August - 2000
August 7......
I can't believe 9 days are gone already. It's been hectic, so many official people to contact. The funeral was the hardest. One of George's daughters came from Sydney, and it was nice to see her again even though the circumstances were sad. We talked for hours after the service, about her dad. It was a blessing for him, George wouldn't want us to feel sad for him, he's free from his confusion and the pain he suffered during his last month. He was lucky in a way that his time of pain was so short and that he hadn't suffered for a great length of time.
Then there was all the the official stuff.... Called off the hearing which was set for 30 August to hear my application to have the Financial Order revoked, and all the other unfortunately necessary things when someone passes on. At least now, I'm out of the clutches of the Protective Office and my home is mine again though to make it official it will cost stamp duty, solicitor's fees etc all over again to nullify the mortgage and transfer the deeds back to me. What a great pity my husband had to die for this to happen.
I have to take stock of my life now and decide where I'm going. People are still trying to fleece me. I wanted to finally sell our vessel, Seawolf, but suddenly the price dropped to less than half of what I was quoted in March this year! You know you'd think they'd realise that I have been fighting bureaucratic authorities for almost 4 years and I'm not stupid, nor am I that desperate for money. O.K. the Will is in probate and it could be 2 months before it's all sorted out, but I've fought too hard and too long to make quick decisions.

So, Jason, my son, is going to help me with the boat. We're going to get it out of the water, have the hull cleaned at the slipway, then get it home and work on it here, ourselves. Even if we get it looking like it was before all this began, we'll get more money for it... I'm sure not 'giving' it away! Jason's going to check out the motors and only then will we know what we're going to get for it and how much would have to be spent on it before we'd be able to get a reasonable price. We'll take our time, weigh up the pros and cons and tackle it sensibly.
We have to have some trees removed at the front of the house, because the first really bad wind we have the branches will break and damage the house. One has already broken off and fallen on the roof. We actually have about 5 trees around the house which have to go, but this will have to wait until the Will is settled. In the meantime if we get rid of just one, have the ground levelled and park the boat outside the front of the house for a while then we can work on it at our leisure until it's 'ship-shape' again. This way we'll save mooring and slipway storage fees and that money can go into the boat instead.
Today I rang 'Jenny Craig', and my first appointment is Wednesday. I feel like such a frump, this last year I lost all interest in myself, I couldn't see the point. So, maybe when I drop a few pounds and feel fitter and my clothes start to fit me again the smile might come back on my face. Jared loves his 'cuddly' Nanny *S* but I don't think he'll be too disappointed if she becomes a little sleeker.
Oh yes, I discovered that the weasel of a solicitor I had much earlier this year sent his account to the Protective Office and bypassed me completely! He was appointed by me to work for me, not the Protective Office, but I bet he thought that since he messed things up for me he'd stand a better chance of getting paid if he sent his account directly to the Protective Office. I bet he's disappointed!! They couldn't have passed it for payment without running it by me anyway. He's going to be even more disappointed when I do eventually get his account because it will be going to the proper authorities for checking then we'll see who's laughing! Maybe in future he won't be so verbally abusive to his clients, he was an animal!
So, I've got lots to keep me occupied, including my book, which I'll have to get back to now. I've been adding to it gradually these past months. I think I'll do each chapter as the memories flow back, then sort it chronologically when it's finished and then tie each chapter together. There's the law suit against the Protective Office, for mismanagement of our funds, which will now have to wait until my finances are settled......
However, duty calls at the moment.... dinner and homework with Jared so I'll.....
Catch you later,
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All about......... what's at stake..

