




Ummmm..... Lord... over 2 months since I wrote last...
this is going to be difficult!! Heaven's... what have you all done
for entertainment in the meantime??? You know what this means...
don't you.....
This is gonna be one LONG page!!!

Now, as I remember stuff this is going to end up a bit of a jumble.

The beginning of June was sad for me...
My Dad's been gone for 3 years but
it still feels like yesterday.
I miss him so much.

27th March 2002

Well... to the Lovers Saga.... IT IS FINALLY FINISHED!!!!!! Yippee!!!! Hallelujah!!! There IS a God!! She's found herself ANOTHER BOYFRIEND!!!! Yippee!!!

Maybe now Jason will get on with his life!   He's got a couple more computer related jobs on his plate so that's keeping him busy. He's getting work through 'word of mouth'. I hope it doesn't take too long to get the business on a roll. I'm sick of supporting him (financially).

Mum has been having more angina turns... she's been really good for a while, but the last couple of weeks she's not been well at all. The other night she'd no sooner eaten her dinner when she threw it up.

Jared will probably be in hospital next week... getting his bowels emptied so that we can try to get them to work normally for the first time in 7 years. He's on school holidays for 18 days from Good Friday.  We are seeing his doctor at the hospital this afternoon for a check up and to make arrangements for his overnight stay.  He'll be in the kids ward this time.

Gotta go do some house work.... I almost forgot.... I spilt a whole mug of fresh, hot coffee on my new white carpet (bedroom) on Sunday night!!!!    I could have cried.  I've been working on it since then... almost gone... I'm very lucky!

13th April 2002

I've been up to my ears in tubes. I joined a group who create tubes... they're just wonderful... but I get a LOT of mail..  Then the new PSP7 Intermediate classes begin on the 22nd of this month

I just don't have enough hours in the day PLUS Jared has been on holiday since Good Friday, goes back to school this Monday.   I have so much catching up to do, I'll have to get myself better organised.

I went to another doctor... he seems to think I have a torn ligament in my ankle, so I'm hobbling around with an elastic support (like a long sock without a foot) on my leg.  It helps some days but.....  once more I got sick of waiting for Jason to mow the lawns and I did them myself last Wednesday... well... I paid for it on Wednesday night and all day Thursday!!  I ended up going to bed for a while on Thursday afternoon.

Jason HAS a good excuse this time. He's starting off his own business and it's been going slowly but successfully. (Computer oriented of course).  He's quit drinking!   He dresses like a businessman!  Not that he didn't dress well before, he just used to dress casual all the time. I can't believe the change! He's got a couple of girls now, but nothing serious.  It's like all my prayers have been answered.    His face has changed since he gave up the booze and so has his attitude (and mine).  He's promised that if he feels like he wants to fall back into it, he'll go to AA.  But he seems to be doing just fine.

He and Jared have been going up to the practice fairway at the golf course every afternoon and spent time hitting golf balls outa site *S*    Jared's been a right little shit these past couple of weeks...not all the time mind , but he's got an answer for everything these days so he's been brought down a peg or two. I hate cheeky kids!  He apologised for his attitude this evening... without being asked.  I do love him so... but he tends to stray every so often and isn't my Jared.

Mum hasn't been feeling the best, so that means she's grumpy a lot of the time.  All she wants to do is travel...  That's when she's the happiest! Well I'm not able to cart luggage around like I did the last time.  I had to tote around the cases for all 3 of us, Jared was too young and Mum not able.  I'm not able any more....  

12th May 2002

Jason is making dinner for us tonight... shock!! horror!!
We have a house guest who is a GREAT influence on him.... HER name is Chantal and she's from Holland AND I just adore her!!! SO DOES JASON!!!  
She's in Australia for a year... has been here a month and in Hervey Bay
for 2 weeks only.  Jason is head over heels in love... so is she!

