October 2003
Latest on the Pauline Hansen saga.
Just heard on the John Laws radio programme the every time she has a visitor
she is taken into a room with 2 other prisoners ...
has to remove all her clothes...
Her mouth is inspected (under her tongue)
Her anus is inspected.
Her vagina is inspected.
Her hair is inspected and
under her arms is inspected!
She is then permitted to see her visitors.
When her visitors leave...
the whole process is repeated before she is allowed back to her cell!!
Our Prime Minister has the gaul to condemn Saddam Hussein when he's
no better himself allowing this lady to suffer this sordid degradation
for a 'crime' that would rate a fine if she'd been tried in N.S.W. instead
of Queensland.
Our Premier.... MrPeter Beatty, in allowing this to happen to Mrs. Hansen
is in a class along with Mr John Howard (George W's "Sherriff"!!)... scum!!
Howard's too busy licking G.W's boots and Beatty's backing up his
Minister who allowed foster carers to 'abuse' (physically and sexually)
children in their care.
This country makes me SICK!!!
It's never a case of the punishment fitting the crime.....
it's a case of ... if you're unpopular with the ruling party.... then
the punishment for misdemeanours is 100 fold.
22nd October
Another glaring Goverment stuff up...... came to light today!
We suffered the loss of a national airline last year... Ansett.
40,000 workers all lost their jobs... no holiday pay, no redundacy money,
so.... the Government decided to put a $10 levy on all airfare in order to
collect sufficient funds to be able to give these people their entitlements.
I mistakenly thought that when the levy was removed in July this year that
the funds would be distributed to the workers.... WRONG!!!!
Apparently the government has made a $215,000,000 profit on the deal and
is going to use the money for OTHER purposes!! The Ansett ex employees are
getting none of it!! Some have had to sell their homes and cars... does our
Government care???? NO! The majority still don't have jobs!
Our Treasurer keeps telling us how well we're doing economically... BAH!!!
How can we be doing well when there are not enough jobs to go around??
23rd October
George W gave his speech in the Australian Parliament today.
I was totally surprised that the Ministers behaved totally out of character!
There was basically silence as he spoke except for the occassional "Here! Here!"
Two Ministers were supposedly ejected from the House... one.. our
'big mouthed' Bob Brown (from Tasmania)... but as the Speaker of the House
(who keeps them in order) asked for Mr Brown to be removed... Mr Bush said
"I believe in free speech!" and caused laughter through the House *S*
I caught a glimpse of Mr Brown shaking hands with the President in the news
later on this evening.
We were told Mr Bush was spending the afternoon at an Aussie style BBQ..
caught that on the news too.....WE'VE never had a BBQ sitting at huge tables
with wine glasses and the best cutlery LOL!!! Oh yes... and NO BLOWFLIES!
Not a proper Aussie BBQ without the BLOWFLIES *S*
Jared has been very sick for 2 days. I rang the doc at 8:30am to get him
checked quickly... couldn't fit him in until 12:30! That would mean he wouldn't
be seen until nearly 2pm!! They're always running late! So I got Jason to
take him to the hospital... he was back withing half an hour. He had some
sort of virus which made him throw up constantly... he was really weak and
looked horribly pale. There's nothing of him... he's so skinny... so he has
nothing to fall back on when he gets sick. But he came back with medication
that settled his stomach.... but it took him 2 days to get over it.
Apparently his half brother had the same problem at the weekend..... didn't
find this out from Jared until the second day he was off school. You'd think
his mother would have had the sense to keep Brandon home instead of
spreading his germs to everyone else. But that's par for the course with her..
it would have meant she's have to give up her weekend looking after one of her
kids and that's just NOT ON!
I've felt like crap this past week... I can't stop falling asleep... all hours
of the day. Doesn't matter how much sleep I get... I'm still tired. Feel like
Friday 7th November
Pauline Hansen and David Ettridge were freed yesterday after their
Appeal. Tony Abbott, I hope will pay for this!!! He and his cohorts
who organised a 'slush' fund to 'get Hansen and Ettridge' will be shaking
in their shoes today... I hope. I'm sure the Prime Minister, our
'Man of Steel' gave his approval to Tony Abbott and I hope he too is
shakin' in his boots.... though he's such a liar I'm sure he'll do his best to
weasel out of any association he had with the 'witch hunt'!
