I first saw you within an hour of birth
And thought, "Lord... there’s some mistake!
This child looks like Bart Simpson!
Someone pinch me! Am I awake??"

Your coal black hair stood up from your head
Like you'd had a horrible fright
But then your eyes opened, you ‘smiled’ at me
And I melted completely at the sight.

Soon you lost your shock of black hair
Replaced by a covering of blond
With a wonderful smile, and bright shining eyes
We’d already created a bond.

I looked forward to weekends when you came to stay
With me, great grandma and (great) Papa.
You filled our hearts with enormous delight,
And we’d roll on the floor with laughter.

We’ve been lucky to be present for many of your 'firsts’,
first step, word, swim, circus, first chair-o-plane,
Your eyes grew huge on your first trip to the city,
“Escalators!”, you squealed “Let’s try them again!”

You were taken away, disappeared for some time,
with hearts broken for those left at home.
For the first time in almost three years
We all felt so completely alone.

But we never gave up the long search for our lad,
With assistance we managed to find
Where you had been hidden for many long months
Your return was well planned and well timed.

On the sixteen hour trip bringing you home.
You were full of stories of what you’d been doing,
We swore then you’d never be out of our sight,
From now on we’d always know where you’re going.

But that’s all in the past, grown ups rifts are now healed
You’ve become such a wise little boy
Now you live with us every day of the year
Filling our lives with laughter and joy.

J.M. Furner

©Copyright 2000. J.M. Furner

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Created 5 May 2000