Which.... to me poses a problem.... (why do I always have to be so sensible????)   She came here for a holiday... to see Australia.. and New Zealand...
she really can't spend her whole year here in Hervey Bay. If the feelings they have for each other fizzle out for some reason... I don't think Jason wants to be responsible for her missing out on the reason she came to this country in the first place.

Jared just dotes on her and she takes an interest in him,
which is a first for Jared. None of Jason's past acquaintances have really bothered about him.   She's the reason Jason is doing a special dinner for us tonight, heaven's... all she has to do is mention something and he's right on it!! *S* For instance... the shower head has needed a new washer for months, it kept slipping and was awkward to shower under if you wanted to wash your hair. Chantal just mentioned that she was having difficulty (cause she's so tall) and VOILA!!!! ......  FIXED!!!

And so it goes...   He's got to go fishing next week so she's taking the opportunity
to go and stay on Fraser Island for a couple of days, to do tours. She'll be back Tuesday evening. Jason.... well, it depends on the weather.. but he's supposed to be gone until Friday. The people who are doing the charter are Americans and they're BIG tippers, so he can't afford to pass up the work. He's also doing well with the computer business.. web sites, brochure design, and too many other things to mention.  

Me... well that's another story.
Ended up at the hospital because I was in so much pain with my foot, It feels like it's broken. Had an ultrasound, blood tests etc... everything came up clear.  The doctor told me I was fit!! I told HIM.... "Not from THIS end!!  If I'm so fit.. why do I feel so lousy???" So, I don't know what to do... grin and bear it I suppose.

29th May 2002

A weekend away wasn't my idea.. I loathe driving now and a 4 hour trip to the south side of Brisbane (City) is not my idea of fun.  Did I say...a weekend away wasn't my idea???? *S*

The reason for the trip in the first place....

Jason... in a moment of madness (before Chantal {promoted to #1} appeared on the scene) Jason offered to drive another Chantal (demoted to #2) from Adelaide to Hervey Bay... around 3000kms!!!!!  He's such an idiot! She paid his airfare from Brisbane to Adelaide.   In the meantime he told her he had a girl he is serious about BUT would still help her drive the distance, since he had promised. So he left Brisbane at 6:00am Friday, arriving Adelaide 8:00am expecting to head home straight from the airport..... THINK AGAIN!!!!

HER mother had organised lunch! AND SHE HAD TO say goodbye once more to her boyfriend that EVENING!!!!! So, they didn't leave Adelaide until about 10:00pm Friday night!!  SO instead of getting back to Brisbane Saturday afternoon (late) he didn't arrive back until 9:00am Sunday.

Mum saw this as an opportunity to get out of Hervey Bay for a few days and I DARE NOT disagree.  Jason, Jared and Chantal left Hervey Bay about 8:30am Thursday heading for Brisbane. I booked us in at a hotel 5 minutes walk to the city centre.  Mum and I were supposed to leave about an hour later... RIGHT!!!!!! 

Of course I was getting my things together in the bedroom when I heard screams! Hobbled as fast as I could... she was on the floor in the hallway with a HUGE lump on her brow and her arm twisted under her. So we spent the next 1 - 1/2 hours at the hospital, getting x-rays etc. In her usual rush she'd tripped on the carpet and came down full force on her arm and her glasses caused the problem with her eye.  

By the time we got away from the hospital her lower arm and wrist were swollen and her eye was showing the bruise.

This is before we went to the hospital.

 This is after we left the hospital an hour and a half later.

 This is the next day...Friday  

Her arm was giving her hell and because the hospital had put an elastic support bandage on her lower arm... her hand swelled up.  So now her hand felt just like my feet but I said nothing.

She still insisted in going to Brisbane.   She slept some of the way there... I had to pull over after 3 hours because I was seeing double and my eyes wouldn't stay open. She was asleep and knew nothing about it. After 10 minutes I took off again and arrived at the hotel about 4:30pm......

NO PARKING in the hotel... they had a 'deal' with the hotel behind for use of their space!   Brisbane is all ONE WAY streets so every time I needed to use the car I had to drop them off at the hotel and drive around 2 blocks to park it!!  