They had 3 Bail application hearings which were denied. This is totally
ridiculous considering the allegations....
According to the judges yesterday this should never have gone to trial
in the first place because of the lack of evidence. They said it was a
miscarriage of justice. Millions of dollars has been spent on these hearings,
trial, and appeal which should never have happened in the first place.
Both Pauline and David found while they were in prison, that there are
other people 'inside' who shouldn't be there BUT they don't have the
money or political pull to be able to do anything about it. I have a feeling
Pauline and David will be working on this problem in the future.
As Pauline has always said... "The truth will set me free"
I admire her for her faith.
I hope the truth will set me free too... I have something in the 'works'
regarding the misery the Protective Office caused me since 1996 but
can say nothing about it until February or March next year. I've been
asked to keep quiet for the time being. Maybe 2004 will be a year of
change for me.
Well, Jared was away at camp for a week... camp... huh!! I've never
heard of a camp that has a la carte meals!!!! These kids had it great!!
they had a professional chef!! They all loved the food!!
Jared got chased by a bull... LOL!! That's about all we've been able
to extract from him about his week away... oh yes... they also told him
he was a 'natural' at milking cows *S*
His teacher is putting all the photos he took on a CD so we can purchase it.
Jason is making preparation to go to Holland. I'm not looking forward
to Christmas this year... it'll only be Mum and I. He's also talking about
sending Jared back here to go to school. I know Jared would rather be
with his father... so I've sent off a few emails to find out about schools
in Holland. Jared's not being able to speak Dutch doesn't help. I'll miss
him like Hell but he should be with his father not his grandmother and
Back on the soap-box (grin)
Random blood tests have been done on our Army personnel....
looking for illegal drugs..
Guess what!!
47 of them so far face civilian life in their near future!!
Now..... if they did blood tests on ALL military personnel......
our military defence forces would be almost non existant!!!
I can never understand anyone feeling the need to fill their bodies with
unnecessary drugs to get 'high'.... why don't they try getting 'high' on LIFE
instead. It would be a much better world all round.
I have enough trouble taking prescribed medication!!
Off my soap-box *S*
I've also been doing a page here and there on my book, but it becomes
depressing and I have to stop. All the horrible memories come flooding back.
Things I'd forgotten about... like being told by these creeps I'd be better
off divorcing my husband but still look after him. The people who didn't even
'know' my husband or myself who felt the need to interfere in our lives and
those who did know us but turned on me because they thought there would
be money in it for THEM.
Worst of all... how close I came to losing my home.
Friday 20th November
This is 'Fair Dinkum'! *S* Personally I think that the fact that we people who live "downunder" hanging on to the Earth upside down... must have an effect on the brains of our politicians!!
Their latest decision involves our female population... Apparently the birth rate has dropped considerably over the last decade or so... We're just NOT producing enough baby Aussies *S* Because of this our government is considering putting a Bill through Parliament to offer those mothers who produce children $11,000 per year for the first 5 years of the child's life!
But wait... there's more!!!
Then for the years they spend in Primary school ( 6 years in other States... 7 in Queensland ) they want to pay these mothers $4,000 per Year...
But wait... there's more!!!!
Then for their High School years (6 of them elsewhere... 5 in Queensland) they are willing to up the ante to $6,000 per year!!!
But wait... there's more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd be VERY happy to relieve our government of $115,000 ANYTIME!!!!!
Let's see... if I had 5 kids at $115.000 a pop.... that would be...
$55,000 a year for the 1st 5 years $275,000
$20.000 a year for the next 7 years $140,000
......................$30,000 a year for the last 6 years $180,000 .......................................----------------------
What a dead easy way to make a cool $595,000 !!!!!
This idiot we have as a Treasurer is supposed to be
the best Treasurer we've ever had!!!
I wonder who he thinks is going to pay for this?????
Would you like one final laugh for this month????
Then check this page out. LOL!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving...
that is... those who celebrate the holiday *S*
Hugs til next time,