September - 2000

Tuesday September 12.......

So far... no word from the Law Society re my complaint... still, it was so detailed I suppose they need time to digest it all. They'll be notifying this solicitor that I have put in a complaint and will ask him to answer it. I'm sure I'll hear from HIM!!

Went to see Road to ElDorado with Jared at the weekend... he enjoyed it... we did too ... sort of :-)

As of last Wednesday I had lost 14 1/2 pounds... only 1 pound last week, but I expected it to slow down... couldn't lose 4 pounds every week, I'd end up ill.

Well, the Olympics are almost upon us.... there's still heaps of tickets available for the Opening Ceremony. I shouldn't wonder when they're only a sneeze off $1000 each! We'll be watching the Opening and Closing ceremonies from the comfort of our own home. Don't know what else we might watch, the whole affair has been such a disaster from day 1 four years ago it kind of puts you off. Sydney is not the place to visit right now with escalated accommodation and food prices and major traffic jams looming. I'm so glad we no longer live there.

Our illustrious Prime Minister made sure he got the GST (Good & Services Tax) well established so that he could make mega bucks from the tourists. He won't see another term in office!!

We are having a tree cutting day next Monday. SIX of our trees are getting the CHOP! We had a branch fall on the roof a few weeks ago, plus I am sick of raking leaves. The 2 biggest need to go because the could be interfering with the foundations of the house. Three others grew from seeds dropped by birds! Jared will be ecstatic because it's happening while he's on holidays... he can supervise :-)

Everyone we've had come to quote seems to have problems with one of our biggest trees because it has bougainvillia growing through it. THORNS!! So, yesterday I decided to try to cut some of it (the bougainvillia) down myself. I was doing just fine until I had hold of the end of a long trailer and heaved with all my might... it came away... but the so did I. I ended up landing on my rump then falling backwards hitting my head on the driveway. Lucky it's not concrete! I had to just lie there for a few minutes to get my breath back. I could hear Mum vaccuuming and Jason was scanning on my computer so no one heard my cries for help.

My lower back aches today. I'm hoping the ani-inflammatories I took will help. It was a lot safer when I was glued to the computer *S*

Jared goes on school camp for 2 days starting tomorrow.... yippee!! Then he's spending the first weekend of the hols with his Mum.... how are we ever going to fill in our time????? I promised to take him Whale Watching and Coral Viewing and his Dad can take some responsibility for the rest of the holidays. If he'd been like his father we could have sent him down to his Grandparents in Victoria but I don't think he'd travel by himself.

Watched the Emmy's last night.... was really disappointed that the standard of commentary seems to have almost reached gutter level, almost like watching our equivalent... the Logies. I thought the Americans had more class than came through on this show. I think the host needs to be changed next year and the script writers. Besides the Clinton jokes weren't even funny... how long can you flog a dead horse??? As for Geena Davis' dress!!!! The 'less' said the better!

That's about it for now...

Hope I haven't bored you.

Catch you later,




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