Had a gentleman from a company called Niagara demonstrate a hand held
Cycloid Vibration Therapy unit.He was here for around 3 hours... so there went my afternoon!
I was sceptical about the product... BUT... after using it for a short while
I could walk on the hard floor... no shoes or slippers... NO PAIN.
I could get out of a seat without having to rock back and forth.
I could lift a frypan (skillet)  and hold it horizontally with one hand.
(I usually need 2 hands)
No pain in either hands or wrists.
I purchased the product (paying it off) but he let me have it even before the first payment.
The cruncher would be what I would feel like after shopping which usually
knocks me out and I'm totally useless for the rest of the day.
  2 MARCH 2012 - FRIDAY

It was bucketing cats and dogs!!

Had a doctor's appointment in the morning.
Got in and out of Jason's sporty car like a regular human being!
My doctor was surprised when she saw me get off the chair in the waiting room...
I didn't have to struggle to get up!

When I got home I had to wait for Gillian to come and change my dressing.
She was shocked at the difference (for the better) in the area around my ulcer.
It was less swollen and not hard.

That took me into the afternoon... storm increasing... worried about my computer,
so only used it for short periods.

Was going to do shopping... decided against it.

Even more heavy rain!!!

Jason had to do filming for 2 funerals so they could be viewed overseas as they were happening.
I was still scared to have my computer on because of the weather.
I was more concerned about the volume of rain...my back doorstep is only 6" up from the path and the path was flooded.

Rain eased a little.

Went shopping... took longer than usual because Jason had to go to work twiceduring our trips. :-(
Once I had it all done, scanned and put away, hours later...
I used the massage unit on my feet as soon as everything was done to make sure
the pain didn't have a delayed reaction.
I was able to stand and make dinner with no pain in my feet!

After dinner the rain and wind started again. I thought we were going to have some treesbreaking and landing on the roof.

Still bucketing cats and dogs!

I just spent 3 hours at the hospital... got to see the specialist.
He wants to put me into hospital to scrape the slough off the ulcer.
No he can't guarantee it wouldn't return.

Said it would only take 10 minutes and I would be kept in hospital afterwards to make sure there were no "complications". Haven't given him an answer on this yet.
 Again.... he spent his time talking to his assistant... NOT ME...

I had to keep interrupting him as he was going through different procedure possibilities.
I told him a skin graft was out of the question... so he can cross that off his list!!..
Then he mentioned (to his assistant) about a new jet spray machine that could be used
instead of me having to go to theatre...
I piped in ".... well.. why don't you do that????"
"We haven't got the machine."

Honestly... I'm sick of the whole medical profession!
I have to make notes of everything that was discussed... for my records,
I don't trust my memory.
I may need to be precise when I sue them *S*

The rain is off but we have been warned that the low pressure system that's travelling slowly southat the moment, flooding main highways, may do a backflip and head north and hit us again.I hope the weather bureau is wrong.

I saw the devastation in the central states of the U.S. on TV....
90 tornados!!!
So many people lost family members and everything they owned in a matter of minutes... my heart goes out to them.
How does anyone recover from something like this???
What's happening to our wonderful world???

Last year 2/3 of our state was under water.
This year 3/4 of the state south of us is under water and the state south of that is flooded too.
When is it going to stop?
23 MARCH 2012 - FRIDAY

I'm back, but not happy.   
I'd like to take an axe to my computer!
I have a temporary monitor that I hate.  Doesn't matter what resolution I try all my Tags etc... look like crap!
This monitor has a 12 x 15 inch screen and squashes all my tutorial results.... makes them look more square than rectangular.
My old monitor was 10 x 16 inches... it's hard to believe things look so different.  I feel like crying....
I even copied and pasted a couple of the results from the tutorial pages into PSP to see what difference there is in the sizes BUT there was only one or two pixels difference and that's down to my cropping so I'm stumped as to why they look so different.
If this damned ulcer hadn't cost me so many $$$$$ I could have bought myself a new monitor right away... now I have to wait.
On top of that I have had to reboot consistently to get pages to open.  I gave up... had a temper tantrum and left it to Jason to fix which of course had to fit in with his "rest periods" and fishing when he was home... I'd like to have put a bomb under HIM!
That has been fixed...

But the problem I have with new registrations at the Artistry Forum isn't fixed....  I just checked.   It's been almost a month...
For some reason Jason doesn't want to part with the email addy for his friend who owns the server so that I can contact him...
very frustrating!!!  So I still have to do registrations manually... a time consuming pain!!!
It's been raining almost non stop for a week... that's depressing....
I'm not looking forward to checking my emails on my webmail site, there's going to be 100's .. I have a feeling I'd be here until midnight.
The only good news I have is that my ulcer is healing and we'll be voting the current State government OUT on Saturday. I can't wait!

But  everything else has been overwhelming.
. 24 MARCH 2012 - SATURDAY

e went to vote today for our Queensland State Election and say 'so long' to Anna Bligh.  The polling booth I went to didn't even have a Labor Representative handing out how to vote material !!!!  There were LNP, Independent and Green reps... but no Labor.... guess they knew it would be a waste of time....  BTW... did you know Anna Bligh is actually related to Captain Bligh?? 

Can't remember if he went down with his ship (like Anna is about to) but Queensland is definitely well on it's way to a mutiny.  Yippee!!  I just hope Campbell Newman is a man of his word.  Couldn't be any worse that what we've put up with for the last 20+ years.

April is another write off.... so on to May 2012