April 2000
For those of you who don't know my story. have a look at the page with the Submission I just finished for the Legislative Assembly with reference to their upcoming "Public Bodies Review Inquiry", this tells the whole story.
In the meantime, on the 7th of this month I received a call from the Bank informing me that they were about to send out a letter demanding that I Surrender the Keys to my home in 3 weeks if the debt is not paid within that time. So, it finally came to a head!
My plan to allow the Bank to foreclose, toss me out on the street, with nowhere to go BUT make sure the whole incident would be covered nationwide by the media, is "out the window" now. You see I had planned to let this happen so that the media would take up the story and the nation would see what this government does to decent law abiding citizens.
But, here in Queensland we now have a government body called the "Adult Guardian" who would support the Protective Commissioner in Sydney by picking up my husband and admitting him to a nursing home, because he would have no home to live in, if I had followed my plan through. Then the Protective Commissioner would tell me to go to Hell !! AND I would be made out to be the bad person in this situation for allowing this to happen.
You see, were it not for the Adult Guardian I would have a hold on the situation, because before they came on the scene I held all the cards. The Protective Commissioner in Sydney has no jurisdiction here in Queensland and would not have been able to accommodate my husband without accommodating me and my family as well.
So, now it seems they have pulled the noose tighter and I'm choking! I have agreed to sign their bloody Mortgage to buy myself time.
Let me explain the mortgage...
It states that the Office of the Protective Commissioner will release enough of our own money, which the OPC holds, to clear my 3 year debt with the Bank, in an Interest Free Mortgage with the Protective Commissioner as the Mortgagee. It contains a clause stating that should our funds dwindle to a balance where more funds are needed for my husband's 'future needs' then they will call in the loan. Of course if my husband dies in the meantime the debt is negated.
What's wrong with this? The OPC has a reputation for calling in loans on a regular basis, they're old hands at this. I'd say I probably have 6 to 12 months until I am in exactly the same position as I am now. They've already cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last 3 years. So, at the rate they fritter away our funds we'll be lucky to have a roof over our heads by Christmas 2000.
Also the fact that the Protective Commissioner and not my husband is the Mortgagee leaves it wide open even after my husband dies for him to demand repayment. Then, what would happen to my family if I somehow predeceased my husband?? They'd immediately call in the loan with my family having no hope of paying.
Of course, now that the situation has come to a head and it is important that it be sorted out in the next couple of weeks all the major players at the OPC have taken leave and won't be back until after Easter. By that time my time will be up with the Bank. So who knows what is going to happen now!
All I can hope for is that even if I sign their Mortgage that the Public Bodies Review Inquiry will tear them to pieces and we may get some freedom back in our lives and recompense for our enormous financial losses resulting from their mismanagement.
April 29th 2000
Have received faxed version of mortgage which I have faxed to a solicitor to have it checked out. We have had public holidays galore here, from a total of 11 days from 21 April to 1st May we have had only 3 working days ! We had 4 days for the Easter Break, then another day off for Anzac Day on 25th, 3 days back at work, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 1st May is Labour Day here in Queensland. As a result all is at a standstill at the moment. I am still in my home, for now.
Catch you later :-)
Click here-->>> ALBUM
The Submission
Public Guardian
(Official Site ~ Sounds good but read between the lines!)
May/June 2000 Journal