

Medicare insists I take other medication for 3 months first, have no idea why.. didn't think to ask at the time, but I had to do that when I first went on Humira years ago.
She gave me a script... I'll get it filled BUT won't take any... because I'm allergic to this particular medication now.

Then we have to wait 3 months and try again to get the Humira.
She'll get copies of my monthly blood tests.
She also said it would give my leg ulcer time to heal because the Humira could interfere with the healing process.
I won't need to go to Maroochydore again, so I'm grateful for that.
So, all I need is a little patience.

She was also horrified at the suggestion I have my toes chopped off.
Said even with them being that dramatic I could still get infection and it would upset my balance.

Thursday 17 July 2014

What a horror of a night! Listening to the radio as I worked on my computer, heard about Malaysian flight M17 being brought down by a suspected missile while flying over the East Ukraine well above the no fly zone. It about brought me to tears thinking about the 298 people on that flight.

I'll bet anything the missile launcher was supplied by Russia.

  Saturday 19 July 2014

Shopping day... slept in! Still managed to have it done by just after midday but took ages to scan before putting away.
Monday 21 July 2014

Phoned Ergon Energy today to request a hard copy of my power bill.. That was worse than pulling teeth! Because Jason pays the bill for me through BPay I'm not sent a bill. They said he gets a copy of it when he's notified the next bill is due... BUT Jason said that's not true!

So for me to get a detailed statement I have to phone every 3 months and request they mail me a copy ! (We pay quarterly) What a pain!!!! I want to make sure they remove the Carbon Tax since it's been chucked out in Federal Parliament.
  Thursday 24 July 2014

What is happening in the world??? Another flight has disappeared!!!! This time an Algerian Airline flying over Mali (Africa) with 116 people on board.

A Taiwan flight with 58 people on board crashed trying to land in stormy conditions yesterday. 47 people killed and 11 injured....

If I was able to fly I wouldn't be going anywhere overseas after the 4 air disasters we've had lately.

23 AUG 2014

I've been asked if there's a reason I haven't been my usual vocal self lately...
YEP... lots of them...

I'm sick of waiting for Jason to finish work on the new site. I have to physically delete and ban dozens of spammers every day. If the new site was up and running I wouldn't have this problem. He needs to work on the FORUM setup... it's different to the current one.

My hands... my wrists are hurting and also a couple of my fingers...but I won't let this get the better of me. *S*

The weather!!!
It's rained constantly for the past 4 days...
I don't know how our members in Victoria and South Australia put up with it for so long without going crazy.
At least I managed to get the shopping done on Wednesday before it started.

The daily news on TV depresses me. I should quit watching it! I just don't undertand how people can be so hateful. There's rarely anything good to be reported.

At least things seem to be getting tidied up around the house... boxes and piles of "keeping just incase" things are disappearing slowly..I just wish I was fit enough to get stuck into it too.

To those who asked me if I'm OK... yes... I am...Thank you for caring and after reading this sorry story aren't you glad you asked???? ROFL!!!!


  25 SEPTEMBER 2014

Last week I was complaining about spammers... I deleted over 200 in 3-1/2 days!!
It took up so much of my precious time that should have been spent on important things.
I thought Jason had fixed the registration section of the Forum... but NO... he hadn't got around to it.
Maybe they finally got the message that they hadn't a chance at Artistry.

Went to the Dermatologist on Friday... he was totally sympathetic when he saw my problem.
Unfortunately Medicare insists that 3 other drugs have to be tried first before authorising HUMIRA.
I've already had one (Methotrexate) ... filled the script then threw the pills down the toilet since I'm now allergic to them. Now I have another script "Acitretin" which I'm supposed to take for the next 3 months.... to humour Medicare. They went down the toilet too. Read up on possible side effects and don't want to take the chance. The dermatologist said I didn't have to take them.
My next appointment is mid November when he'll probably prescribe a 3rd Drug and it looks like it will be early in the new year before I get HUMIRA.... Thank You Medicare!!!!!!! :-(
At least I won't have to wait 18 months, which WAS on the cards.

What hurt the most was when the appointment was over and I handed over my Medicare card to the receptionist I was told I would have to pay CASH since the doctor was from Brisbane.
Lucky I had been saving pennies over the last few months (for a rainy day) because the charge was $255.00 !!!!!
Apparently all I'll get back from Medicare is $76... Sure doesn't pay to be sick!!!

Of course if my Rheumatoid Specialist may hopefully speed up the HUMIRA if Medicare take notice of her re-diagnosing me with PSORIATIC Rheumatoid Arthritis and come to the party.

It's Jared's Birthday today, he's 22..crap.. where does the time go!!
Tossing up if I should pretend to forget it.. like he and his Dad did mine... except they weren't pretending...*S*
Jason's Birthday is next Monday, he'll be 45... YIKES!!!!