May/June 2000
May was a month I'd like to forget!
I had the bank phoning me asking how long it would take me to pack... would 2 weeks be enough! They were extremely nice about it considering how long they've waited. I broke down of course.
Well it's now the 14th of June and my current solicitor has sent a draft of the mortgage to the Protective Office and again we are waiting and waiting and waiting. I've heard nothing neither has my solicitor. Maybe they're waiting until the Bank is sitting on my doorstep ready to eject us all!
I've had some really 'down' days these past few weeks, there have been days when I wished I'd not have to wake up in the morning. Then something happened.... some of my dear friends must have really been praying hard for me because I have found someone who knows the laws referring to the Guardianship Act and the Protected Estates Act in NSW, inside out. Recently she has had about half a dozen cases before the Supreme Court against the Protective Office and has not lost one yet! I sent her a fax, stating my case and prayed she wouldn't phone and say I didn't stand a chance.
She didn't! She. rang the same morning she received my fax and has already instructed me on some preliminary preparation. So, for a while, a couple of days, I have felt a little bit like my old self, there's still fight left in me yet! So keep those prayers going for me.. good buddies.
A couple of you have asked what I really have to lose, meaning my house. Well, I've put together a couple of pages (6 to be exact!!) with photos of our home and us, you'll find them HERE or you can click on the links below, if you're still interested. Then you'll know why I wouldn't want to lose my home.
We've just had our last long weekend for the year, that is, until Christmas and the way time is flying, that's only just round the corner! It teemed with rain all weekend and it was freezing.... hard to believe in a tropical climate! I was just thinking about the trip we had to the Gold Coast a few months ago when it was at least 42C ( about 120F) when we got out at a service station for some liquid relief and just about cooked, now these past few days it's been down to 5C or 6C. (About 38F) That's a difference of about 80degrees Farenheit.... so much for our sub tropical climate!!
My little bright spark in my life... Jared tries so hard to brighten up his Nanny (except when we're doing homework, that's a battle of wills!) has received 4 Silver Awards at school and one Gold Award so far this year for good work. Our fridge is covered with awards for all sorts of activities.
June 16, 2000
Looks like I'm going to get the help I have been desperate for, for over 3 years. The incredible solicitor I stumbled on, from Sydney looks as if she's taken on my case! Have heard from her since I started this newsletter. I have to let the Mortgage go through but within a couple of months we should have all we need to go to the Supreme Court to get rid of the bureaucratic vermin out of our lives. When that happens the Mortgage will be null and void. Yippee!!
So now, Jamie might take an interest in herself and try to get back to how I was before this whole mess started. I have begun to watch what I eat and have already begun to exercise. I have something to look forward to again... freedom!
Well that's all for the moment... better get all these pages uploaded.
Catch you later :-)