We went to visit our friends on Thursday night.. went to the bowling club for dinner, they had a Trivia night on and we won quite a few things. Jared had a lot of fun with the quizmaster... so did Chantal *S* I wanted them (the friends) to see Jason, they hadn't seen him since he was about 18.  


Jason left at 5:00am Friday, we left about 11:30am Friday and took Jared  ice skating. Before the skating we found this Dutch shop and Chantal was in her element.. she bought so much stuff... she's going to cook for us *S*   At the skating rink she went on with Jared... for 2 hours. She's so sweet. By the time one hour was up she and Jared had organised the rest of the skaters into a game of TAG.  Everybody likes her.  

We spent the next day at the Gold Coast going round the boutiques and she and Jared played at the park for a while before we headed back to Brisbane. Mum had an horrific angina attack in the parking garage and the more I panicked trying to find her spray the longer it took.  The weather is cooler now and she's got to be careful... the slightest draft in her ear seems to set them off. She had quite a few over the weekend.

Pillow fight
(Jared loves her... keeps asking when is she going to marry his Dad! )   Jason arrived back on Sunday and we all went to the ice rink again so he could spend some time with Jared and we (Mum, Jared and I) headed home about 1:15pm.

We stopped off half way for coffee and a break for me. Got home about 6:00pm. Chantal and Jason stayed in Brisbane because he had to pick up parts for a computer he needed to build and a turntable to play 78speed records. He's got a job transferring hundreds of records on to CD and needed a faster computer to do it.  

He and Chantal arrived home today... Tuesday... with company!!!!

My mother threw a huge fit!!!!  I wasn't too thrilled. 
We'd discussed this in Brisbane and I had said NO...
I didn't need any more animals in THIS zoo.

So there was a huge upset here Jason and Chantal were crying... can you believe it.  Chantal was really upset that she'd caused trouble... Mum calmed down and came through to the bedroom to talk to me about it.  I reminded her she'd bought Smudge even though I had said NO at the time.  Chantal was ready to leave because she hadn't realised it would cause so much trouble. 

That's the last thing I want.. she's like a breath of fresh air in this place. We laugh every day since she's been here and I'd miss that.   You guessed it.... the cat's staying!  BUT I am NOT paying vet bills, food, flea control or spaying... that's their problem and I'm NOT emptying kitty litter.  

Jared is away at camp... left this morning and won't be back until Thursday afternoon.. so he doesn't know they got it.

Why I can't lead a quiet, uneventful, boring life.  I would love life to be MUNDANE for a while *S*
This is worse than "Days of our Lives"!!!!!!

The saga continues..


MONDAY 24th June 2002

Another rotten day.. shoot life is full of them!!

Chantal left today!!
She can't handle my mother :-(

To tell the truth... everything was OK until the cat arrived on the scene... since then it's been all downhill!!
My mother has picked at every little thing and made a mountain out of it. I tried to tell her to zip her lips... or at least if something IS bothering her that much at least mention it pleasantly, first... after all the girl is not a mind reader!! It was more important to me that Jason is happy and has a goal in life now

The fact that Jason is truly happy for the FIRST time in his life made no difference. She just can't help herself, she's born to nag. Jason and I have learned to 'shut off' and only absorb that which IS important.. Unfortunately Chantal couldn't do that.
I don't know what it is about my Mum... she's never happy unless she's got something to complain about.. she makes herself miserable and everyone around her. I love her BUT she makes it hard sometimes.

The girl even got herself a job..

Jason has just finished a demo promotional CD for a big company and they are thrilled with his work. Things are starting to fall into place for him and my mother has to go and spoil things.


Spoke with Jason a short while ago.. all is OK. He's taken it like a man *S* Lord... I can remember the days when he'd be moping around if this had happened. Instead... he came home and told Mum that he knows what she's like... we're used to her mood swings but that it's OK... he wouldn't have her any other way.... (I would !!!!!)

