JULY 2011 |
3 JULY 2011 - SUNDAY My Birthday!!! Jason didn't forget *S* |
4 JULY 2011 - MONDAY
8 JULY 2011 - FRIDAY
Hopefully my cold is on it's way out.... it's been weeks of Cold & Flu tablets, antibiotics and sinus caps.... sneezing, coughing etc... had 3rd my infusion..... I thought it was going to be a repeat of my first experience when I left in tears after being jabbed unsuccessfully about a dozen times. Penny, the nurse wasn't about to let that happen, thank goodness. It took almost an hour to get a vein to surface and we only had one mishap,she got one on the second try.... Bless her! So that took 2 - 1/2 hours instead of 1 - 1/2 hours. After that I decided to go to the supermarket, close by, to get some rolls for lunch. I was starving!! When I finished I sat on the bench outside, put my sunglasses on the seat so I could call Jason to come collect me. The glasses fell down the back and I couldn't reach them.The seat was cemented to the ground so I couldn't move it. I couldn't kneel down because I wouldn't be able to get back up. I waited and waited and finally a young fellow came past and I explained my predicament and he rescued my glasses for me. Last night I took a lot of trouble to make a really nice dinner... then Jason told me Jared wasn't coming home! He asked if I wanted to keep it until the next day. I said "NO"! We can share Jared's between us... His loss!!! When Jared asked me this morning what he'd missed he was disappointed. Bad luck!! *S* Today I was supposed to go get my blood test... can't be bothered... may do it tomorrow. Reason for this is the last 2 days of propaganda about a Carbon Tax set out by our Prime Minister. I won't say any more on the matter except that I'm glad I was a child of the 50's & 60's. We had a life then. A bit of good news... I found a cousin I didn't know I had... in Poland. He is my Uncle's son (on my father's side of the family). He's going to fill in some Family Tree blanks for me when I get time to set him the info I need. Ginger alerted me that he had left a message on my Facebook page, which I rarely check because I don't have the time. After I sussed him out and realised he is genuine I was excited. *S* |
9 JULY 2011 - SATURDAY GREENS leader Bob Brown says any polling done after the carbon tax package is released will show Australians embracing the scheme. "The presumption in the Newspoll that the majority of Australians don't want action on climate change will change," Senator Brown told reporters in Brisbane. Senator Brown would not confirm reports pensioners would receive a $210 up-front payment to assist with the impost of an emissions trading scheme or if self-funded retirees would be saved from financial pain."If press reports that there is a $210 up-front payment for pensioners is true, the difference between that and Tony Abbott's option is zero for pensioners," Senator Brown said. "That (self-funded retirees' compensation) will be in tomorrow's detail. I won't pre-empt the information coming out of the lock-up tomorrow." Senator Brown said he would be standing alongside Prime Minister Julia Gillard when she publicly announces the emission trading scheme details on Sunday. He will conduct his own media conference at 1pm. More than 1000 voters responded to the question: "All sides of Australian politics have policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to help address climate change. Do you believe that the best way to achieve this is to pay money to the big polluters to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions or tax the big polluters?" The result was 60 per cent said tax the polluters, 15 per cent said pay the polluters and 25 per cent were undecided. A spokesman for the Essential report said it was the only question asked in the survey of random people who have registered with the polling agency. "No poll is premature, we can take another one next week if you like," Senator Brown said. |
Sunday - 10 JULY 2011 - CARBON TAX DAY!!!!! What a load of crap our Prime Minister tried to shove down our throats today. She tells us she'll be traversing the country to 'explain' the carbon tax to those who need clarification... right!!! A 12$ million (taxpayer paid) TV propaganda campaign is to hit our screens next week. It will do as well as the Quit Smoking ads which, when they come on make me want a cigarette... not quit!!! She's so arrogant! SHE knows what's best for us in our daily lives!! The climate science is SETTLED!!!! Taxing our biggest companies will reduce temperatures!! What a load of $#!