Well it's mid November already! Where do the weeks go???????
Our PSP classes are almost finished until next Feb.
I'm looking forward to the break so that the pressure is off. Might get some time to update a couple of my sites... create new tuts.... play with PSP8.....
(which doesn't impress me at first glance) and spend some time with the
AIPSP Masters.

Jared will be finished school for the year in 4 weeks... LESS.... he finishes on the 10th of December... I'm dreading it... it's going to be awful without him here. BUT... it looks like he'll be back at the end of January to go back to school while his father organises a job for himself. I wish he'd get one shortly after arriving in Holland, then Jared could stay. As much as I'd miss him, he belongs with his Dad.


Jason has been packing up his computer stuff... he's taking it with him. He's sorted out a couple of problems for me this past couple of weeks... that's what I'm going to miss... instant technical assistance. He's not much help in any other way.

Enough on that... it depresses me.

I had to get a new hard drive... ran out of space. So Jason went to see Warren (his ex wife's partner. who has a computer business with his brother) to see what kind of deal he could get me. We got a 40gig drive and I paid $50 deposit.
Later that day Warren rang Jason and told him to tell me to consider the drive paid! I loaned him some money a couple of years ago (when I had some money) and lost the list of payments... so he may still have owed a little.. I don't know how much, but I wrote it off. Because of this he let me have the drive for $50. So... I guess... what goes round comes round *S* He thought this was the perfect opportunity to pay me back.

We had 2 Garage sales this month... one advertised.. one not. Needless to say the advertised one went better but we didn't get rid of all the stuff we wanted.
Jason's been trying to sell his car... hasn't happened yet.

The garden has become a jungle once more! This is too much for me... I can't cope
with it all... it was OK when there were a few of us living here but soon it'll only be Mum and I :-( It's too much for both of us. If I leave it for a couple of weeks it's overgrown so quickly. I have at least 4 trailer loads of cuttings to go to the dump again... never ending!

We've been lucky with the weather this Spring... lots of wind keeping the humidity
and temperatures down. I just hope Summer travels the same way. I think you all
know by now.. I HATE the heat!!

Jason finally let the scorpions go. The ones Jared collected when he went camping
with his Dad. You wouldn't believe.... that very week Jared was doing a school project on.... you guessed it... scorpions!!!! He could have taken them to school as part of his project. He got by without them *S* So.. all we have left is the Cat from Hell and the cockatiel. How quickly life has changed in the past 2 years....

A dear friend who reads this Journal told me that there was very little about ME in the last journal... she wanted more about moi !! *S* Well Vee, Jamie's not much in the mood for talking about herself this month... things are changing too fast for me, I can't keep up and it's all becoming too hard. I hate the thought of an empty house when it's been full for ever. Maybe if I felt fitter it might make a difference. I'm going to work on that now.

I have something coming up in Feb/March 2004 for which I have to lose weight, but can't mention it just now because I've been told to keep quiet about it. That's a joke.... Jamie keeping quiet about something LOL!!! BUT I could BLOW it if I don't... so you'll all just have to stay in suspense *S*


Jason was told yesterday he has to be in Holland before the 15th of this month!!!!
He also got news (the day before) about something else which could change his life
dramatically,,, for the best!! It could make a huge difference for all of us. This is all I'm saying about it because as sure as I open my yap... it'll all fall through. I just pray it works out.

It's bucketing today... Jared was sick last night, earache and a bit of a cold, didn't go to swimming with the school this morning, but went in at 9:30am when it was over. He thought it better to go to school rather than be bored here all day *S*
What a smart child!!

Last Sunday we went to get the papers and had a talk about what's going to happen in the forthcoming months.... I happened to mention maybe having to come home for a while for school and live with 2 'old ladies' until his dad get's organised....
He corrected me... "TWO LADIES Nanny! Not two OLD ladies!!" Isn't he just the
sweetest child *S* He can be a right royal pain in the butt at times, but comments like that make up for all the PIB times.

I've been thinking about the events this past year personal and world events.
It's been an awful year! Personally... our mouse died, our rat, Doris, died, Pippa my little 14 year old Shi-Tzu went to Doggie Heaven. Jared got no peace at the skate park... had his bike stolen, which if you remember, we recovered purely by being in the right place at the right time. The he had his safety helmet taken and smashed to pieces by foul mouthed hooligans. Last but not least.... Chantal left us with her 'carpet destroying Cat from HELL'! NO... don't anyone suggest I have her declawed... as much as I detest her at times... there is no way I could be that cruel to ANY animal. I think it's barbaric.

