Jemima's Place ~ My Journal
September 2001




Friday 7th September 2001

Not a good start to this month..

My son (32) Jason was mugged last night. 6 thugs had him down on the ground trying to kick the life out of him. I was at the hospital with him early this morning. He was passing blood in his urine. His face is a mess. He's stopping at home with us until he feels better or at least until Monday when he has to go back to the hospital for an ultrasound on his kidneys. We went back this afternoon for another checkup on his urine and fortunately the bleeding has subsided.

This photo doesn't do justice to the 'work over' Jason got! It looked much worse in person.

Saturday 8th September

We spent much of the day at Soccer finals with Jared. His team won the first 2 games but lost the third and final game. I guess they were just too pooped. But they did well to get as far as they did.

My hands are swelling ( the fingers). At first I thought it was RSI but it's not just my right hand, it's both... I can't make a fist. I guess it's all the lifting I've been doing lately... Lord, I wish there was a man around to help sometimes.

Jared's going to his Mum's tomorrow with his Dad to take her a birthday present. He was really good today considering he couldn't really DO anything with his Dad. He's spent last night sleeping on the floor in the same room as his Dad 'just incase he needed him during the night'. He's so sweet!

Sunday 9th September

Jason was at least able to drive today and his lumps are receding. He's still not fit for work though. He and Jared went over to Jared's Mum's place but they were back home an hour later! She's strange! His brother was at his other grandmother's so there was no reason for him to stay :-(.... He's getting used to it.

Jason went home tonight.

Monday 10th September

Jason waited 5 hours at the hospital for the ultrasound!!!! Unbelievable!! Still... the results were good so I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies.

Wednesday 12th September.

I was so tired last night I just checked my email and went straight to bed. A friend (Faith) had sent one asking me to "pray for the United States". I sent one straight back asking "WHY???" I really couldn't understand why she would ask me to do that. Then I went to bed.

I got up this morning... checked my email and horror swept through me! The first email I checked was the one from Faith.... the tears flowed as I RAN through to put on the TV. I could not believe what I was seeing... Like everyone else, I was saying "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN??" How could any human being do this to thousands of other innocent human beings?

The problems we had been through this past week paled into insignificance! My immediate thought was WAR! We were glued to the TV all day. Tears again flowed as we watched the Twin Towers crumble and saw the people jumping from windows. It was like a horror movie, except this is real!! Words fail me as to the emotions we experienced during the day. We, like my American friends, are totally stunned. I can't write any more today....

Friday 14th September

We're still stuck to the radio and TV news. We've had time to ingest the events of this past week. The horror of this catastrophe has finally sunk in. With every sad story that unfolds from these broadcasts my family and I weep along with my American friends.

I know from experience though, the unqualified patriotism that lives and breathes in my American friends so, I know that they will eventually rise above this tragedy. They are already showing these evil, unfeeling bastards (excuse the language please) that they made a huge mistake if they thought their hienous deeds would bring the United Stated to their knees.

Which bring me to one of the topics of my last journal in August.....

The illegal immigrants..... Who is to say that these people actually ARE refugees? They have no papers, no identities.. no proof. They supposedly paid between 8 and 10 thousand American dollars for the privilege of boarding the leaky boats. Could they not also be Afghan terrorists???? They can't prove they are not SO WHY should this country take the chance?

We had some half cocked solicitors (lawyers) in Melbourne take the Government to court because John Howard refused to let these people land on Australian soil. These lawyers said that these people have been mistreated by our government and that the action taken was illegal. What Rot!!!! We didn't ask them to come here! We didn't force them to set off in the lousy boats in the first place. Some have said that the action taken by the solicitors is also illegal.... since they had no "clients".

Anyway the upshot is that the stupid Judge ordered that these 'illegals' be returned to Australia by Friday past. Needless to say the Government has put in an appeal so they still haven't set foot on Australian soil. Which is why I ask.... How can they be RETURNED to Australia when they haven't been here yet???? I just wonder what the Judge was "on".

We are to find out on Monday coming, the result of the appeal. I still think we did the right thing. Why would these people find it necessary to destroy their "papers". One would think they would hang on to them to facilitate things were they allowed to land here.

On a brighter note... Mr Clinton was well received here and his speeches in the name of charity were a huge success. Our 'gentry' turned up at these dinners in all manner of dress and "undress". Lord, some of the women in this country just have NO CLASS! They just plain lack any sense of fashion!

Before Tuesday's catastrophe 'Bill' was enjoying himself in North Queensland on a quiet holiday. Below is a photo of just how 'laid back' some of our citizens are. This photo was taken in Sydney. LOL.

