Jemima's Place ~ My Journal
May 2001


Monday 8th May 2001

Ah well... another week gone since I last made an entry, who knows what happened in that time :-)

Jason installed a new printer for me today, my old one, in excellent working condition is going to Jared. This new one does heaps more... turns out great photos.

I've also got myself 124megs of RAM and told Jason he can have the 64 megs I have if he gives the 32 megs he's got to Jared ( and.... if he installs my new lot) . Jared overheard me and asked what RAM was.... 'Random Access Memory' I innocently explained. "Oh!" he said.... "How much is 124 megs?" "A lot." I replied. "Well that's good Nanny 'cause sometimes you need a lot!" he responded in all seriousness. He's so funny sometimes.

I'm also getting a 20.4 GIG hard drive and giving the old one to Jared. In fact it should have been here by now... better be in the store tomorrow or they'll be hearing from me, and not kindly I might add. It was supposed to be available for pick up last Tuesday.

Finished the Entry today and it looks good BUT the table under the mirror looks out of place... wrong colour now (darn!) but I have plans for it... not buying a new one, will just change the colour of the old one. I think we need a rug as well to lift the colour of the floor which I can do nothing about since it's tiled. The only reason I got the Entry done was because Jason 'offered' to take down the mirror for me yesterday... it's too heavy for Mum and I to remove... I nearly keeled over with shock! He helped me get it back up today as well. I guess if I don't carry on like a 'mother' things work out better between us (?). He's even been interested in what I've been doing because I haven't been bugging him .... I guess. A few weeks ago he could have cared less.

The cushions arrived for the kitchen chairs... yes... they're white! YIKES...I must be nuts! BUT they're beautiful and they're not going on the chairs until everything is finished.

No sign of Smudge, though she HAS been sighted. Jason has been posting notices all over the area... on lamp-posts and in shops. We had a dreadful storm yesterday and all I could think about was her being out in it somewhere with the thunder and lightning which lasted for hours. We've had 2 phone calls but one was the wrong cat. I've driven around in the hope of sighting her but I think it's a lost cause. I just hope someone has taken her in. I wish we'd never given her to Jason. It's not his fault, he loved her. If you read last month's Journal you'll know what my thoughts are on her disappearance and I don't think I'm wrong. We've been praying to St Anthony but I don't think he's going to come through for us this time. I wish she'd find her way home... it has happened to other cats...

My new buffet arrived (picture above) and I just love it! It's so elegant. The guys who delivered it told me they like delivering to my place (they've delivered everything new I've bought, except the carpets) because I'm such a 'nice' person. What a nice thing to say! It was easy being nice to them... they're great guys and care about how they handle the things they deliver. They even moved my old fridge and freezer outside for me. I'm keeping them because they still work just fine and we can use them in summer for pool parties or whatever. I made the mistake of selling the last one and I really could have done with it on more than one occassion.

We've had more problems with disappearing clothes at Jared's school. I sometimes wonder about that place! I'd like to be invisible and be able to observe what really goes on.... I have MY suspicions! Jared went off to school with his sports clothes one day last week (they have sport of some sort 4 DAYS A WEEK and that means 9 uniform changes a week. Bloody stupid! They should be allowed to wear sports uniforms all day on the days they have to play)

Anyway Jared went off to school with a warning from me that if he came home without any part of his uniform he was going to have to pay for it's replacement out of his own money! Jason picked him up that afternoon and when he walked in the door his first words were "You're not going to believe this!....."

His entire bag had gone!!!! All his formal uniform... $250 worth of clothes including hat and shoes! He had left it and his school bag outside the classroom on the bag rack when he went off to soccer practice (at school). His school bag was where he left it... but not his sports bag! They both searched the toilets where Jared got changed... nothing! I was furious.... I just wonder if this is intentional?

I sent a note in the next day, not mincing words either.. I was ropeable! Got a letter back from his teacher the next afternoon saying HE had removed the bag so nothing would happen to it! So why didn't he take his school bag too????????? I wish he'd mind his own damned business! Of course everything wasn't intact, the hat was missing and his formal shorts. Now we KNOW nothing was left in the toilets because Jared and his Dad searched them thoroughly after soccer. BUT 'miraculously' the shorts were found in the toilets 4 days later. What rubbish! His hat is still missing and I refuse to spend another $40 on a new one (though I might have to) because you can be sure that as soon as I do... the old one will also 'miraculously' turn up! His teacher suffers from 'selective dementia' because when I ask who hands in Jared's missing items he can never remember. I wonder how he manages to dress himself and get to school himself each day???

Then we had a visit from Jared's Mum and her partner.... I had a headache by the time he was gone. He went on and on and on... about how Jason should spend more quality time with his "sons". He won't allow Jared's brother Hayden to call him "Dad". I asked what harm it would do since he is the responsible male in the family. He insisted that he's not Hayden's father so therefore not entitled to be called his Dad. BUT he's looking after him. living with him, shaping his personality, chastising him when necessary, praising him when he does something good... isn't this what a father does????

I know for a fact it wouldn't bother Jason as much as it bothers Warren. He kept on and on how they should spend time as a "family". So, I asked... "Is what you're saying... Jason and Helen, Jared and Hayden should go off for the day together and spend quality time 'as a family' with both children?" After all, he kept stressing the word "Parents". Well, THAT got a reaction! He wasn't interested in Helen spending time with her ex husband.... alone with the kids!

I don't think he knows what he wants.... all I know is I ended up with a headache! He certainly didn't make any headway with me.... I'm not about to try to tell Jason how to live his life, anyway... he wouldn't listen.

