Monday2nd April 2001 The weekend was basically a total loss as far as the redecorating was concerned. Still.... other matters were taken care of which were more important. Mum and I are talking again... Yesterday I managed to get in on my computer for a chat meeting with the Webdreamers Graphics Team... that was interesting... first time I've ever done a chat like this. Had a few interruptions at this end but all in all it was successful. Didn't do anything major for the house... just put some of the finishing touches to the rooms I've already done. Guess I needed the physical rest and the rest from the mental strain last month turned out to be. The finishing touches make all the difference *S* Today is a write off as well.... took car in to get electric windows fixed... sick of suffocating! Then I have ANOTHER appointment with the Acting Head of Primary at Jared's school at 2:30 to sort THEM out! So it's been another day of "rest" so to speak. That is... so far <grin>. Hey! The weather is finally cooler! I have actually had to don a cardigan sitting at this computer in the wee small hours! Thank you God! Friday 6th April 2001 I don't remember there ever being a sign across my forehead saying "I'm a mug... have a go at me". I was beginning to think that maybe I'm at fault for some of the problems I've been having. I was beginning to doubt myself, after all my life was supposed to be improving. Found out today that it's not me... especially where Jared's school is concerned. It appears a delegation of parents are preparing to go to Brisbane to front the Anglican Schools Commission because of many incidents of late at Jared's School. I've been invited to join them but haven't made up my mind as yet. I have to find out what the issues are and if they are valid, or just bitching. I had a meeting with the Acting Head of Primary this week. She's a "air head"! The Acting Head of the School is worse. We also had a meeting with her. Neither meeting was fruitful since they were not willing to listen to reason and admit that perhaps they had made a mistake AGAIN. Both are leaving soon, The AHP at the end of June and the AH of the School will be leaving when the Head of the School returns in May. so do they REALLY care!. They both, along with Jared's teacher, who couldn't look us straight in the face when he was addressing us, all agreed that Jared along with ALL the other children at the school is a LIAR. The AHS cannot believe that it is possible for ANY child to tell the truth! Well, without going into boring detail... Jared had detention today (only because this bitch (AHS) said if he didn't do it we could find another school for him) (BLACKMAIL). I knew that the first thing that the AHP would ask him would be "Did he realize why he was in detention?" I told Jared to tell her that it was because no one would believe he was telling the truth. Well, you see, my strategy worked! I didn't know how Jared would handle this but I knew he wouldn't do what I asked. I reminded him again this morning exactly what he was to say. What did he say??? "Well, my Nanny told me to say it was because no-one believes I was telling the truth." She (AHP) then said "Well, what does Jared want to say is the reason for being here?" Jared said "Because I punched a boy." There you are! This child simply WILL NOT LIE! No matter what. Yet no matter how we stressed this fact at both meetings they wouldn't give in! As soon as I got home I sent off a fax to both of them stating the above, written differently of course and told them that I wouldn't entertain any further admonitions against Jared regarding their disbelief that he could possibly tell the truth. I might add that Jared got detention for defending himself against some other children who were bullying him physically and emotionally. He's not supposed to defend himself according to the school authorities... he's got to run and tell a teacher every time something like this happens. When I asked who he was going to run to in later life I was told that he would have strategies in place when he grew up. STRATEGIES! Balderdash!! If it's left to them he'd end up a spineless wimp! Not that I condone fighting! But their strategy is "become a tittle tat". Anyway he's on Easter Break for a couple of weeks, 18 days I think so we don't have to bother about them for a while. I started stripping the paper in Jared's room. It's the only one that wasn't vinyl coated and it's hard work getting it off. Have to do a couple of errands tomorrow morning then I'm getting back into it. I'm way behind schedule. I'd hope this would be finished this weekend and life could return to normal. It just ain't happening! At least Mum and I are back to normal again. Funny how that happens when one of our own is being treated unfairly... brings you back together to support the one being harassed. No matter how it happened I'm glad we're back on an even keel again. Had a look at my web sites, Lord I have so much to do to catch up. Oh well! I must say I was