I couldn't believe I was overhearing this... he really has grown up!

Chantal is staying with one of his friends and is looking for a place to stay... not a backpacker's hostel. She's not angry... she was already thinking about moving out anyway...

I said she was nice!
She's good for Jason and that's all that matters to me.
So we'll just have to wait and see what happens from here on in.
I just hope she comes and takes her cat....
I was preparing a roast for dinner tonight... I guess it could smell the meat... it made a dirty dive, dug it's claws in and tried to climb up my slacks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed... it damned well hurt!

It's determined to make a meal out of the bird, rat or mouse...
no amount of squirting it with water will make it stay away from the cages!

On to other things... Jared is on holiday AGAIN... 3 weeks this time (a week longer than any other school.) I worked out that for the first half of this year, even though they have 20 calendar weeks they are supposed to be at school learning the 3 R's... they have actually had ONLY 11 weeks and 3 days of schoolwork... neither wonder the teachers can't cover everything in the curriculum!

I deducted all the public holidays, pupil free days (when teachers have meetings), 5 hours of sport a week, 3 days away at camp, the extra days they have for holidays over every other school in the area and ended up with the 11 weeks and 3 days. If they run true to form... even without any public holidays in the second half of the year... they'll be at school (being educated in the BASICS) for a total of approximately 26 weeks for the whole year!!

I arrived at this for the second half of the year by deducting the pupil free days, sports carnivals, rehearsal for school concert, 4 hours a week of UNNECESSARY sport and the fact that they get an extra weeks holidays at Christmas (they start a week earlier than everyone else) and I'm sure they'll have extra time in the September holidays.

So, is it any wonder I'm furious with their school system? They have 6 months at school learning and 6 months of the year doing anything but.!!

The Lutherans are building a new school in the area. The Principal is being appointed early in July... I'm on the list for an appointment. The school will be operational for the first week of the new school year in 2003. Jared is quite resigned to the fact that he'll be leaving the College.

Jared was supposed to go into hospital during the Easter holidays but he chickened out at the last minute. If the doctor hadn't mentioned the possibility of sticking a tube down his throat if he didn't drink all the stuff he was supposed to take to empty his bowels, all would have been OK.

BUT that doesn't matter now. A friend is giving me the phone number of a gentleman who is an expert on the Body's Biochemistry. He cured her 10 year old daughter of migraine headaches which she's had EVERY DAY for 3 years. Another woman was diagnosed with cancer 9 years ago and was given 6 months to live... she's still alive! A third lady, has a son who was grossly obese and had juvenile diabetes... after a visit to this gentleman he's now average size and playing football and tennis for the first time in his 10 year old life.

He's a 5 hour drive from here, but I don't care. I'm hoping he can do something for my feet and hands and for Jared's bowels. You have no idea how much I'm praying that he'll be able to alleviate my pain. I didn't expect this crap to happen to me at 55... maybe in my 70's.. but NOT AT 55!

I haven't been in the mood for updating web sites, but have been fiddling with creating PSP TUBES. Joined a group and they seemed happy with what I was sending in so... I created a NEW Site....
like I really need another site to maintain <GRIN>.

Anyway if you're interested in checking it out... and especially if you have any use for TUBES... here's the URL..


I've also put together some photo pages
for those of you who are interested.
These were taken over the last month or so and
can be found here...

May to June 2002 Photos

Sunday 30 June 2002

Well it's official... half the year is gone! Shoot.. it went so fast I hardly noticed! In the same flash of time it will be Christmas!! That's a scary thought.