* !! I'm so sick of this government telling us how we should live, what to eat, penalising moderate drinkers by raising the price of alcohol because some idiots (a minority) drink to get drunk, penalising all smokers because they have no common sense, insisting that tobacconists no longer display their goods, threatening to change all cigarette packets to an ugly green colour with photos of diabetes results, pretending they refer to smokers ailments. I would like to quit but none of the government campaign will convince me! More taxpayers money on advertising that isn't working! There was even a ridiculous suggestion that smokers should be licenced!!! Can you believe this rubbish???? From under what rock did they crawl? They promised a lap top for every high school student... that was ditched! They had an Education Building revolution. Great idea! Schools ended up with buildings they didn't need or want instead of funding being spent on necessities. The contractors took the government to the cleaners by charging outrageous amounts for the buildings... that plan was eventually scrapped. Then there was the Insulation Batts scheme. That was a disaster! Again they were taken to the cleaners by shonky installers. Hundreds of home suffered fire damage from the batts being incorrectly installed over electrical wires. A young life was lost because he was inexperienced in installing the batts and hadn't been given proper instruction by his employer..... that scheme was scrapped... The the solar panels... if you installed them you got a government discount. The power fed back into the system would credit you with 60 cents per something or other... that ended up being reduced to 40 cents AFTER many solar systems had been installed. That scheme was eventually scrapped. When this government took over we had between 40 - 60 billion dollars in the kitty. I can't remember the exact amount BUT NOW we are over 100 billion in debt!!! They only thing they do with great fervour is SPEND, SPEND, SPEND with nothing to show for it except disasters! Now she expects us to go along with the CARBON TAX because it's GOOD FOR US! LIES!!!!!!!!! It's her way of raking in the money to make up the huge deficit she's created !! She's penalising our biggest industries so that our economy will crash. How stupid is it that we are being penalised because of CARBON DIOXIDE, the life blood of the planet. How much are WE going to be taxed for the Carbon Dioxide we expel???? This woman should be commited!!! My blood boils every time I see her face in TV or hear her condescending voice on the radio. |
Thought this was interesting *S* The Green Thing In the line at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.
Friday 15 JULY 2011 Aydee our cat was in the wars again last night. Jason ended up taking him to the vet where he got an antibiotic injection. Saved Jason having to force feed pills. He going to take him back next week to have him castrated. Hopefully this will stop him wandering every night . He has to be kept indoors in the meantime... we're in for some howling!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sadly, the following is so close to the truth it's sickening. John Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6 am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG) He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (made in MALAYSIA), He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL), poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) AND NOW HE'S HOPING HE CAN GET HELP FROM THE GOVERNMENT WHO ARE GOING TO CREATE EVEN MORE JOBS OVERSEAS WITH A CARBON TAX DESIGNED TO DESTROY EVEN MORE AUSTRALIAN JOBS BECAUSE ITS IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST LEAD BY A PRIME MINISTER Made in WALES |
Saturday 16 JULY 2011
Another freezing day.... must be global warming!! Aydee howled most of the night... what a performance!! I switched off !! |
Sunday 17 JULY 2011 Totally fed up today ! I'm sick of the prodding and poking, infusions, injections, blood tests, x-rays.. blah, blah, blah!! Don't think I'll bother with the blood test tomorrow and will put off my GP appointment on Friday. Just seems most of the time I go out is for some medical checkup.... it's depressing! |
Monday 18 JULY 2011 |