proud of the way Jason stood up for Jared at the meeting with the Acting Head of the School. He even told them that his son wouldn't lie if it meant saving his father's neck. This is a fact!!!... Jared has contradicted Jason when he's been trying to pull the wool over my eyes on more than one occassion *S*. It's a major thing that Jared has going for him, his ability to tell the truth no matter the consequences. I value that! I hope he never loses this ability. Wednesday 11th April 2001 We almost have a living room back again, carpet down, just waiting for lounge suite and cabinet. This is what's giving me the incentive to go on. It looks just like when we moved in over 18 years ago... fresh and new. It's just beautiful! I've been at this for 8 weeks I think, but I can now see it's worth every painful minute. I also got Jared's room finished, it was the worst with the old paper being removed completely. Mum helped! We were half way through stripping when she remembered that back home in Scotland, where papering is the norm, they never removed the previous paper until there were at least 3 layers! Fine time to tell me <grin>! Anyway, I still reckon it's best to remove the old stuff first. Jared's thrilled with it but tells me he will still be sleeping in the spare bed in Lena's (my Mum) room. I guess he likes the company *S* He's been spending time with his Dad these past couple of days BUT insists on coming "home" at night. Doesn't like sleeping at the "Gypsy's" (Jason's girlfriend) and Jason's place! Isn't it great that he considers this place "HOME". YAWN!! Gotta go to bed... it's 2:45am..... Thursday 12th April 2001 Where was I...........????? Oh yes... I finally cornered Jason into changing the ceiling fans for me and what did he do? He got an electric shock! Honestly.. he'd do anything to get out of doing something for me! <grin> So he said he'd come back "tomorrow" and turn the power off at the main (DUH!!!) and do it when he has more time. (RIGHT!!) "Tomorrow" never comes! Anyway he came back later in the day and boy was his hand swollen! That day I was papering Jared's room and had to try to get paper around the double light fitting on his wall. I duly unscrewed it and while I was trying to figure out how I was going to do it so it wouldn't make a mess of the paper... I GOT A SHOCK!!! When I checked the wiring, one of the wires had been left bare and was live! That's it! Get an electrician! I rang a guy who used to go fishing with us when we had the charter business because I knew he wouldn't "take" me. Turns out that the only electrical work that we, the homeowners, are legally allowed to do is... change a light bulb and change fuses! That's news to me! So I got him to do the lot, all the fans and the new light fitting I bought for Jared's room when I knew he was coming and fix an outside light that was hanging precariously for the last 12 months. I am bad.. aren't I! He's coming back to replace the fan in my room when we can get into it... and put a new light in the dining room and spare room. The next day I asked Jason to put the curtain rail back up for me in Jared's room. It's too damned heavy for me and has to be screwed into the wall in 3 places... try and do that by yourself! He got it up... with no help from me.. pretending he's a MAN! I went to put the curtains up and .... you guessed it... FELL DOWN.!!!!!! I was furious! He's had a model boat lying around here since we started this decorating and hadn't taken it... I kicked it from one end of the hall to the other, in temper. Yup... it takes a lot... but I have a temper when something warrants it. Didn't do the boat much damage, but did wonders for my KARMA! *S* Mum rang him and asked him if he'd come and fix it... yeh....TOMORROW! I didn't want to wait until TOMORROW! I wanted it done NOW!! So got myself a coffee and a chocolate (mini Easter egg) "hit". Sat down and calmed myself. Got the weary body back up the ladder to see why it fell down. He'd not bothered with the fact that since it was screwed into plaster the screws weren't going to hold because the holes were now too darned big. Any IDIOT could work out that all that had to be done was move the brackets (attached to the rail) a couple of centimeters and voila..new, secure holes! So Mama took the brackets off the rail and screwed them individually to the wall a little to the left or right of the original positions, clipped the rail to the brackets and hung the curtains. All done before Jason returned with Jared from Touch Football!! He had a look (when he thought I wasn't looking) BUT SAID NOTHING! Who needs them...MEN!! Bah!! Friday 13th April !! Decided to take the day off yesterday from physical labour even though the spare bedroom is only half papered. Took Jared to the movies (The Emperor's New Groove)... guess I'll have to wait for him to get the video... you guessed it I FELL ASLEEP *S*!!! Mum went to Toyworld to order pads for his trampoline and he walked out of the store with a remote control boat! That was