


I created this graphic for the Adoptions Team I belong to.


Well... this is the last Journal for 2001...what I want to know IS.... where did the year go???? I know the belief is that "the older you get the faster they go" BUT THIS is ridiculous!!!!!I began the year in the USA, actually, on New Years Eve I was in Florida and it was the coldest weather I've EVER experienced there. I'm ending the year back home in Hervey Bay, Australia, SWELTERING and longing to be back in the cool weather!!So much happened in between...

On the personal front I redecorated my entire home, all 11 rooms plus entrance and hall all by myself except for the installation of my new kitchen and the painting of my 30 or so doors (and we all know what a disaster THAT was!). That took some months and as time passed the garden became a jungle "overnight". I had to pay people to come and cut back and do the lawns. Got the two HUGE Gum trees removed from the front garden, the roots were reaching the foundations of the house. Plus they'd be a danger in a storm. Then the pool liner was replaced about March or May... I think, and the first time I had time to get in it was Boxing Day (26th December!).

Jason moved back home..... I had endless meetings with staff at Jared's school.On the world front what sticks out most in my mind, like everyone else is the September 11 tragedy. A disaster the world will never forget. Then the United States got a new President after a great deal of hassle. We, here in Australia somehow re-elected our boring, monotonous, self-serving Mr Howard for another term in office.

The year here has ended with horrendous fires all over the State of New South Wales. We have lost almost the total area of the oldest National Park in the country. Who knows how many of our native animals perished. Many people lost their homes and their possessions.All in all it has not been a good start to the 3rd Millenium. I pray that 2002 brings us all better days.


Now, since my last Journal entry 2 weeks ago we've had rain and unbearable heat, more of the latter unfortunately. It's been so very uncomfortable... especially trying to get everything ready for Christmas.Christmas Day was a disappointment. Jared got up and didn't wake anyone, so by the time I got up he'd opened all his presents already and I missed out on the ritual photo taking.

I guess the weather took it's toll... I was very teary and had a cry to myself, thinking Christmas Day was going to turn out just like every other day... nothing special.What topped it off was... Jason told me he and Jared had been invited to the beach to spend the day with his ex girlfriend's sister and her family! THAT really put the nail in the day!!

But by the time they left I didn't care any more. They didn't get back until 7:30pm and EXPECTED dinner to be ready and waiting... IT WASN'T!

I gave in... made dinner (for Jared's sake) and we didn't eat until about 9:30pm. Of course Jared told us Jason's ex was with them all day. How he could spend time with her after the trouble she's caused him... I don't know. It wouldn't have been so bad except that Mum and I have had to put up with the moods etc since they broke up. I'm not happy.

One fun thing DID come out of Christmas though...Jared got his Dad to set up the video camera so Santa could be caught in the act "that is... if there REALLY is a Santa Clause" He also came up with the bright idea of putting a sleeping pill in Santa's milk... so he'd still be there when he got up..... we didn't allow THAT of course *S*

Well, he got to watch the film on Christmas Day... his little eyes just about bugged out of his head when he saw "Santa"... He said "O.K., I'm convinced... there really is a Santa Clause"

I don't think we better carry on the ruse next year or he'll be the only 10 year old in the world who believes....


Prior to Christmas I had a check up with the doctor about my hands and feet and to see how the medication was working. The Vioxx is working beautifully for my hands but had no effect on my feet... they're still killing me. I told him I was getting an excruciatingly painful burning sensation in my left leg if I spent any time with my feet up. He said that was probably coming from my back. During the course of the appointment he asked if I'd made the appointment with the Specialist in Brisbane yet... because of Christmas.. I hadn't.

I asked him to refresh my memory as to what the specialist could do for me.He told me that he'd check on how the prescribed medication he'd given me was working and may even prescribe a more POTENT drug to help ease the pain.

Well, the word POTENT jarred my brain, like someone sticking a knife in me! I've never been one for taking drugs, potent or otherwise and I was close to tears. In the meantime he gave me a script for Panadol Forte and Panadine of which I was supposed to take one of each (together) EVERY morning.I left, sat in the car and cried.

I DON'T want to be a pill popper or the rest of my life. We used to have a pantry shelf that was almost taken over with medications when George and Dad were alive.. almost like a Chemist shop. BUT they were a lot older than I am. The medications for Jared and Mum have been allocated a smaller shelf in another small cupboard now. I refuse to add to them.As I headed home, what the Dr. had said about my back stuck in my mind....

I pulled in at my Bowen Masssage Therapist to make an appointment and to let him know what the Dr, had said. He took me straight away and within half an hour I was walking like I'd never had a problem in my life!! I asked why he took me right away ... he said because I looked such a mess as I hobbled in.Unfortunately he's had time off over Christmas/New Year and my next appointment isn't until January 4th.

Stupid me... feeling great for the first time in ages spent the afternoon pressure cleaning the paths! Of course... instead of giving my feet a rest after him working on them, I stuffed up all his good work <grrrrr>! However, they are still better than they were and I don't feel pressure at the front of my ankle any more (this was making it difficult to walk). It still hurts if I walk on uneven ground, but after my next appointment I'll do as I'm told!! If there's a slight chance I won't have to take POTENT medication... I'll do anything! By the way... I never got the script for the Panadine Forte and Panadol filled *S*

We had friend visit over Christmas and the days after, the first time in years. It was nice to relax in the pool for a while, and share stories.Mum hasn't been at all well, the heat and humidity is really getting to her. She worries me... I dread something happening to her. She had a blood test and it appears she's on the verge of diabetes.. She hasn't got it yet BUT it means a total change of diet, not that she's ever been a junk food junkie... hell this woman wouldn't even drink a soft drink (soda) if it was the last drink on earth.

ALSO ..,like my friend Faith said in a message she sent recently, probably not realizing how it fitted in exactly with the way I was feeling... but it made me laugh *S*DID YOU KNOW!
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it will always be yours.
If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with.
But... if it just sits in your living room,
messes up your stuff,
eats your food,
uses your telephone,
takes your money
and doesn't appear to realize
that you actually set it free in the first place,
you either married it

Need I say more???
I'm going to anyway (L.O.L.)

Jared and his Dad have both had lectures on how Mum and I are not their personal SERVANTS...CLEAN UP YOUR OWN MESSES!DON'T LEAVE THEM FOR US...We'd like a life out of the house once in a while too!*******Well, it's New Years Eve, pouring rain, wind blowing but it only lasted about an hour and a half... damn!!

At least it's temporary relief from the searing heat. As each day passes it's a day closer to Autumn (Fall) which can't come soon enough for us.Happy New Year to all my friends, I love every last one of you and wouldn't make it through the year without you. If you haven't yet seen my Special New Year greeting for all of you, you'll find it






