Got a call from the Vet this morning... seems Aydee is getting 'fixed' tomorrow. We'll be in for problems. I hope Jason asks for tranquilizers so he won't be howling to get out.

Upped my Funeral Insurance... the way this red-headed drongo who's running this country into the ground is going, Jason is going to need more $$$$$ when I 'kick the bucket'.

Got up today to last night's dinner still on the stove (turned off).... Jason didn't eat when he got home from the 'call outs' last night. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Of course I was left to do the cleaning up.

Jared had an appointment with the employment agency... they screwed up at the beginning of last month because Centrelink had approved Jared for an IT course at TAFE and they didn't tell him!!!! Now it's too late for him to take up the course. How do these people keep their jobs???? But then again... while Jared is on their books... he doesn't get work but THEY get subsidised by the government, so why should they do the right thing????


Aydee was very quiet when he came home today with his 'bits' missing.... wonder how long that will last... *S*

I'm getting Jason to drop me off at the hospital tomorrow morning so I can get my dressing changed. It's starting to nip!
Jason tried to fix it last night but was too concerned about hurting me.

I fell asleep at my desk aound 2pm today... LOL!!! Woke up and thought "This is ridiculous!!!" So I went to bed for a while.... a "Nanny Nap" *S*

I thought "people trading" was outlawed years ago... apparently not in this country!! Are we any better than the 'people- smugglers"???? Julia Gillard should be ashamed! Do we not have the expertise here to check whether these people are genuine or not?

The first group to be processed under the new "Malaysian solution", under which Australia will send 800 arrivals to Malaysia and accept 4000 certified refugees in exchange, are expected to arrive on the remote territory of Christmas Island this week, after being picked up in Australian waters on Sunday.

Once they have arrived, they will undergo health checks and within a few days will be sent on to Kuala Lumpur, a process that will be filmed by the government and posted on the video-sharing website.

Chris Bowen, the immigration minister, said posting the videos online would send a powerful message to people-smugglers and their customers that if they attempt the voyage to Australia they will end up in Malaysia.

"We know that people-smugglers tell lies, we know that people-smugglers will be out there saying, 'Look, this won't apply to you' ... because they are desperate to make money off desperate people," he told ABC radio.

"We know that many asylum-seekers throughout the region do follow closely what's happening in Australia; they follow closely announcements of policy changes and they are watching this arrangement quite closely." Last year more than 50 asylum seekers died off Christmas Island after their flimsy wooden boat broke up in high seas.
The Australian government has used YouTube videos to counter people smuggling before, but this will be the first time that it has used real asylum seekers in the footage.

The announcement of the plan to film asylum seekers comes as the public waits to see if the Malaysia solution does indeed cut the number of boats arriving at Christmas Island. Julia Gillard, the embattled prime minister, has staked her reputation on the policy, and is desperate for it to pay off.

Earlier this week she granted federal police special powers to force asylum seekers onto planes to Malaysia.

This is what will greet the asyum seekers when they're herded like animals onto a plane bound for Malaysia.

I'd like to know how many Federal Poice will accompany a plane load of asylum seekers to Malaysia.




Census form finally arrived


Jason and Jared gone for the night

Export of refugees held up... High Court involved
Carbon Tax brochure arrived


Jared in trouble again ... can't believe it!


My other grandson, Hayden, moved in with us. It was obvious something was very wrong with him.
We discovered that he's in the depths of depression and has contemplated suicide twice. He's only 16, in trouble with the police for something stupid. Has to go to court 26th September. Jason, his dad, is going to go with him for support. He'll probably get probation, because of his age.

He was depressed that he couldn't get into any school in the area so he can get his Grade 10 certificate. He thought his life was over, that he had screwed up beyond repair. So I made a few phone calls last Friday resulting in an interview towards the end of the year so he can do his certificate at the local TAFE (Technical & Further Education) College starting at the end of January next year. He knows this is not free, is grateful and has promised he will make a total effort since his dad will be paying for it. It's only a 6 month course but will open up opportunities for other courses that will enable him to get work eventually. I less than a week (6 days) with us he's a changed boy. He's opening up and discussing his feelings with Jason which has made a huge difference. Something he couldn't do with his mother. She has a partner, who's a bad tempered creep. I can't stand him!

He's happy here.... no constant fighting or arguments for a change. Said it feels more like a home.
We told him he can stay here as long as he wants. We're actually getting him to laugh... something he hasn't done in a long time. He's making the right decisions, already dropping some of his 'friends' who are a bad influence.
So, I feel good that we have saved his life and shown him that there is always hope. We never know what tomorrow has in store for us. He's so lucky his Dad cares. Actually Jason has surprised me this past week... I obviously bought him up right where it counts!! *S*

I have another infusion on Friday 19th and shopping on Saturday, so Saturday WILL be a write off!!
But I do have another lunch date tomorrow,

Just got back from the hospital, seeing about my ulcer.
I take back everything good I ever said previously about the good service
I received at our local hospital!!

I've had a rotten day and am in more pain now than when I arrived at the hospital.
I sometimes wonder if these doctors get their certificates online !!