A bit of fun *S*

Jemima's Place

This site covers information about me, my family, where we live... in tropical Queensland.

I also relate my experience with the Protective Office in NSW and the 5 years of harrassment, stress and loss of our funds caused by them. This is backed up by newspaper articles on their vile, horrific treatment of those unfortunate people in their care .

I've included Poetry... some my own creation and lots of other things that I hope will interest you *S*

About me:

A "Baby Boomer" and only child, born in Scotland after WWII. Travelled with my parents to Brazil, while I was still a baby. Returned to Scotland where we remained until I was 9 years old.
In 1956 we emigrated to Australia, for the princely sum of 10 Pounds each for my parents and I travelled for nothing. (The best travel deal we've ever had )

Six weeks from Tilbury to Sydney on the Otranto with a stop-over at Las Palmas (Canary Islands) and Capetown (South Africa). When we reached Australia, our first port of call, Fremantle (W.A.), then Melbourne (Vic) and on to Sydney (N.S.W.).

We originally opted for Tasmania but an outbreak of Polio in the 'Apple Isle' changed our plans, so Melbourne was to be our final destination. Another case of 'the best laid plans....' Melbourne was not to be our new home after all. The Australian immigration authorities moved us on to Sydney, even though my father had the promise of a job in Melbourne. Who were we, to argue with officials! I often wonder how my life would have changed had we been allowed to settle in Melbourne.

So began the next 4 decades of my life. 26 of those years were spent in Sydney, where I was schooled, grew up and entered the work force. Those were the days when the jobs outnumbered the unemployed. During these years I also travelled, married in the USA (Ft Hood, Tx), returned to Oz, had a son, divorced, travelled to U.S.A. and the U.K., remarried, again travelled to the U.S.A. and also New Zealand.

I had an assortment of jobs, each one improving on the last, especially in the hip pocket. The final one being a position with an advertising agency working for a crazy, but great boss, John Singleton. This was the job I loved the most, we worked hard and odd hours, but there were benefits galore.

  Cruises on the Harbour celebrating the company birthday, catered BBQ's in the courtyard, free drinks on Friday nights, Christmas parties in the middle of the year (when it was cold), previews to new movies, invitations to Media balls and so on... When I joined the company I was ultra conservative until 3 months later when we had a 'Bad Taste' party and I dressed as Mrs. Mops from the Carole Burnett Show had everyone fooled as to who I was. I won first prize and I competed against Playboy Bunnies!

Goodbye to my conservative personality!

If you'd like to find out more... Click on the "More about me" link above *S*

