Jemima's Place ~ My Journal
February 2006


After we got news that Jason had to go to the school for an interview...
I got a call from the local cop shop to set up a meeting with a Melinda to discuss the
complaint I had made to the Children's Commission.

Took them long enough to get around to it.... I complained last OCTOBER!

I wasn't to discuss anything about it with Jared prior to the meeting.
She spoke to Jared first... for about half an hour.. then spoke to me.
I told her we had to reapply to the school for this year since our only other options
were State schools ... full of drugs and bullies. I'd been told that an ambulance was
a regular occurrence at the closest school ... attending to kids who had been beaten
by their peers. These beatings would take place more often than the threatened
"paddlings" at the school Jared went to last year.

The outcome was that she would be visiting the Principal to discuss the 'corporal'
punishment inflicted by him on the students even though apparently it's quite legal.
I asked her to wait and see if Jared was accepted or not before proceeding...

As soon as I knew Jared as accepted I rang her and pleaded with her not to continue
with her investigation because the Principal would know where the complaint came from
and would either make Jared's life Hell... or evict him from the school. It fell on
deaf ears. She said she HAD TO go to the school since their punishment was
"border-line' on physical abuse. So I asked how I could withdraw my complaint ,,,
call the Children's Commission....

I did this, they said it was up to the Police, it was out of their hands.

So I rang her back ... advised what I had been told. ..
please withdraw my complaint for Jared's sake.
Sorry ... it's come down through the 'chain of command' and has to be
followed through.

Who's at the top of the 'chain'?
The Assistant Commissioner of Police.
Do you have a number where I can contact him?
No. But I will leave the follow through for as long as possible .. probably in two weeks.
But you're supposed to HELP children, this will cause Jared grief.
Sorry, but I have to follow through. They have to be told this is border-line
abuse. I will have to mention Jared's case but don't have to say where the
complaint originated.

Right... like they're not going to know!!!!!
It could come from a Government Department... a hospital for example ... or
a doctor ... I won't mention you.

I rang them as soon as they did the dirty deed... of course they'll know it came from me
and Jared will now suffer for this.
There's nothing I can do to stop the process.

So, I thought ... OK... the Assistant Commissioner of Police... I'll get in touch
with him myself. Thank God for 'GOOGLE"!!

I found out the phone number.. called him in Brisbane.
He listened to the whole story and said he would pass on the information to the
Regional Commissioner of Police who would have received the complaint
and he would call me.

At the time of writing this I've heard nothing. I rang the Assistant Commissioner
late yesterday but he was at a meeting. His secretary said she would pass on
my message... as yet.. no reply.


I just rang the Director at the Office of the Commissioner of Police,
spoke to his secretary.... she had passed the message on and apparently
an Inspector Debbie Platz is handling the case and she is with the Northern
Division of the Commissioner's Office. Naturally she didn't have her number handy
but would find it and call Insp. Platz and ask her to call me today.

I don't waste time waiting for calls.....

Armed with the name and Google at my command I found Insp. Platz
and her phone number... took 15 seconds!!!!

So I called... she is out and will be back in about an hour and a half...
so I left details and if she doesn't call me ... I'll call her in 2 hours.


So ... In the meantime ... what else happened this month so far.....
Oh yes, I went to a specialist about my arthritis problems...
He said there was no hope for me.... might as well put me down NOW!! LOL!!!

He thought I looked familiar. Said I should ... since I'd seen him at least
once a week for 2 months prior to Christmas when he was looking after
Mum at the hospital!! *S* I mentioned him singing Scottish songs to Mum
the day she left... then he remembered me :-)

I was in total agony the day of the visit. He decided I should go back on
Methotrexate again but would need monthly blood tests to make sure it wasn't
causing any adverse reactions. Also have to take 3 folic acid tabs a week.

Regarding the dry skin and the loss of hair... he had me get a blood test
to check for lupus ... Lord it just get's worse... *S*
Have to report back to him in 3 months and have an appointment with
my GP to get results of the blood test next Tuesday (21st)

I've been on the Methotrexate for 2 weeks (one tab per week) and today I'm
beginning to feel the benefit. I guess it takes time to kick in. I've felt like crap
up to now. Found it harder and harder to drive, especially backing out of
the driveway. It's OK at the shopping centres because I can drive straight out
of most 'disabled' parking areas. My wrists and ankles have been giving me hell....


OK, got word from the regional office and was informed that the Commissioner
won't be available until after 2pm Monday... BUT neither he nor the local officer
(Melinda) will do anything about the school on Monday until after I speak to them.
So... am keeping my twisted fingers crossed.


Hervey Bay Christian Academy students....
Like lambs to the slaughter!!! **S**


OK... I got a call from a Sgt. Guild who works in Juvenile Protection here at Hervey Bay.
He was going to come Tuesday with some form for me to sign to enable me to withdraw
my complaint
... it's now Thursday and I haven't heard fom him.
As long as they don't go to the school and make things miserable for Jared... I can wait.