Then.. the world situation.. the year began with horrendous bushfires, the Challenger
disaster, the threat of war in Iraq, floods, tornados, earthquakes. Then... the reality of war in Iraq, the loss of hundreds of young lives. Here in Australia... Pauline Hanson and David Ettridge being jailed when they were proven innocent months later. The Governor General finally being thrown out of office for his part in sympathising with paedophile priests instead of their victims. The numerous trips overseas our Prime Minister has HAD to have. I can see his reasoning in taking them.. next year is an election year and he may not get back in... so best milk it for all it's worth...'Right Johnny???'

Our high school graduates celebrate the end of 12 years of hard slog (for some).. by descending on the Gold Coast, here in Queensland, for a week. I believe they had
something like 1700 police assigned to protect them. Right!!! FOUR of those
'protectors' are under investigation!! Interfering with some of these kids!! Taking them to their hotel rooms! Great when they're not even safe from those assigned to look after them!!!! What IS the world coming to??????


What a great Christmas for the people of Iraq!! Whether or not they celebrate Christmas, millions of Iraqis must be breathing a huge sigh of relief now that Saddam Hussein has been captured. All we need to do now is get Osama Bin Laden and the world will be rid of the two most sadistic excuses for human beings in existance. G.W. has reason to celebrate... this will most likely help his campaign next year. The irony is.... those poor families who will be having Christmas without those young people in the military who gave their lives for the freedom in Iraq. I pray that now, there will be some semblance of peace and that they work towards one goal... the rebuilding of a free Iraq, so this war hasn't been a wasted effort.

Well, Jason and Jared leave tomorrow morning from Hervey Bay at 10am heading for Holland. I have really bad vibes about this whole trip... I hope for once I'm wrong. I didn't know until these last couple of weeks that Chantal has been leading Jason a merry chase with her 'on and off' commitment to him for the past 10 months. He seems to believe that once they're together again all will be hunky dory... for his sake I hope so too.

Jared is coming home at the end of January to go to school. That's another thing I
inadvertantly overheard during a conversation Jason was having with Chantal. He was telling her that Jared comes with the territory.. he's his son and a big part of the 'package'. I questioned him about it later... but he fobbed me off.. saying I'd 'misheard' (I don't think so!!).

For those of you who don't know....
Jason got this trip through a TV program in Holland called "All you need is love".
They have paid his and Jared's return fare. Jason wrote to them because they re-unite people (in love) from all over the world. BUT EVERYTHING has been 'last minute' arrangements! So between Chantal's commitment problem, not being able to tell her what's going on (it has to be a surprise) and the lousy organisation for the flights by the TV program we've ALL been under stress.

Jared wanted to say one final goodbye to his brother this past weekend. First... his mother said 'No"... Hayden was grounded! (He's always grounded!!!). Then she relented and said he could see Hayden at his grandma's on Sunday.... (I guess that way SHE wouldn't have to be bothered with Jared...)

So Jared went over on Sunday. His grandma gave him some things she'd been keeping since her days as a radiologist. She wanted Jared to have them because she knew he'd look after them. She also took him to the toy shop... so he could choose something for his Christmas. What he really wanted was a remote control submarine called "Seawolf" BUT he thought it was too expensive.... so he told her he'd be happy with some Ugio (not sure of the spelling *S*) cards. He got $24 worth and was thrilled with them. Hayden told him his mother had $100 to give him for his Christmas and to take away with him but she needed to know when he was leaving. Jared told us... "she can keep the 100 bucks... I don't want it!!" How many 11 year olds would turn down money in ANY circumstances???
Now you know what he thinks of his mother!!!

About 3 weeks ago Jared was over at his grandma's and Jason got a call from Helen to come right away... that the kids were in BIG trouble. Jason couldn't go because he was having a garage sale. So... I went...

The kids.. (apparently all 3 of them) had painted the side of a shed (a neighbour's shed) with a can of red spray paint they found sitting outside the shed. When I got there they were busy cleaning it off. This was so unlike Jared... but I shut up and listened to Helen's rantings.

Once it was cleaned up (fortunately it was water based paint) the woman who owned the shed asked if they were sorry. Jared was the only one who answered.. and said "Yes.. and we'll never do it again." She said.."you're just saying that.." Jared burst into tears and said that he doesn't say things he doesn't mean... she apologised.

We went back to grandma's and I happened to remark that this was so 'out of character' for Jared.... WELL did I cop a mouthful....!!!! I think Jared is perfect, innocent and can do no wrong!!!! I told her (Helen) she didn't know what she was talking about!! I know Jared's not perfect... but this is not the kind of naughty things he does!!