Tuesday 19 JULY 2011 Found this on the internet.... someone has our Prime Minister sussed out! The Last Carbon TaxerFrom the WALL STREET JOURNAL - 17th July 2011 Her Labor Party-led coalition wants 500 of the country's "biggest polluters" to buy carbon permits issued by the government, starting next year. Canberra would then create new bureaucracies to re-allocate that money to interest groups and selected businesses, to the tune of billions of dollars annually. The news has caused a public uproar—not least because Ms. Gillard ran and won last year on an explicit promise not to pursue such policies. She ousted her predecessor in a backroom coup after his popularity tanked because of climate-change boosterism and promises to raise taxes. But Ms. Gillard's Green coalition partners hold the balance of power in parliament and pushed hard for cap and trade. The PM caved and has now been labeled "Juliar" in the popular press. The Gillard government estimates its plan will increase electricity costs by 10% and gasoline by 9%—increases it calls "modest." That's easy for politicians to say. In a nationwide poll taken after the announcement, 60% of voters opposed the tax and 68% said they'd be financially worse off because of it. Ms. Gillard's popularity has plumbed new lows. The plan is economically damaging enough that even the normally timid business lobby—many of whose members originally supported climate-change legislation—is speaking up. Opposition leader Tony Abbott slammed the plan as "socialism masquerading as environmentalism," and he has a point. The government plans to use some of the carbon tax receipts to triple the income threshold before the income tax hits. In other words, this is in part a scheme to redistribute income from energy users to Labor voters. It is an odd kind of tax reform that narrows the tax base. All of this for negligible environmental benefits. Australia emits 1.5% of the world's greenhouse gases. Even if the country cut its emissions to zero, the move would do little to reduce global emissions. Australia's per-capita emissions are high compared to other developed nations because it's a sparsely populated continent blessed with an abundance of natural resources. Aussies have developed profitable, world-class natural resource and energy businesses that have lifted incomes at home and helped supply developing countries like China and India. This is bad? It is if you believe in the theology that loathes carbon fuels and wants government to allocate the means of power production. In a speech Thursday, Ms. Gillard vowed to press forward with cap and tax and said that her convictions are "very deeply held." We'll see if her government can survive them. |
Thursday 21 JULY 2011 Went out for lunch today... that was an effort on my part, but I was glad I did. We had a great meal at the Black Dog and we were given VIP cards entitling us to 10% discount since we're regulars. We have some great restaurants here in Hervey Bay. |
Saturday 23 JULY 2011 Shopping...UGH!!! Need I say more. Had to have dinner really early because Jared had to go to Maryborough at 4:30pm. Jason had to pick him up at 9:30. He (Jared) may get work from it but he's not enthused. He's no longer keen on working in the hospitality industry. |
Sunday 24 JULY 2011 Around 10am, I was drying myself after my shower and what was a small scabon my right calve felt sore when I touched it with the towel. It was only about 1cm in diameter but around it was red and inflamed. I had flashes of memories from last year and the excruciating pain I had for months with the ulcer on my left ankle. I got Jason to drop me off at the hospital hoping I would be able to get a prescription for a pill that would have the same ingredients as the antibiotic drip I had last year when I spent 4 days in the hospital. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised with the service at the hospital !! Things have changed for the better. Attitudes are different. I had about a 20 minute wait after checking in with the Triage nurse before seeing a doctor. I told him what I wanted, because I didn't want a repeat of my previous experience. I figured if it was treated before it became a major problem it would save me unnecessary stress. He agreed!!!!!! He also called in another doctor for a consult... The 2nd doctor told me there isn't any oral antibiotic the same as the drip BUT they have a new program in the hospital to save me being admitted and taking up bed space. They would put me on the drip while I was in A & E and then a nurse would visit me at home for the next 3 days to give me 3 more doses of the antibiotic. So I have a cannula on top of my right hand, covered with a bandage. The first doctor was going to remove the cannula but I wouldn't let him because it's too hard to find suitable veins on me. I didn't want the nurse having problems tomorrow because they're only allowed to try twice and then I'd have to go back up to the hospital.... I was at the hospital from 10:30am to 7pm , but was being attended to most of that time. I was starving when I got home, got something to eat and as per doctor's instructions ... put my feet up. I'm glad I had the foresight to do something about this before it became a catastrophe. I'm also happy I wasn't brushed off by the hospital and they're working with me to prevent any future pain. |
