No.... I haven't died... nothing is wrong... but some things could be better *S*
I truly haven't been 'slacking'... in fact, quite the opposite
BUT I must confide....
that had a few of the friends I DO still have not contacted me to find out if
I was ill, I probably wouldn't have this page sitting open on your screen
right now. Some of you actually missed getting my Journal.....
Can you believe that!!!!???? All I can say is THANK YOU for caring *S*
There are three pages to read this time because I just haven't had the time over the past months to upload before this. Consider yourself lucky though... it means I haven't remembered everything I'd like to have talked about either *S*
Tuesday 10th June
Would you want this running your country???
He's got a face only a mother could love!!
Told you he was a weasel!
Smug little pompous ass!
Got this out of the Sunday paper...
just incase you didn't know what our Prime Minister looks like.
This is the spineless moron who decided to tax air travellers $10 per ticket so that the Ansett (airline) ex employees could get their redundancy money... last year when the company collapsed.... they still haven't received it and there's no sign of the tax being lifted!
He also knew about the rape allegations against the previous Governor General as far back as last Christmas and said nothing!!
I could spend a whole page on this pitiful excuse for a man....
But I'm not going to waste my time.
Well, it's the wee small hours of Tuesday morning.
We've just had our last public holiday until Christmas Day.
Since I don't have a "real" job then every day is a holiday...
I suppose *S*
Jason has had one headache (today) since his hospital visit, but he managed to get rid of it while Mum and I were out with Jared for a while. Thank the Lord for the new medication.
One day early last week the Cat From Hell lost her collar.
Jason reckoned someone must have removed it because
'she couldn't get it off herself'.
That was the day she discovered the roof.
Well... we thought it was long gone... until last Thursday.
I was poking through my wardrobe looking for something to put on to go to the doctor. Now, my wardrobe is jam packed... so it's with great difficulty that I'm able to find anything...
I was pushing the clothes apart by the hangers
and you'll never guess what fell at my feet!
Yup! The damned collar!
I want to know how it got stuck UP in amongst my clothes.
The Cat from Hell ain't talking!!
Friday June 19th
Looks like I have to eat my words....
public pressure has finally got to our illustrious Prime Minister.
Heard on the news yesterday.... the government is withdrawing
the $10 tax on airfaires... in July.
Guess they have to keep their books neat....
our tax year ends on 30 June.
End June
I've been so busy with the classes I'm having trouble remembering anything else that's been going on.
Jared is on school holidays until Bastille Day, 14th July.
He discovered our new neighbours at the back have 3 sons. 2 of them around his age so he does a lot of fence hopping these days.
They're ex Sydneysiders. It was lousy weather yesterday so the spent hours playing Monopoly. When Jared first visited then he came home telling us THEY have a PLAYSTATION... they have PAY TV... they have lots of computers... I bit my tongue.... I could see days spent watching TV and playing on the Playstation... wasn't happy at all. But as things turned out...
Jared has more sense than I give him credit for because the novelty has worn off.
Thank you Lord for small mercies!
He's also been going to his other Grandmother's at the weekends to visit and play with his brother who's there all the time. His Mum uses the excuse she's working (rubbish!!) so that her mother will look after the 2 kids she has
(Jared's brother and 1/2 brother).
We won't travel down THAT road today because I'm not in a very good mood *S*
Jared rang her last Sunday morning wanting to know if he could go over to her place since Hayden said they were going home Saturday night. She told him they'd be at Grandma's at 10:00am. So Jared waited until 10 and rode over to Grandma's on his bike,,,
no one home!!!!
He came back in tears. I'd like to strangle her!
She doesn't deserve to have kids!
Went to Jared's school for a one on one meeting with his teacher re his progress this first semester. What a difference from the last 2 years at the other school. Sorry Jane (If you're reading this).
We are thrilled with the way he's progressing, he's gradually catching up with everything. His Math has improved as has his story writing in English. His teacher showed me an essay he had written about the camping trip he and his Dad went on... I couldn't believe my eyes! Usually, Jared relates the main points of what he's trying to get across and that's it. WELL... this story was 'expanded'. So.. he does listen to his Nanny *S* I told him he has to make stories interesting and showed him how. Hallelujah!!! It sank in! I was so proud of him.
July/August continues on the next page