his Easter present, instead of eggs... he rarely eats the eggs.. strange child... I've seen us with Easter eggs in the fridge in December! Then we ordered a new bed (arriving Wednesday) for the spare bedroom and a new Day Bed for my room (arriving in a month). Bought a rug for Jared's room to go on top of the new carpet. Went to get groceries. I think everyone from every other State in the nation is in Hervey Bay for Easter! Had to drive around and around and around before I managed to get a parking space at the supermarket. Even though EVERY checkout was operating it still took us 45 minutes to get served! I hate holiday weekends! By the time we got home it was too late for Jared to try out his new boat so he had to be content to wait until the morning. I knew I got the pool fixed for some reason <grin>... hasn't been warm enough for me to get in since it got back in action! Not that I'm complaining... I hate the heat! Oh yes. I got a copy of the Investigation Report from Jared's school re the fighting incident, the names concealed with black texta. (to protect the innocent {give me a break!}) It wasn't until the day before yesterday when I was busy doing something when I got this "flash". NOWHERE in the report does it give Jared's account of the events! Proves my point, Jared was never interviewed! So he was punished for something he didn't start and was never asked for his side of the story! That's justice??? Wind is blowing a gale at the moment.. has been for the past couple of days. I believe there's a cyclone somewhere off to the east of us, miles out to sea. This one's called "Sayso" or something like that. Anyway it's keeping the temperatures down... hallelujah! Smudge (our cat) is no longer with us! No she's not gone to "pussy heaven" but if she'd been here much longer THAT'S WHERE SHE WOULD HAVE ENDED UP! Much as I miss her I really don't care! The last straw was when she pooped on the underlay for the carpet! She had a kitty litter box! She ruined the mesh on the kitchen servery screen and the mesh on the screen door so she could get in and out at her leisure! I've been picturing her attacking my nice new lounge suite AND POOPING ON THE BRAND NEW CARPET ... SO SHE HAD TO GO! Jason took her (I told you men are fools *S*) so at least she's still in the family. I hope she DOESN'T find her way home. Jared misses her but I've promised him a RAT instead! It will be living outside, not inside IN A CAGE and he's going to have to look after it 'cause I'M NOT! Well, that's about it for this fortnight, hope I havn't bored you all to tears <grin>. I do wish each and every one of you a happy and safe Easter. Please don't drink and drive, it's not worth it. Remember... "Jesus is the Reason for the Season." |
Friday 27th April 2001
6:00am |
SHOOT!!!... How time flies! It's been 2 weeks since my last entry! Lord, now I have to try to remember 2 weeks of rumblings and grumblings <grin>
Oh well.. here goes. Now this may be a bit of a jumble as things come to mind... so bear with me *S* Jared's been on Easter vacation (18 days!.... doesn't it make you wish you were a kid again *S*) So his Dad's been collecting him after work to get him out of here while we work on the house. He took him to Brisbane for 4 days towards the end of the holidays... Jared showed him how he learned to ice skate while he was in the USA, I think they went 3 days in a row! Jason's 'gypsy' partner had an arguement with him the night before they were leaving and decided the next morning that she'd not be going ( I was thrilled! At least Jared would be spending QUALITY time ALONE with his Dad for a change without HER butting in!) She's not my favourite person (can you tell <grin>) So... I got sucked in again... paid for Jared and Jason to stay in a hotel - I didn't mind.. at the time. (they were going to stay at the 'gypsy's sisters place... but that was now off). They were originally only going for 2 days BUT then I got a call from Jason saying they were extending 2 more days so they could go to an exhibition of "Big Boys Toys" on the last day. I was told they'd have to change rooms as well... so I organised some more funds to tide them over. Well!!!! When they returned I found out from Jared that the "Gypsy" had called him (mobile phone) , spun him some story and she moved in with them for the second 2 days! I was furious! I'd been "had" again.... forking out for HER entertainment. I was going to tear strips off Jason for hoodwinking me and spoiling Jared's time with him BUT I shut up instead... at my mother's insistence... the time will come when he'll want something else and THEN I can say 'NO' and tell him why. 