Went to my GP on Tuesday... I don't have lupus... so that's a plus !!
We still haven't figured out why I lose hair every time I brush... or why my skin is dry :-(
I also saw something on A Current Affair about clinical trials for some arthritis drug...
so I asked her how you get into these trials.... I'm desperate!!!
She gave me a number to call and they took my details. They will be doing trials
starting April this year BUT not for what I saw on the TV program.
The one I saw was supposed to be a drug that reverses the Rheumatiod Arthritis problem.
The nurse I spoke to said... there is no miracle cure... don't believe all you see on T.V.

They do the clinical trials (at least... the interviews) in Maroochydore....
Don't know how the heck I'm going to get there... can't drive too far any more and it's
2 1/2 hours south of here :-( Guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Have to get an x-ray on my bony butt.... it hurts when I sit.... which is most of the time
these days (guess I'm a P.I.B.... but you already knew that!! LOL!!)
I am so sick of feeling sick... if I were a horse... I'd shoot me *S*

My mother got a call from a doctor at the Prince Charles Hospital (Brisbane) yesterday!
I was stunned... The doctor was checking up to see what had happened when she left
the hospital. I'm floored that he cared enough to call....
He also said if she got a little stronger there might be a chance she could
get an angiogram....


Got a letter yesterday from a company here called EFTEL... NEVER heard of them,,,
since they thought fit to send me a bill for something I've never had and don't want...
I called them....

The guy said they had taken over some other company and I must have been on their
books at one time.... he listed the companies... never heard of any of them!
Outcome: Ignore the bill (which I intended to do anyway)

However... I was looking at it later.... I should have asked him to send me the
$41.24 credit... LOL!!!!


Friday 24th February

Took Mum for her checkup today, she has to get an x-ray too...
we thought she might (to see the progress on her oesteoarthritis on her spine)
so I made an appointment for both of us next Wednesday.
She's doing OK... not perfect, but OK.
The doc reduced 2 of her pills... with instructions that if she started feeling
worse again she was to go straight back on them.

Me... well the whole day my legs have been giving me Hell.
I feel like there's an army of 'little people' inside my thighs, each constantly jabbing me
with a thousand needles. It hurts when I sit, when I stand and when I lie down and then
try to get up... it's a thousand times worse! I have a feeling this is coming from my spine....
an old golf injury, when I threw out my 4th lower vertebra.
So... between these pains and my 'butt'... I'm a crock!!!!!!!

Oh yes... a couple of nights ago I was trying to cover some potatoes I had cooked
in the microwave to keep them hot while the rest of the dinner was being prepared...
as I tipped it ( the dish)... the boiling hot water came out and scalded me just below my
boobs. I didn't scream... I just cried... Mum heard me... got me a towel so I could fill it
with ice... that eventually eased the pain. I had a look later and had a deep red mark
about the size of my hand. Now... a couple of days later I have 3 red welts,
each about half the size of my thumb under my boob area (stomach). If my
damned hands worked... this wouldn't have happened! If I got some help from
some of the people living in this house I night have also avoided it, but they always
have their heads stuck in their computers!!!


Sorry I seem like such a 'misery guts' this month..

This is still "A work in Progress" until the end of the month.


Latest News

Federal Parliament has voted to strip the Health Minister
of his power of veto power over the abortion drug RU486

And so they should!!!!

Even though I have thoughts on this being a promiscuous society and EVERYTHING
is "throwaway" today ... what right has some MALE got to tell a woman
what she CAN do or CAN'T do ????

I have 2 schools of thought on the abortion pill.
It SHOULDN'T be freely available. It should be controlled and provided,
depending on the circumstances. No way should it replace the PILL.



The richest man in this country, Kerry Packer died on Boxing Day (26th Dec)

Eulogies at the taxpayer-funded service were read by the Prime Minister,
John Howard, the cricket commentator Richie Benaud and the actor Russell Crowe.


The state memorial service in the Opera House's Concert Hall
It was directed by Peter Faiman ( Crocodile Dundee fame ).
The Packer family sent out about 1000 invitations.



They were all very lucky getting Life Sentences instead of the Death Penalty.
At least now they have a chance some time in the future of being released.
I wonder how people think they can ever get away with this sort of thing
especially knowing the laws in Indonesia. Their brains must be mush!!!

They are all basically still kids... in their early 20's ... what have they to
look forward to now???? Was it worth it??
Had they got away with it... how many other lives would have received
the Death Sentence from the drugs they were carrying ??



Jason is good to himself... got himself a brand new "top of the range"
EXPENSIVE camera!!
This is a pic he took of the moon....
Lord... you can even see the craters!!!!