



You may take this graphic if you like just be sure to link it to my site *S*


Tuesday December 4th 2001

Got most of Jared's exercise books home from school today. Looks like we won't have to fork out for books next year because these ARE GOING BACK!! Some haven't been used at all, some.. only 2 or 3 pages and about 3 out of the 12 or so books were actually used! Makes me wonder EXACTLY HOW MUCH WORK they did all year!

I'm not going to moan about it... after all it IS Christmas *S*


This is the little darling the day he went off to camp.... don't you love the hat with the corks (keeps the flies away)

Got myself a new pressure water cleaner and did all the paths and pavers around the pool... took the whole day in the stinking heat but it was worth it. Also did the paths out the front of the house... boy we just didn't realise how dirty they were. Well... that's worn me out for the next couple of days...


Hey! See the nice clean pavers... *S*


New Law by the Australian Government...

If we receive a gift from overseas this Christmas
and the value is over $200

(goods & services tax)

Merry Christmas Mr Howard!! (BLOOD SUCKER!!!)

Doesn't matter that the purchaser of that gift has ALREADY paid sales tax on it in the country of origin!!


Wednesday December 5th

Hey.. I should start a GOVERNMENT BLUNDER section!!!!

Today our 'illustrious' Prime Minister is talking about...


What IS this man ON ???????

So what happens when they go BUST
like all the other Government Businesses
they've already sold off to private enterprise??


OK here I go again... went to Jared's school Speech night... changed my mind... it's Christmas... I'm not going to bitch about it !! Hey, how am I going??????


A bit dark... Jared getting presented with a certificate by the Head of Primary on Speech night. His teacher is the twit in the black robe in the centre of the adults. Thank God this year's over.


As you know, Jason has moved back home since dumping the girlfriend. BUT she won't take "NO" for an answer. Everywhere he goes she turns up!!

He was working out at the Gym, had only been there about 5 minutes when she showed up.... they were asked to take their "discussion" outside. Jason had to go back later and apologise, plus he's hoping to get a filming job from the gym and doesn't want to jeapordise it.

He took Jared to the beach and she turned up!

Sunday 16th December 2001

Jared and Jason went to a Christmas party at the beach today and she must have been cruising along the esplanade because she turned up there too! He got to her before she got close to the group... she talked.. he said nothing. She left!!

I told him to have her charged with stalking. Heavens, he can't even use his mobil phone any more because she calls 20 or 30 times a day.. never gets an answer.. but continues to call.. She needs serious help!

Mum, Jared and I went to Brisbane last Wednesday for a couple of days. I was going to call in and visit friends but they invited us to stay so we accepted, hadn't seen them in years.

The main idea was to go shopping to get Jared something for his Christmas. He's a strange child, he won't take just anything because it's available to him. He kept picking up things and putting them back. Either they really didn't interest him or HE decided they were too expensive!

We didn't have much success the first day :-((

He's not quite sure about Santa any more... wouldn't have his photo taken with him (sob... sob...) So I bought a Santa suit in the hopes that Jason would wear it on Christmas Day and Jared might sit on HIS knee for a photo. More about the Santa suit later....

The next day we took him to ice skating which he's loved since learning when we were in Houston thanks to Barbara and Betty who took us to a wonderful ice rink there. He hung around the edge for a while, made friends with some of the kids there and then was scooting around the rink for a couple of hours like a pro, playing tag with his new found friends. His legs were sore the next day *S*

Before we went skating we managed to get some shopping in... with some success this time. (for Jared) Phew!


Skating pics not too clear.... moving target... <grin>

He wasn't sure he was going to like staying with friends... BUT he was up early in the mornings to go walk the dog with Phil and also in the evenings. They played handball and Phil worked up a sweat and they both had early morning swims in the pool.


These Gameboys are quite interesting *S*

Lord, this kid was on his BEST behaviour!! It was incredible... the little "table pig" was left at home <grin>. His manners were impeccable!!

He was even sympathetic when I got lost the day we arrived when I was trying to find my friend's home. I drove all over the place... I can't believe I could be so dumb! I stopped at a garage finally and the guy asked if he could help me.... "I'm lost!!"

Turned out that my instinct had me on the right path (how lucky can you get???) All I had to do was continue along the road I was on. So, I rang my friends.. to let them know I'd arrive eventually ....

The 20 minute trip from one side of Brisbane to the other took me over an hour!! When we went shopping and to the Ice Rink, I got Phil to draw me a "mud map".. I followed that better than any directory!!

When we left Brisbane Phil and Maureen led the way in their car to take me to the Freeway with instructions that they would pull over and "point" when it was time to turn right onto the freeway. WELL...... all was OK.... UNTIL we got to the Freeway.. they pulled over just as they said they would and I was so busy waving goodbye.... I sailed right past the turn off (which had a huge sign.. I might add <grin>)

I realised my mistake quickly (thankfully) did a U turn and headed in the right direction... much to their relief, I found out later. We had a good laugh about it when I called them. I tried to make out I did it intentionally just to trick them... BUT they didn't believe me... wonder why???

We stopped at Maroochydore on the way home for lunch and more shopping.(about two and a half hours from home on a good run) Mum wasted so much time it became too late for me to continue on home... I hate driving in the dark and it would have been dark about an hour from home. So we booked into a hotel for the night. That's what she wanted all along... I guess it was a good idea even though I WAS sh@#ty about it at the time. On the way down to Brisbane I was becoming hypnotised by the white line on the road and it was making me see double. It was scary... I had to stop for coffee and a break. I never used to be like this. Heavens I used to drive to Sydney all the time (1300k) in one hit with no problems, now it's a different story. :-(

Anyway we finally arrived home... Saturday... the glasses we'd left in the sink 4 days earlier WERE STILL THERE under MORE dishes and Jason was nowhere to be seen. He'd promised to get rid of some of his chattles from around the place... what was I thinking.... I actually hoped he'd done it... another disappointment!! The place was worse than how we'd left it! Needless to say we weren't at all thrilled at being home.

Anyway I got over it... he got the Christmas tree from the garage for me and got all the decorations down from the cupboard this morning. Jared helped me put up the tree but they had to go the the Christmas party at the beach so the lights and decorations were left to me.


Jared was sitting having lunch before he left... as I said... he's not quite sure whether or not to believe in Santa. So he hit on a great idea... he thought!

"Why don't we leave the video camera on and we can catch Santa in the act???"

"Of course he BETTER NOT be wearing a watch or rings like yours or Lena's!!"

Is this kid cluey????????

Mum went off casually to Jason's room while I was agreeing with Jared that it was a brilliant idea *S* I knew what she was up to.... we'd bought a Santa Suit while we were in Brisbane... Jared hadn't seen it...

Jason is going to wear the suit... and get "caught in the act"... on video *S*

Then.... Jared said we better leave out some cookies and milk, continued with his lunch, paused, and said "How about we put a SLEEPING PILL in his milk!!!

I cracked up!!! I knew exactly what he was thinking... I almost spluttered my coffee all over the table. What a little devil!! Thought he's be able to "knock out" Santa so that he'd still be there when he got up on Christmas morning!!!!!

Now, you can't say this kid isn't a DEEP thinker <GRIN>!!

Before I go... the Lord was so very kind to me today... it rained all day so it was nice and cool for me trimming the tree and what's normally a day and a half job got done in one day.

Sincerely hope I haven't bored you to tears





Have patience *S*