This following photo of Jason was taken this afternoon. His face has healed pretty fast.. the only visible remnant of his 'altercation' last Thursday is the damage to his eye. I reckon he looks like 'Freddy Kruger' from "Nightmare on Elm Street". *S*

Well. that's it for this fortnight. We are waiting like the rest of the world to see when we are going to war. So, until the end of the month ...

Be kind to each other!






My Tribute


Sept 11 ~ Memorial Page

Sunday 16th September 2001
Today we went to Jared's soccer presentations. It's so cute... all the players got a trophy, which is great, it gives them (when they're little) encouragement.




Next term it's back to Touch Football which is played during the week after school SO we get to sleep in on Saturdays until next year!

Tuesday 18th September 2001

Well, the 'snivel-libertarians' lost their case in the Supreme Court yesterday.... yippee!!!!!!!!!!!

"Government wins Tampa appeal

The federal government scored a major legal victory with the Full Bench of the Federal Court ruling that the asylum seekers rescued by the Norwegian ship Tampa could be landed at Nauru.

In a majority decision, the three-member bench upheld the government's right to exercise its executive powers and overturned an earlier ruling that the 433 asylum seekers be returned to Australia.

In that case, Justice Tony North ruled that the government had illegally detained the mainly Afghani group when it sent armed SAS troops onto the Tampa as it lay in Australian waters off Christmas Island."

Thank God for common sense!!!!

Sometime during the last 2 weeks of September...

Jared and I went to a Memorial Gathering in honour of the firefighters in New York.... (I thought...) where we signed a Condolance Book to be sent to The White House.

The gathering began as expected, about the New York tragedy but then it ended up as a grievance platform for the local police and different situations the firefighters and public services had been in during the last few months. I was furious, I was under the misapprehension that this was to honour the dead and those working to recover bodies from the Trade Center rubble.

Our local government makes me sick!! I'll say no more!

Jared is on two weeks holidays from school... yippee!! I get to sleep in.He also celebrated his 9th birthday on the 25th and his Dad celebrated his 4 days later (his 32nd).

The one thing I love about Jared... he doesn't ask for a stack of things. All he wanted was a new game for his Gameboy, (which we bought in New York last Christmas). The Gameboy has been missing for months because of the mess this place was in while I was redecorating and I discovered it quite by accident a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for something else (isn't that always they way?)

So we got him what he wanted, his dad gave him money (THAT won't get spent... he's a saver) and I got him a couple of things to go with the Gameboy.

The Birthday Boy!

Big hugs for the money... Jared's favourite kind of present.$$$$$

Big hugs for Lena (Great Grandmother)

Nanny (ME) didn't feature in any pics with him I was busy taking them.

27 September 2001

Mum was itching to get out of Hervey Bay so we took off for Maroochydore (2 1/2 hours drive south)... they have a great shopping centre (Mall). I hate driving and to cap it off we had 2, 15 minute delays on the way (roadworks!!!!). Didn't have to worry on the way home because council workers quit leaning on their shovels at 4pm.

Mum insisted on getting new school shoes for Jared.. where was Jared???..... back in Hervey Bay, with his Dad. I wasn't keen, but anyone that has met my mother knows she's 'persuasive". So I let her get the shoes, against my better judgement. They were "u-beaut" shoes BUT with growing mushrooms you really need their feet along to be fitted *S* So of course when we got home and Jared tried them.... TOO SMALL!!!! Damn! That meant another 5 - 6 hour drive (there and back) to change them (which we did 3 days later with Jared in tow)

30 September 2001

Jared hates long trips too, UNLESS we spend the night in a motel *S* But he had his Gameboy to keep himself amused. First thing we did when we arrived was hit the restaurant (below).

When Jared was finished eating he wanted to go to the pet shop to wait for us. Since it was within viewing distance I said O.K. ,,, BIG MISTAKE!! I forgot that they had a heap of mice for sale and Jared also brought a whole $5 of his own money!

Well, he wouldn't be convinced that I was NOT going to take care of any more pets!! I gave in after 1/2 an hour on the promise that he'd take care of it. (I also thought about Sept. 11.... who knows what's going to happen tomorrow???)

Luckily we stopped on the way home for refreshments because I decided to fill the tank at the same time and was told by the guy at the garage that the road was closed a few miles ahead and wouldn't be reopened for at least 3 hours. A big accident. So, who knows... maybe the 1/2 hour delay deciding about the mouse saved our lives??

He directed us along a back road which was chock-a-block with traffic, but at least it was moving. I was dead beat when I got home but at least Jared had nice new shiny shoes for school.

Well, I'm too tired to bore you all any more, I'm off to bed! Night!!

Be kind to each other!





"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."

Thomas Alva Edison


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