Then she asked why I never asked Hayden over... he hasn't been to my place for a
couple of years. My reason.... because he's too bloody devious and destructive.
After he visits all I have to do is have a wander around the place to see what plants have been hacked to pieces... what floats in the pool are of no use any more.... scratches he's gouged in good chairs in our storage shed.. etc..etc.. She shut up.

When Jared and I left, I cross questioned him on the way home. Seems he didn't do ANY of the painting.... I asked why he didn't go to get grandma when the other 2 started.... 'because he didn't want to get in trouble'. So I informed him.... condoning what his brother and half brother did makes him every bit as guilty as they were. Standing back and saying nothing doesn't help. He still got punished because he had to help clean it up.. plus we grounded him for not stopping the other two before it got out of hand.

Being the eldest he should have had more sense. I explained that being an accessory
is just as bad. You don't have to commit a murder to be guilty... being there and saying nothing makes you just as guilty as the one committing the crime.

TUESDAY 16th DECEMBER (1:15am)

Fell asleep on the sofa last night.... this is the BIG day!!
The day when my phone bill starts reducing... the day when I'll be able to connect to the Internet when I need to without having to wait.... the day when I'll be able to receive phone calls (from now on) because Jason isn't permanently connected to the NET....

It's going to be dead around here BUT I'm going to enjoy the peace and quiet while I can because I don't know how all this is going to turn out. While Jason was out yesterday he got 2 calls on his mobile which I missed but I caught the 3rd call and the person on the end hung up. Apparently Chantal calls him and hangs up to let him know HE has to call HER because it's TOO EXPENSIVE for HER to call HIM.
Does she think.... WE can make calls for free!!!!!!!?????

I overheard part of the conversation and it seems to me that she's got nothing but
negative thoughts about Jason's going to Holland! She thinks he's leaving in a couple of weeks. I feel so sorry for Jason... OK... I get mad at him (with good reason) at times... BUT he always seems to choose schizophrenic women! His ex wife has a 'screw loose', Kim... who he teamed up with after Helen was a drug addict, Babette, who he spent 5 years with had huge problems... she drove him nuts... and now Chantal, who I THOUGHT was different, turns out to be 'cracked' too! I should have realized this when she brought the Cat From Hell back from Brisbane with her in May 2002. She was told fifty times at least (by ME) that we were NOT to get a cat! But she ignored what I said and conned Jason into bringing it back with them.

I can't imagine being overseas on holiday, knowing full well that I would be leaving for home one day.... and turning up at my hosts home with an unwanted pet that would be left for THEM to look after! If it wasn't so bloody expensive to transport.... the cat would be travelling with Jason today!

It got in a fight with another cat last week... ended up with a huge hole in it's back thigh.... cost Jason $97 at the vet to have her attended to. I won't be paying out that kind of money on her. Truth be known... depending on what happens in the next few weeks... I'll be looking for a new home for her. I'm sick of being dumped with Jason's pets. He got Dingo from the pound before he and Helen got married but they moved to a place that didn't allow pets so Dingo came to us. When they eventually moved to a place that DID allow pets.... did he take Dingo back??? NO.. he got ANOTHER dog! He had to give that one away because he didn't have the time to look after it (he was working on our charter boat at the time).


Saw Jason and Jared off at the airport on Tuesday... I cried :-(
Moreso for Jason because he didn't know what to expect when he got to Holland and then for me because I'll miss him and Jared.

It was awful coming back to an empty house and the mess left in the bedroom and
'computer' room. Mum tackled the bedroom and I took the computer room. I'm still working on it. I know Jason would have done more to get rid of unwanted stuff before he left but he was exhausted from constantly pacifying Chantal and from the 'last minute' arrangements by the people from the TV program. They couldn't organise the return flights from Hervey Bay to Brisbane... he had to do that and he had to pay for them but would get reimbursed once he got to Holland.
They left him a weekend (with the airport office closed) and Monday to get things
arranged. All his money had been changed into Euros... so he had to go to the Bank
on Monday and change some back to pay the fares!

When we got to the airport on Tuesday the dorks doing the baggage and tickets started fussing about his baggage! He had permission to take an extra 20kg but our bathroon scales must be out a little... he had an extra 2kg over his limit! BIG BLOODY DEAL!!! That was 1kg each for he and Jared! These idiots were weighing everything... I stepped up and asked what the problem was... informed them that camera bags and coats don't get weighed and neither does the little trolley I had given him to tote around the cabin baggage. They gave in eventually *S*

We watched them take the baggage to the plane... Jason's computer was 'perched' at the back of the trolley they drove!! It had "FRAGILE" warnings all over it! All it needed was a small bump and it would have been on the ground! We held our breath until they stopped next to the plane.