Monday 25 JULY 2011 Leanne, the nurse turned up at 9:30am. She had all the paperwork and antibiotic infusion done within an hour, went like a dream!! She also changed the dressing. I have to go to the hospital on Wednesday morning for a checkup and have been told if I get there early I'll be seen faster. So I'll get Jason to drop me off on his way to work. This is so much better that tripping up to the hospital every day. The antibiotic seems to be working so I'm glad I caught it in time. Of course, because of the bandage and the cannula I can't do a lot... suits me.... Jason did the washing yesterday... he swept the floor this morning... and tidied up in general. I'm going to play on this for all it's worth.. LOL!!! Jared's done the vacuuming and someone is going to have to make dinner for the next few days because I'm not allowed to stand in one place for any length of time. Whoopee!!!!! Jared had an appointment at Centrelink today. Found out that they had approved an IT course for him at the College and had advised Epic Employment! Epic Employment never told him!!!!! Instead they sent him on a trial job in a resteraunt THAT HE DIDN'T WANT.... they knew he had had enough of the hospitality industry taking him to the cleaners! Of course while Jared is on their books they get a subsidy from the government... makes you wnder if they really care about getting people into the workforce. Jason, his Dad, is FURIOUS and is going with Jared to his appointment with Epic next Monday. It's too late now for him to do the IT course, it started at the beginning of July. Jared was so disappointed. |
Tuesday 26 JULY 2011 The nurse (Leanne) came with another nurse in tow... the second one was learning how to do the infusions... I was a guinea pig!! I didn't mind this until she started 'working' on me... ouch! She wasn't nearly as gentle as Leanne and I let her know it. The infusion hurt... it didn't yesterday. She was pushing it in too fast for my scrawny veins. Then when she cleaned and changed my dressing she was rough! I squealed and squirmed! I have to go to the hospital tomorrow morning for a checkup and have been told if I get there early I'll be seen faster. So I'll get Jason to drop me off on his way to work. |
Thursday 28 JULY 2011 After my praise for our hospital in my last update I went with confidence to the hospital yesterday morning for my checkup. I was seen to within 20 minutes... all good so far.... Got a different doctor this time.. asked me what my problem was... I stayed calm... only just... ................... gritting my teeth..... I explained to him that it was Aqua Gel that the nurse put on it the day before to soak up any weeping from the wound, before she applied the dressing. (I won't tell you what was going through my mind!) "Oh yes!" he said, "I'll go and get a nurse to clean and change your dressing" Five minutes later a nurse turned up with a student nurse. Got Jason to collect me. We went to the chemist to get the script filled. Then I lost it!!!! He rang the doctor at the hospital who told him to tell me not to take any antibiotics for the next 2 days and come into the hospital on Friday or go to my GP and get a different script. I left the chemist shop in tears thinking how close I could have been to being really sick or even dying. The people I passed must have thought I was nuts. Got to the car and told Jason through the sobbing. He was horrified. I got home, had a coffee, calmed myself and rang the hospital asking for the Administrator. I got the head honcho from ... I can't remember what department... but that doesn't matter. As far as I'm concerned the doctor should have been sacked!!! I keep asking myself.... "Why me???" |
Friday 29 JULY 2011 Went to the doctor this morning. Got her nurse to change my dressing but she didn't do it properly. She didn't clean it out! What's wrong with the medical profession today?? I didn't say anything, I figured I'd go to the hospital over the weekend or get Jason to fix it. My blood test result were all good except I need to curtail my sweet tooth. Being depressed I turn to comfort food. I know it's wrong and I need to stop. I've put on all the weight I took off at the end of last year. Went to the podiatrist in the afternoon, he didn't have much to do... said I'd been taking care of my feet. Not hard on my part since in winter I wear thick socks around the house. Got dressings and saline solution from the chemist... hoping Jason might fix my dressing. |
