September - 2000
Monday September 4.......
What a weekend!!
Friday began as a curtain washing day.... which was fine until I decided to move things around as well! For those of you who don't know, my computer is set up in my Dining Room (which we obviously don't use for dining anymore). It's chock-a-block full of files and folders to do with the hassles over the past years.
Well I decided to move things around to give more room to move. The computer got unplugged, cleaned, and rearranged once I moved the furniture. I had to phone Jason to come help move a cabinet. He was going to come in an hour and a half!! Not good enough! I wanted him here NOW!.... He came... did the job and was gone in 5 minutes. He did very well holding his temper I thought *S*
So with everything sparkling I plugged everything back in. Can't remember what, but I think it might have been an email I received.. I wanted to print it out.... Yikes!!!! The printer was spitting out garbage!
Jason came over again and had a look at it for me. He couldn't work it out... said he'd have to take it home and test it on his computer, said it was probably broken! NO WAY!! He's always in a hurry... always too busy to stop for long to help me. So I told him to forget it! It was working perfectly before and I couldn't see what difference unplugging and plugging it back in would do. I'd play around with it myself!
The minute he was gone I rang one of the computer places asking their advice. I got this guy who was so helpful... mind you he didn't have to part with free information, but he did.
I followed his instructions... got out the printer manual, unplugged the printer from the computer and did the test print as specified by the manufacturer. It worked perfectly! So, it wasn't broken!
I checked the plugs... they were put back tight. Next thing was to do a scan. I'd been having trouble with my 10gig drive, which incidentally, I'd asked Jason to have a look at over 2 months ago. It was only new, precious little on it, needed emptying and reformatting. So, I figured I might as well do that and scan both drives at the same time. This took forever... but I got it done... all by myself!! Did a virus check... that came up clean.
Since it worked beautifully I transferred a heap of files from my C drive to free up some space. With that done... it was about 4PM Saturday I decided it would be a good idea to defragment the C Drive. I got it started... went shopping, it was still going when I got back, had only done 25%. It took until just short of midnight to complete! So, I spent the night watching the Telly.
Once it was done I decided to try the printer again... STILL didn't work! I again checked the connections... then I remembered it was also connected to the scanner!! The plug I had taken out and replugged looked like it was the tiniest fraction further out than the one I hadn't touched. I removed it... plugged it back in tight... voila!!! It worked!! I couldn't believe it!
So, my computer is sparkling on the outside, cleaned up on the inside, it took all day, but it was worth it. Everything happens for a reason... maybe the printer went haywire to make me clean up everything *S*. So, who needs Jason... I took great delight in phoning him to tell him my printer wasn't broken and that I'd fixed it all myself.
BY THE WAY.... Jared won the Father's Day Raffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He must have connections higher up! He came in after school on Friday saying "Guess what Nanny!!!!" I knew immediately what he was going to say! So, why did I spend time on Thursday evening trying to ease him into a 'let down' when he might not win? I must learn to have the faith he has. *S*
It's his Mum's Birthday this Thursday. He might only be 7 (well, almost 8), but he likes to get her nice things. He chose a frilly, elegant, sexy pair of PJ's for Christmas.... he want's to get her some femine, lacy knickers for her Birthday! What a child!! He has us in stitches! So, I have to go with him tomorrow afternoon so I can help him make his selection. Funny, Jared, his Mum and his Dad were all born in September. Jared will be 8 on the 25th and Jason 31 on the 29th. They are all different personalities, even though Jared and his Dad are the same star sign.
He spent Father's Day with his Dad. We were going to drop him off after going to the Flea Market, but he wouldn't have any of that! It was Father's Day... he wasn't going to any Flea Market! I couldn't believe it.... he loves the markets! I told him we'd drop him off before we went to the market... would he just GET READY and stop wasting time! Fortunately Jason turned up, Jared told him we were in a "mood" because we wanted him to go to the markets... I told him to get his story straight... we were in a "mood' because he was being a pain in the butt! Anyway he went off happy *S*
Jared is into shells and fossils at the moment, so while we were at the market we bought him a heap of beautiful, unusual shells as a surprise for when he came home.
We decided to go down to the Harbour and have another look at the condition of the boat, Mum hadn't been near it for years. Maybe because it was a sunny day this time, it looked better. It wasn't in as bad condition as we thought. While we were at the harbour I got Jared a fossilised Nematoid Cephlapod. Don't ask....... All I know is he was thrilled and I was $28 poorer. *Grin*....
Friday September 8TH.....
The "highlight" of this week was a visit on Wednesday by the clerk from my ex solicitor's office, the solicitor, who instead of helping me decided to help himself by charging me almost $10,000 for nothing!
Immediate aggression greeted me when I answered to door! I was told I wouldn't be getting copies of anything! Not even copies of letters done after the 15th of March, which is when I had my last contact with him. Of course he expects me to pay almost $800 for 'work' he did after that date. I told this fellow that I have a right to know what he expects me to pay for. I was warned that if I refused to pay he would take me to court! I reminded him that I NEVER said at any time I wouldn't pay. His boss agreed to wait until funds were released... they haven't been released... therefore he'll have to wait!
He said that his boss would contact the solicitors handling the Probate of the Will and get them to pay him! So,,,,, I told him to go back to his boss and tell him that if he contacted those solicitors I WOULD SEE HIM IN COURT! My husband's will has nothing to do with his debt. My husband didn't owe him money.
This fellow who is now working for this lunatic solicitor used to be a 'friend'. We worked together on Pro Ams at the golf club for years . I told him he's been working for this creep for so long, he's beginning to sound like him and act like him! I WARNED HIM that if his boss does anything to hold up the probate of the Will I'll have his "guts for garters"!
So, once he left I immediately went to work on the complaint I was doing for the Law Society. It took me the rest of the day on Wednesday and half of Thursday but I got it express posted yesterday afternoon and the Law Society would have had it in their hot little hands this morning.
I had my current solicitor have a look at his account and he said I have a case for the Law Society. So... here's hoping. I'm sick of people taking advantage of me!
My little treasure Jared got 2 Gold Certificates at school this week and he's getting the ultimate.... the Principal's Award next Friday. Sometimes I'd like to strangle him *S* but his good points far out weigh his bad. He has school camp next Wednesday and Thursday and from the activities listed he should have a great time. Hope the weather's good.
It was his mother's Birthday yesterday and we had to go over after school to take her present. Jared got her a pair of lacy knickers.... can you believe this child!!! Most men have trouble picking out lingerie for their wives... but not my grandson! We also got her an outfit to go on top of his present *S*. He chose a pair of really feminine shorty PJ's for her Christmas last year *S*. Lucky woman who ends up with him :-) I think he gets it from his Grandfather on his Father's side of the family :-) (are you reading this David?)
It appears the Supreme Court is CLOSING DOWN for the OLYMPICS!! Any damned excuse to get out of work!! So I can add another 2 weeks onto the time it's going to take for settlement. Any plans I want to make will have to be done at the last minute by the looks of things! Grrrrrrrr!!!!!
Jason, my hopeless son has had major headache problems this week. Ended up spending a couple of hours at the hospital on Wednesday. He must have done something to his back because even our Bowen Therapist... who has magic fingers, couldn't do anything to help him.
That's about it for now...
Hope I haven't bored you.
Catch you later,
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