Jared's just finished the 1st week of his 3 week holiday. He spent 3 days at school!!!! They have activities going on for the kids for the entire 3 weeks. He had a great time. They spent one day in the bush around the school 'discovering' things, made a campfire and cooked Damper (Aussie Bread). Another day they were taken to the beach and on the 3rd day they went to a place called Maze Mania... I'm still waiting to hear exactly what that is *S*

He was up at 5am this morning and he, his dad and Chantal drove down to the Gold Coast (4 hours) to go to Dreamworld. Jason told me when he got home that he was stunned at the cost of entry! You can tell who usually pays to get into these theme parks... can't you *S*

Now to me again... apparently this gentleman in Kingaroy (the Bio Chemist) doesn't need me to appear in person... all I have to do is list my symptoms and send a photo (?) So, that letter is ready to mail tomorrow.. What a NICE man he was to talk to! He couldn't figure out why I was having all these problems considering I was so "young". He thought I was about 25!!!!! I told you he was nice!!! Seems I don't sound like an "old battleaxe" on the phone, I have a very young voice<GRIN> Wish I still had the body I had when I was 25! He has a wonderful sense of humour!! I'm also sending Jared's details, I hope and pray he can do something.

My ankle has been really bad this weekend. It feels like I have a tight, lead bracelet on it... you know the kind... the ones attached to the ball and chains prisoners used to wear.

Mum's been in a better mood. Of course there's been no-one here to bitch about :-) EXCEPT the cat... and I'M ready to KILL IT!!!!
It scared the bejesus out of the bird! I thought the bird was going to have a heart attack! I had the cage covered... next thing I hear wild flapping and the damned cat was on top of the cage with the cover off!! I told Jason about it when he got home... his response... "I'll put a hook in the ceiling for you to hang up the cage" My response.... "GET RID OF THE CAT!!"
Lord we'd need to have hooks up for the Rat and the mouse too... can't you just imagine!!

Just have to tell you what a 'wonderful' teacher Jared has this year, before I upload this page....
At the end of the 2nd last week of school (the Thursday, to be exact) Jared and his best buddy Nicholas were ferreting around in the bush near the classrooms at lunchtime and found a Centipede.
They put it in his drink bottle and put it in his school bag before returning to class.
"Big Deal" you say... well I'd agree...
there's a little bitch in his class who couldn't wait to tell!!
(I might add here... I watched her through the class window one afternoon, sitting at her desk, picking her nose AND EATING IT!! UGH!!! Delightful child!!)
Anyway.... she told Jared's teacher that he had a centipede in his bag. Now, instead of ignoring the little bitch (or at least, like his 2nd grade teacher would have done... got him to get the centipede and tell the class all about it) she told him to go and get it out of his bag, took the bottle from him an kept it on her desk. He had to leave in the afternoon without it. (She let it go)

YES.... I sent a note to school the next day telling her to phone me THAT DAY! I tore strips off her and said that if she paid more attention to his education it would be more to the point than listening to clipes (tattletales)!!! She told me centipedes were dangerous! I told her to "...get a life!!" Centipedes are NOT dangerous to humans, only their prey. If they're big enough they can give a nasty bite, but it's not lethal. I told her if she had taken the time to ask Jared about it he would have told her that!! He has more books at home on insects and animals than the school library!! AND HE READS THEM! Maybe she should get one on insects and read up on them! Then she might know what she's talking about!

I was furious with her and when I "lose it" I screech... she had 20 minutes of my screeching *S* I told her if she ever did that to Jared again I'd come down on her like a ton of bricks. Perhaps she'd rather Jared was at "a loose end" at lunch time and getting into trouble instead????

On the following Monday I sent in an insect book of Jared's with a highlighted section on the fact that centipedes are not dangerous to humans. Her reaction according to Jared... "Oh!"
Stupid woman!!

Now, you're probably thinking I'm crazy... huh???
Well, I'm not *S*
I just hate people getting stuck into Jared for no proper reason.

O.K. I'll finish now...

I hope all my American friends have a great Independence Day holiday... love y'all !!
Hope you love this 'crackpot' too... <GRIN>

Hugs till next time.

Hope I haven't bored you to tears AGAIN.

"Happiness is as a butterfly which when pursued is always beyond our grasp,
but which if you will sit down quietly may alight upon you."
- Nathaniel Hawthorne -



