Mid August - 2000

August 15.......

My mother's Birthday! Completely forgotten until about noon today... I felt so small. We were only talking about it last week. How could I do this???

However, I made up for forgetting by getting a cake, a present from Jared and her present from me will be a combined Birthday and Christmas present which she knows about but I'm not going to talk about it here yet. Don't want to count my chickens before they're hatched... so to speak.

This last week has been strange for me and Mum, doing things on the spur of the moment... simple things... like picking Jared up from school on Friday and going to the beach for a long walk. Greeting all who passed us... that's a tradition here in Hervey Bay.. it's not like the city beaches. We passed about a dozen pelicans, resting.. stretching and eyeing us warily as Jared skipped past. Jared was in heaven... we haven't done anything like this for years.

I had a friend from Sydney pay a flying visit on Sunday. She and her husband drove from where they were staying for 4 days (4 1/2 hours each way) just to come and see me. It felt so good to catch up, we hadn't seen each other for about 26 years but have kept in touch by mail, phone and email. They got a 'blink and you'll miss it' tour of Hervey Bay from me because time was short. BUT it was so nice to have some real company even if it was only for a few hours. Thanks Pauline and John.

I have so many emails to answer from Web friends who have been so kind to me over the past weeks... please be patient, I'm gradually getting there.

What's even more strange is that my time isn't taken up composing official letters and faxes... Lord, I wish it had been like this when George was alive .... it would have made such a difference.

August 16........

I woke up at 2:30 this morning and of course was magnetically drawn to the computer. *S* Didn't go back to bed.... Old habits die hard. Mum got up about 3:00 thinking it was daylight. We had a full moon and a clear sky and she thought it was later in the morning. She didn't go back to bed either.

Haven't been on much these past few days other things have taken priority.... can't believe I'm writing this.... me.... computer addict *S*

Hey... did I say I went back to Jenny Craig? Well, I did and I've lost my first 4 pounds!!

August 22 ........

Goodness... where does the time go? This past week has flown by..

Did I think my connection with the Protective Office was over? Luckily I'm not that naive any longer. This Mortgage they forced me into signing at the end of June was supposed to be Null & Void upon my husband's death. They haven't yet done anything to release me from it. You see... they can't even be trusted when they sign a contract.... they're using the excuse that the Will is in Probate BUT this has nothing to do with the Will. Yes... I'm going to send their legal department a terse letter. That will be 2 in 2 days. I bet they thought they'd heard the last of me when my husband passed away... they should be so lucky!

The letter I sent today was concerning the account from the ex solicitor I had at the beginning of this year. The last visit I had with him I ended up walking out of his office in the middle of him berating me. I never received his account but he had organised the Protective Office to set aside $10,000 for his fees! OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!

I decided to contact the OPC (Protective Office) on another matter and discovered that he had sent his account to them. The legal officer with the OPC was having it COSTED... THEN the legal officer was going to forward it to me. I told him that I didn't want a copy faxed to me, he could stick it! My ex solicitor had a legal and moral obligation to forward the account directly to ME since I was the one who appointed him. I had told this legal officer that he was to inform me immediately if he received an account, he chose not to do this. Therefore he failed his legal and moral obligations as well.

In the fax I asked him under whose authority did he have the account costed. I informed him that the charges set in Queensland are totally different to those in Sydney and last but not least... what was he doing having the account costed when he didn't even know if the charges were valid. I'm the only one who would know that! This solicitor could charge whatever he liked if he thought for a minute that I wouldn't be sighting the account!!

As it happens, by a STRANGE coincidence I heard from this solicitor's sidekick today. The very same day I told the OPC not to send me a copy of his bill. He didn't have the guts to contact me personally! Obviously he's in thick with the legal officer at the OPC who must have contacted him today to tell him I didn't want a copy of the bill from the OPC. Funny how it happened within an hour of my conversation with the OPC. So, his sidekick is paying me a visit on Friday... to discuss the account...that should be interesting!!!!

Want to hear the latest Olympics BLUNDER????

It seems that at every Olympic Games there is supposed to be a replica of the Parthenon, in Athens, Greece. Well... the BBC (from England) decided to pay the main stadium a visit just to see how things were progressing.... they fell about laughing! I shouldn't wonder, since that's what I did when I heard the news.... SOCOG who have been organising the Olympic Games fiasco have yet another blunder to add to the ever increasing list. They had a replica built BUT it turns out that no one knows what the Parthenon looks like because they built a replica of the Collosseum, Rome, Italy!! It's too late to do anything about it! This is typical of the brainless wonders we have in high office in this country!

Another recent fiasco is the printing of the Programme for the Games. It seemingly has a photo of the Sydney city skyline on it BUT the only problem is that the photo is over 6 years old! Some of the buildinsg shown on it have been demolished, and new buildings erected over the past 6 years don't even feature on it.

They also have 2 million tickets left .... bet they'll go at bargain prices!! Everything this committee touches is a disaster and it's going to cost this country lotsa bucks! We're going to be the laughing stock of the world,

Catch you later,




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All about......... what's at stake..