I kept checking my email on Wednesday after 4pm to see if they'd arrived safely.
Nothing by 7pm... so I watched some TV. When I finally came through to my computer
I worked on converting some tutorials to PSP8 for our February class. Eventually I checked my mail, I think it was after midnight... there was one from Jason.... it had come in at 7:15pm!! They had arrived and had been met by the TV crew. They were taken to the Mercure Hotel to freshen up and had to do the "arrival' thing again for the TV cameras *S* They'd arrived about 7am Wednesday and after lunch the whole team set about taking Jason and Jared and 2 other people to meet their 'loved ones'.

I waited for more emails... none forthcoming. So on Thursday night (my time), I tried phoning.... the line was busy, busy, busy!!! Obviously Jason was able to get on the NET!!!! I persevered and FINALLY got through. Their trip was uneventful. Travelled business class on Malaysian Airlines to Kuala Lumpur, then tourist on KLM to Amsterdam. (Heck... you'd think that since KLM is a sponsor of the program they'd have had them in Business class on their flight).

Chantal apparently was having a rostered day off work. Her boss was in on the deal.... so he organised for her to come in that afternoon... said they needed the extra staff *S* The TV people arrived and started chatting to her... she hadn't a clue who they were.... they let her know 'someone' was waiting outside to see her.... she went out and looked in the wrong direction... they told her to look the other way... I believe she said "S#@T!!!! LOL!!! I imagine there were hugs and kisses.... don't know... will have to wait and see the film *S*

That evening the company she works for was having a 'going away' party for one of their employees, Jason and Jared were invited. He was made to feel so comfortable... not like a stranger. He talked to the 'higher ups' and got the impression that now that he'd finally arrived they'd help him find work somehow. He couldn't believe how genuine and friendly they were.

Chantal, Jason and Jared all have to go into the studio on Saturday (their time) to complete the filming for the show. It goes to air in Holland on Christmas Eve.

Jason and Jared have both been out and about,,, Jared on the back of Chantal's Moped and Jason on a pushbike (Giggle). Jason tells me he's going to get himself a Moped eventually... big difference from the 1100 he had sitting in the garage here *S* Jared was very quiet on the phone, maybe he misses us... didn't want to ask... didn't want to upset him. He wanted a Moped of his own and couldn't understand that he'd need to be old enough to get a license first *S*

At least I feel better about the whole thing now that I know it all went well and that Jason doesn't feel like a stranger in a strange country. He was surprised that everyone spoke English fluently... makes things a lot easier for him.

Back to me....
Been in a really weepy mood...
Can't really be bothered with anything difficult....
I miss being able to make smart cracks with Jason... can't do it with Mum... she always takes it the wrong way, doesn't seem to see the funny side of anything. I know she's not real well but she won't go to the doctor... would rather suffer and moan about it.

Got my hair cut yesterday. My hairdresser asked if I was 'growing' it... what a stupid question!!! I can't stop it growing! It just went too long between trims. Did I want a 'trim' or did I want the 'usual'??? I asked what the difference was.. about an inch and a half and an extra $10!!! Gimme a break!!!! A half inch trim is $21 (that's with no washing and a quick dry!) to take off 2" was $31 !!! AND THAT was the discount rate!!!! I got the $31 deal... it needed it but I can tell you... the next time it grows too long before I go in I'll hack of an inch and a half myself first!!! Bloody ridiculous! It used to cost me $31 for a wash, trim AND a proper blow dry. It does feel better though. The weather is starting to warm up... been 31 degrees for a few days.. and humid.

Did the shopping today... I hate it.... I ask Mum what she'd like for meals... doesn't know....
I'm sick of buying stuff she doesn't eat. She watches me put stuff in the shopping cart and says nothing. When I get round to making meals.. she decides she doesn't like meat... she just wants salads... grrrrrr!! Of course when it comes to salads... she doesn't like avocado, mushrooms, baby corn, olives and could really do without the lettuce... grrrrr some more *S* Doesn't like pasta, but does like fettucini if it's boiled for an hour and a half!!! Can't have it al dente!!!

I can see this is going to be fun for the next few weeks until Jared comes back for a while.. at least he likes my cooking and eats most things except cooked mushrooms.
Likes them raw.

I'll close now before I become more maudlin (look it up *S*)

I hope everyone else has a wonderful Christmas season and all you could ever
wish for in 2004.

I have a Christmas page for all of you... you'll find it
See you in 2004!!!!