What’s that ringing in the distance, that endless, monotonous thrum?
Stirring from the depths of comfort to find another day’s begun.
I crash the clock onto the floor, an attempt to regain calm.
But it’s too late, I’m wide awake, between the blankets warm.
I lie in mindless reflection of how things once used to be.
Knowing full well that now, those day’s I’ll never see.
Life’s become a colourless existence, a ruthless, toxic routine,
I’m chained, no escape in sight, to a time that need not have been.

How predictable life seemed back then, our future set in steel
But then, in a flash, evaporated, crushed beneath a bureaucratic wheel.
One moment of panic and confusion, as to the path that I should take.
An erroneous choice, transformed lives forever, and I felt my spirit break.

Freedom to choose how we live day to day, for us is no longer an option,
Our basic rights no longer exist. we consider carefully, every action.
Decisions no longer made 'on the fly'... plan ahead and beg for approval.
Hold on to the hope our request will be passed, until the next major upheaval.

Australia, the “lucky” country, but don’t ever grow old or become disabled
The right to make your own judgements ? Hah! That’s now become a fable!
Suddenly, your abilities to control your own life are deemed to be impaired
Against your will, the invasive bureaucrats will do that for you instead.

So, as I lie here, in the warmth of my bed, contemplating our ‘future’ bleak,
Today, what new miseries, torments and anguish will these bureacrats wreak?
What will they come up with today to intensify the tension?
They care less that they’ve destroyed lives, far too many to mention.

But chores must be tackled and routine continued, no matter how mundane.
Survival’s the target, if our sanity and liberty we ever to expect to reclaim.
So, up I get, enthusiasm lacking, to face another frustrating, exasperating day
In the hope that a miracle will make these hideous nightmares go away.

J.M. Furner

©Copyright 2000. J.M. Furner

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Created 5th May 2000