Jemima's Place ~ My Journal
January 2006


OK you all know how last year ended and am I glad it's over!!!!
I just hope things will look up this year, but it's not shaping up that way :-(

First the good news...
I got Mum into my GP who moved her medications around so she's not taking them all first thing in the morning. This seems to be working out better for Mum though she was doing a lot of 'heaving'... I rang the Doc and she prescribed medication to alleviate this,.. it works **S **

She's had good days and bad days, but the bad days seem to be fewer as time passes. She still finds the need for oxygen at times but at least now she doesn't have the heat to contend with seeing Jason bought 4 air conditioners and installed them. He also finished off laying the batts in the roof because the guy never came back to finish the job.... I never paid him either,
Jason was going to but I said you don't pay for a job until it's finished!

The heat has been oppressive and endless since October ... the hottest summer I can remember. Doesn't do anything for one's well being or sense of humour and with all the added stress I'm surprised I haven't lost my sanity. I'm so far behind with things in my Artistry Group It's frightening... especially with classes looming in February. To add to my woes the server for the site did an update on 13th December and I didn't realize this had interfered with the automatic mailing system.. so I had to write to all members who had joined since that date....

Took the server about 4 days to fix the problem, I was furious. !!!!

It's hard to think of anything good that happened except for the fact I have my mother with us for a while longer.

Now, I may have mentioned last month that we applied to another school
for Jared to attend this year. We were notified during the holidays that he was on a waiting list.... so it looks like Jared will have to go back to the School from Hell while he waits in hope for an opening.

I rang the school the last week of this month asking when the students were to return. I was told they had already started... but they began their holidays a week later than the others... no they didn't... bull!!!

I was told that we should have filled out a RE-enrollment form and should have handed it in before the end of term. I explained what we were going through at the end of the year and hadn't realized... so I was told to get the form to the school so that Jared could return.

Jason filled out the form... took it in on Friday.. Jared went to school on the following Monday... was spotted in the playground and told to go to the office.. Jason was called to come pick him up... he WASN'T ENROLLED at the school!!

I rang the Principal ... explained that we had been told to fill out the RE-enrollment form ... was told this was not suitable we had to fill out an ENrollment form, go through ANOTHER interview, wait for the School Board to make it's decision.
I asked if Jared could attend school while we were going through the formalities.
The answer ... NO! They have procedures!
I aked if they could take into consideration the stress we were going through at the end of the last term, last year, not knowing if my mother would live or die.
The answer ... NO!
The Principal said that we hadn't informed him if Jared had been accepted into the other school or not. I TOLD HIM ... we didn't find out that Jared was on a waiting list until after the schools closed for the Christmas break SO WE COULDN'T INFORM HIM!

More of this crap passed back and forth... the outcome being that they would mail an enrollment form and they would set up an interview.

The form arrived the next day, an interview was set up for the following Thursday.
I decided to bow out of the interview since the only other school options we have are drug infested and bully oriented state high schools and I figured I wouldn't be able to shut up and would jeapordise Jared getting into the school. For the life of me I can't work out why the Hell he'd want to go back in the first place.

So... now we just wait....

This is the Enrollment Agreement. (below)

These are MY comments:
#1: OF COURSE it's a CORRECTIONAL institution!
Otherwise why would they resort to physical abuse
to get the kids 'to tow the line' !! ??

#2: In other words the kids are to QUESTION NOTHING!
Heaven forbid that they should have their OWN opinions about anything!
They should all be GOOD LITTLE CLONES and the parents have to
go along with the school opinions and beliefs and ignore any thoughts their
child might have on a matter whether they be right or wrong!!!

These people purport to be CHRISTIAN!

#3 : I'll pray for the staff ...
pray that one day they will wake up and see the error of their ways!

#4 : No one can tell me what religion they practice.
All I know is... according to THEM ..
we are ALL going to Hell ....
we should all have had goodness BEATEN into us....
the Lord says not to spare the rod with children ... how else are they going to know right from wrong??!!!

#5 : "Assist in publicising the school....
" WELL, that's exactly what I'm doing here!

#6 : There is NO room for PERSONAL development in this INSTITUTION !



In line 5 below they mention 'Spiritual ADMONITION'
The dictionary definition of 'admonition': -
(A) To reprove firmly but NOT HARSHLY.
(B) To ADVISE to do or against doing something, to WARN, or CAUTION

"FORGIVENESS" is NOT in THEIR vocabulary.
The Principal gave Jared 4 solid whacks with a wooden paddle,
leaving red welts on his backside which remained for days....

Then he "prayed for Jared, assuring him of his love"
( Point #6 below )
Talk about hypocrisy!!

I, needless to say didn't leave the matter alone when it happened.
I phoned the Children's Commission and reported the abuse.
They said it would be put in the hands of the police and I would get a call,

I almost forgot....
They save money for cleaning staff in that....
during the first term last year Jared was assigned to clean the toilets,
during the second term he was assigned to vaccuum the classroom,
his third term was free (lucky him...)
during the 4th term he had to clean the computers and make sure windows were closed.


my humble apologies to all my Baptist friends....
I found out this is a NON-DENOMINATIONAL school... not Baptist.
They purchased the property from the Baptist Church, which is what
threw me off.

So... all in all... not a good start to the year....

"Be kind to each other"

Catch you next month *S*