He looks really tired these days, Jason that is.... I think the 3am starts are beginning to wear him down.

My 2 boys *S*

For Mother's Day he installed my new 20gig drive, transferred everything from my old 'c' drive (4-Gig) to the 8-Gig drive I'd been using as a second one. He's going to put the 4-Gig in Jared's computer. He also installed my new 128meg of RAM. He's ordered me new CPU cause this one's too slow with all the crap I have on my machine. (I told you all before I'M A HOARDER!) He also put up some shelving for me in my computer area, bought me a Mother's Day card (first time in years!) and I won $10 with the scratchie he enclosed. So all in all Mother's Day wasn't too bad.

Jared's been sick this week, off school Tuesday and Thursday. I took him to the doctor on Thursday... has an ear infection. He was in a lot of pain on Wednesday night but with the antibiotics he seems much better.

I might have said before that I got 4 new fans ceiling installed... well 2 don't work SO I rang the place where I bought them and was told that I had to have them taken down AT MY EXPENSE and return them to the shop where they would send them back to have them checked out and THEN when they came back I'd have to have them REINSTALLED AT MY EXPENSE!

Why do these people think customers are complete idiots?? I happened to be in a lighting store the next day, ordering new lights when I noticed they had fans, the same brand as I had bought. So I related the story of what happened at the other store. I was told that was complete and utter rubbish! The fans are under guarantee and the manufacturer sends an electrician AT THEIR EXPENSE to service the fan. So they gave me the free number to call and they are going to send someone... and NO I don't have to take the damned things down!

OK.... so what else have I done..... Oh yes... I painted the hall table, it looks wonderful! Lord, I'm so talented!! *S* Never mind that.... it save the cost of a new one. Gotta tell you this.... I got a new vacuum cleaner, from the same place I got most of my other stuff. When I walk in now, they surround me <grin> asking if they can help. I walked in with a brochure from another store which showed the vacuum cleaner that I wanted and I asked how much they would give me off the price the opposition was asking. The normal retail price was $310, the opposition was selling it for $299...

Well, we were busy checking out all the workings, laughing about all sorts of things and after about half an hour the assistant headed for the checkout with the vacuum and I yelled out "What did you say I was getting it for??" I thought she replied $280....

Anyway the particular register they used for appliances was busy so to save holding me up any longer she decided to write out a cash sale docket and I paid for it through EFTPOS. It wasn't until I got home and was putting away the receipt that I realised she'd only charged me $180!!

Couldn't believe my good fortune. I guess that was to make up for the hassle when I was buying the dishwasher and some sort of discount for all the money I've parted with in the store. So, they saved me $130 on my purchase... felt like Christmas.

Went to check out my new kitchen today, it's being installed on Monday, looks so fresh and clean and NEW.

Not much else except that when Jared says his prayers each night he prays Jesus will show Smudge (cat) and Doris (rat) the way home :-( Oh yes... also found out today that the school musical this year will be based on Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs! Give me a break! These kids are in 4th Grade... aren't they past that? So are the ones in Grade 7... Anyway the whole of primary are involved... that means more time away from the three R's.. Isn't Snow White a "Virus" going around in emails *S*?

Until the end of the month.... be kind to each other *S*

For you to take if you like *S*

God Bless,


Tuesday May 22nd 2001

Can't remember what day I last wrote here... didn't put a date on it ... did I!

Looks like it was only a couple of days ago. Today, actually right at this minute, my new kitchen is being installed. That's why I have time to sit and write for a change. I caught up on a heap of email and stuff to do with Webdreamers (a group I belong to).

Took some photos of the kitchen with everything removed... boy it looks huge. They'll feature later . Don't want to take the disk out of the camera until they're finished. I was up at 4am emptying all the cupboards... took 4 hours, feeding Jared in between and getting him off to school. Fortunately Jason was off today so I didn't have to drive him to school. I don't know how I amassed all that kitchen junk! What's worse is how did it all fit in in the first place????? Are Cancerians noted as being hoarders... or is it just me?????

Well, this is an enforced Spring (Autumn) Clean and not before time I think. I found things I forgot about. Also found some things that can find another home... (the local dump) I've got no use for them any more. Jason's having a garage sale soon... he can have some of them for that.

I struck on a bright idea for my room and getting rid of all the boxes... they're in the shower! .... must take a pic! It's amazing what you can fit in THAT space! NO... this doesn't mean I can't have a shower until it's all put away *S*!!! We have another bathroom.

I sent Jason off this morning, with instructions and a cheque to buy Jared a new school hat. I told him not to give it to Jared until it was brought home and his name put in it. GUESS WHAT????????? Lost property is in the Uniform Shop at the school.... Jason thought he'd have a poke through... YES... Jared's missing hat was there! I told you all it would turn up as soon as I bought a new one! Jason fortunately brought the cheque back... unspent. Now, Jared had checked with Lost Property twice and the hat wasn't there either time. Strange....

I read a story from Britain in the local paper that really is quite sad... this is true!!


A widow kept her dead husband's body in her bed for up to three years, an inquest was told.

Grieving Iris Page, 73, could not face being parted from ex-aircraft worker, Alfred. The macabre truth only came to light when their middle aged autistic son Michael called paramedics after his mum had a stroke. Michael told them when they arrived:

"Be careful. Dad's still in bed and he's not feeling very well."

Ambulance crews found Iris tucked up beside the corpse of her 75 year old husband.

What can I say....

This as far as I got.... can't remember what happened the rest of the month. However I do have a page for the first half of June if you'd like to find out more about my weird life... then again it's probably more normal than most :-)

See y'all in the June section.... toodle!


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