'Best to wait', she said... it'll have more impact, instead of flipping my lid right now. Jared hates spending time at their place. She contradicts everything Jared says.... if he says something is black she'll say it's white! He can't stand her food and hates sleeping over. She's always "hanging and slobbering" all over his Dad or fighting with him... can't make up her mind! I think Jared feels left out when he's there and it sounds to me like it's intentional because I found out from Jared's mum that the 'gypsy' doesn't like him being there... too much bother! (When is Jason ever going to grow up????) Heavens.. Jason moved out of home because he couldn't stand the stress here ... he was crying... he didn't want to go BUT couldn't handle it any more (we were going through the most difficult time of our lives) but now he puts up with being stressed out by this TWIT ... he's weird! Enough on that... it only makes my blood boil when I think of it *S* We've had LOTS of rain... for a while, it was every night... cooled things down a lot which made it easier to work in this place. Yesterday was hot though... strange for this time of the year. 11:00am Well, Jamie's getting a new kitchen! Hadn't planned on it... but couldn't refuse at the price... about 1/3rd of what I estimated it would cost! When I had the new floor put down this week we had to take out the dishwasher (which I hadn't used in more than 3 years because it had been leaking and I hadn't had the support from the Protective Office to get it replaced.. and to be honest.. wasn't interested. Because it had been leaking, the kickbboards on the bottom of the cupboards had swollen and the doors weren't closing properly. But, like I said, at the time I could have cared less. However I got someone in to quote on replacing the damaged cupboard and while he was here I said "Hypothetically, what would it cost to put in a new kitchen?" Well, when I compared the cost of repairing and renewing... renewing won. This was something I had wanted but thought it would have cost thousands more. Sunday 29th April Why does everything go wrong at critical times???? Linked to a meeting this morning with the leaders of a web ring I belong to.. had to excuse myself for a short time and when I got back the damned computer had frozen!! Waiting for a visit from one of the other mothers at Jared's school... she's got a deputation going to Brisbane... she's an hour late! I've got so much I could be doing instead of waiting around... grrrrr! Why aren't people punctual any more?? Anyway bought 3 new bedspreads yesterday.. they're so pretty. I really want to get my room finished... but haven't done a thing in it for about 3 days. Monday 30th April Jason told us this morning that Smudge has been missing since Friday evening!!!!! MISSING.... more than likely dumped! Cats don't have trouble finding their way home! I don't care how much he protests.... the cat had help in disappearing... she loved Jason! I put an ad in the paper for the next 3 days, all we can do is wait and see now if we get any response. I'm sorry now that I gave her to Jason... I should have known something like this would happen...poor Smudge. Jared also took his Rat over to their place and now poor Doris (the rat) is gone too! I was actually becoming fond of Doris.... He wanted a replacement... I said NO! Mean Nanny <grin>!!
The fellow who brought the bed for the spare room was the same guy who has delivered everything else. He couldn't get it down the hallway so he had to call the shop and the owner came over, partially dismantled it and set it up for us. It seems he is a qualified interior decorator and he was really impressed with what I had done. He gave me a couple of tips for finishing off the kitchen. He also decorated a display home here in Hervey Bay so we went to have a look at it and got some more ideas. Jared went to soccer for the first time this year, on Saturday morning. We were nice and early at the field BUT we didn't see too many children turning up so I asked one of the coaches what was happening.... WE WERE AT THE WRONG FIELD... this field was for hockey!! So we raced back to the car and tore off... arrived at the correct place with a couple of minutes to spare... PHEW!!!! His team won 2 - 0. I really wasn't impressed with having to go BUT Mum and I really enjoyed it once the game started. Some of the parents are really pathetic the way they carry on *S* I don't know if you remember that my Mum sent the kitchen blind off to the tip a couple of weeks ago... I was furious because it's an odd size and we can't get a standard one to fit. WELL, she asked Jason if he actually HAD dumped it... appears he took it home! For the first time in many years I was glad he didn't do as he was told BUT he HAD told me that it was gone! I was just sick.... and fed up trying to get a replacement. If he didn't lie in the first place he could have saved me some grief. Anyway... I have it back and I know exactly what I'm going to do with it but am not telling right now. Will place a pic here when it's done (for your opinions) Lord... another month gone.... what's happening.. the days are passing so fast? Here's my Mother's Day gift for all the Mom's and Mum's who read this column since I doubt if the next edition will be ready before the 13th of May. I hope you all have a wonderful day and get spoiled rotten :-) Jamie |