Well, only 5 days
between entries this time... that should
make it easier to remember stuff.
Oh yes...
Jared was away for
the weekend, stayed with his friend
Nicholas. Lord, it was quiet around here.
But on the upside...
the whole place was tidy for 2 WHOLE
Of course his father was gone for most of
those 2 days as well
that helped A LOT.
Before Jason left I
had a talk with him asking him where
his mind was at. Won't go into details...
suffice to say he was
most unhappy with our discussion.
Funny how some people can't handle the
He wandered back in on Saturday night
looking for an arguement, but didn't get
one from me. He said
some mean hurtful things to me, and left.
He returned Sunday
afternoon. I'd already done the front
(3 of them), I got sick of waiting for
him to help. It was a real struggle with
the mower, and my leg problem. Took twice
as long as normal. What made it even
worse was...
the protection plate at the back of the
mower fell off!!
You know..... the one that stops all the
grass and anything else
from flying up and hitting you in the
I didn't know how to get it back on...
the rivets must have
rotted (or whatever rivets do). So I had
to do the other 2 front lawns without the
Can you picture it....
me hobbling along at the RH side of the
pushing and pulling it with one hand.
Why does this stuff ALWAYS happen to
After I did the
front I came inside and was so bushed I
had to have a rest... put my head on the
pillow and DIED!
Jason came home while I was asleep... so
did Jared.
I went out to do the
back lawn... THEY watched a video on TV!
I went down the side of the house to hose
the paths and when I got back the mower
was gone. I could hear it churning away
out by the pool. So... he must have got a
case of the 'GUILTS"..
made no difference to me, I still didn't
talk to him.
I went off to have a
shower after I had a caffiene hit
and again put my head down for 5 minutes
and died.
Mum woke me up asking what Jason was
doing in the kitchen.
How the devil would I KNOW???? AND I
didn't care.
Apparently he made
I guess this was his way of
apologising... didn't cut it with me!
He was left to do the dishes as well.
Came Monday about
noon and I still hadn't spoken to him
BUT unfortunately it wasn't convenient
for me... So I
made the first move. He ended up
apologizing, verbally
and saying that I WAS RIGHT!
Of course I was RIGHT... aren't parents
Lord, I should have
kept notes... here it is, the middle of
and I haven't a clue what happened in the
last 10 days.
Hey how lucky can YOU get?? LOL!
Jared's back at
school... seems to be doing OK.
Likes his teacher... hallelujah!!
We decided to give up on the school piano
and we are both taking private lessons
from the same teacher.
He didn't seem to be getting anywhere and
I can't
see the point of having a piano if I
can't play it.
should have kept writing...
now it's the end of February and my
mind's a total blank. (So what's
top of the news at the moment is our
Governor General (the Queen's
representative here in Australia)...
Dr Hollingworth, who was an Anglican
ARCHBISHOP before he took on his
currrent appointment!!
excuse for a man, while he was
Archbishop allowed a priest... who
had sexually abused children at a
college in Toowoomba, Queensland, to
have a Parish and continue
preaching.... after the Archbishop
was told by the Anglican Council to
get rid of him. Not only that... he
gave this man a $5000 pay increase as
well. He failed to advise the parents
of the children at Toowoomba
Preparatory College that some of the
children had been sexually abused by
this monster.
people of Australia are asking for
his resignation because he knowingly
kept this information secret. Of
course he's saying now that he did
nothing wrong! This man was patron to
a great many children's charity and
aid organisations. Quite a few have
now dropped him. It makes you wonder
why the offending priest was allowed
to continue preaching instead of
being punished. Perhaps it reeks af
blackmail, Perhaps he had something
he held over Archbishop Hollingworth.
That's the only reason I can think of
for this man keeping his job..
illustrious Prime Minister... Johnny
Howard (Coward) is running true to
form with his head buried in the
sand... supporting the Governor
General (henceforth to be referred to
as the G.G.)
This man (The P.M.) is an idiot!!!!!
Lord... you only have to watch him
waffle on T.V. interviews to know
he's the most non commital person on
this planet.
was interviewed for an hour by one of
our top talk back radio announcers,
John Laws. In that hour he said
nothing about anything, committed to
YOU trust THIS face????
Interview with Governor General - Prime Minister
Interview with Prime Minister - Mike Munro (60 Minutes)
Can't remember another blessed thing
that happened this month.
you all lucky *S*
will catch up with you all in March
and until then...
three words I can sum up everything
Ive learned
about life: It goes on."
-Robert Frost-