Julia pushes the envelope with snail mail By Steven Scott Letters to go out to all households Labor is rushing to introduce the carbon tax to Parliament in September in a bid to pass it as soon as possible. The Government yesterday released a detailed package of 14 draft Bills that will govern the tax and the emissions trading scheme that will follow it. But it has set an early cut off date of August 22 for people who want to make formal submissions on the draft laws. Climate Change Minister Greg Combet defended plans to mail out a brochure explaining the tax and related compensation measures to every household. "We understand that households are keen for factual information about the Government's household assistance package," he said. .."That is not surprising given the misleading scare campaign run by some who oppose the Government taking action on climate change." The mail-out will cost $4 million. The Government has already allocated $12 million for an ad campaign and $13 million for further promotional material. Opposition environment spokesman Greg Hunt said the brochures were "destined to be junk mail" and were unlikely to explain related price rises. "Unfortunately the campaign is unlikely to tell Australians that their electricity will go up by 10 per cent in the first year and every year thereafter, and that they will be spending $3.5 billion each year every year on foreign carbon credits," he said. Much of the detail and structure of the tax will be enshrined in legislation, making it more difficult to repeal if Tony Abbott wins the next election. The laws include an ambitious long-term target of cutting emissions to 80 per cent below 2000 levels by 2050, which was a deal the Government struck with the Greens to secure support for the plans. Provisions in the Bills outline how industries such as agriculture will be shielded from the tax and how fuel tax concessions will be changed. The legislation covers compensation measures for industries and links to the carbon farming initiative. Further legislation will be introduced later covering household compensation. The laws are likely to be referred to a parliamentary inquiry after they are introduced, which will create another opportunity for people to make submissions. But Mr Hunt said the Government was rushing the laws through. "It's clear the four-week time frame the Government has set for submissions on its Exposure Draft for the Carbon Tax is not sufficient," he said. |
Carbon tax regulator given sweeping powers 4:52 AM, 29 Jul 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK SUMMARY | FULL STORY | CLIMATE SPECTATOR As part of the government's carbon tax package released yesterday, the new Clean Energy Regulator will be given extensive powers to conduct investigations on company premises, compel people to testify even if it requires providing self-incriminating evidence and to make copies of sensitive documents, according to a report by The Australian. The new regulator will enforce the new six cents per litre fuel tax that will be charged to some 60,000 businesses, among other measures introduced as part of the carbon tax, the report said. The new powers given to the regulator come with the threat of up to 10 years in prison or up to $1.1 million in fines for corporations that do not cooperate or who break the carbon tax laws. In addition, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) will be given an additional $12.8 million over four years to play a larger role in enforcing and overseeing the carbon tax scheme, according to The Australian. |
Saturday 30 JULY 2011 Got the filter changed on the tap. I'm sure it wasn't due until October but I couldn't find last year's receipt. Jason's on call this week so stayed home tonight. He made lamb wraps for dinner, didn't enjoy them much but at least I didn't have to make them. Jared went over to Steve's for the night. TV was boring so I worked on the computer instead. |
Sunday 31 JULY 2011 Where the heck has this month gone! Waited all month hoping Jason would have room in the shed for the extra furniture in the study... that didn't happen. Still can't get into the study. His room that I spent a full couple of days on so you could see the floor once again is now just as bad as before. I do precious little around the house because I can't see the point. Jared makes himself breakfast and leaves his dirty dishes in the sink all day. They both prepare food and leave their messes behind them on the kitchen benches. I asked Jared for a week to get rid of the empty cans and dishes in his room and I just get ignored. The TV room is a shambles.... I've lost heart... I could cry. Maybe next month will be better but I'm not holding my breath. Didn't get my dressing changed.. Jason had heaps of call outs today and tonight... missed dinner and Jared didn't bother coming home for dinner... why do I bother....!!!! |