Jemima's Place ~ My Journal
January - February 2009


Well this was a totally crap year as far as my personal life was concerned.

1 January 2009

I thought my year was going to end miserably but I made my feelings known to Jason and Jared. No point in talking to them about it, Jared would take it as another 'lecture'. So I put my feelings and needs on paper, inserted the 'letter' in with their Christmas cards, and said I didn't want to discuss what was written, I needed to see some change.

I'm happy to report that both of them have made an effort to change and that although I had no interest in making Christmas dinner... I did... and I'm glad I did. We had a lovely celebration.

Since then, there have been times when I haven't had to ask for help with some things. One or the other has seen me struggling to do something and has jumped in to help without being asked.

Jared has been stoic in regard to his 24/7 curfew, hasn't even thought about breaking it. He only has 9 more days to go until it is lifted and the decision is made as to what punishment he'll be receiving for the mistakes he made in 2008. He does regret his past behaviour, we talked about it. I pray that his present attitude continues and he finds a new path in 2009.

He and Jason went to watch the fireworks tonight (such as they were for a country town *S*) to see the New Year in and they are going out for the day together with his brother on Saturday. So Jason too has taken notice of my 'letter' in which I said he should do more with Jared other than chastise him when he does something wrong.

Now... what happened to me this past week or so.... first.. I was hacked!!!! I had to get a new password from my server so I can access my email. I was astounded. I am so glad I don't use the internet for banking transactions. The hacker would have had little success from me. I'm lucky my server picked it up so quickly and put a stop to their efforts.

Then... even though Jason and Jared have had no problems connecting to the internet with our equipment my computer went on strike!  It kept showing I was connected but I kept getting the "Page cannot be displayed" message.

Because of the holidays and Jason working as well I had to sit tight and wait until he had time to fix it. He did that today, getting me 16 metres of cable to connect to the router instead of using the wireless method.

When he was fixing that he decided the images on my screen looked a little "PALE"..... so he downloaded a new graphics driver and changed everything.  I was horrified when I saw the result! AAAAAARGH!!!!  All the images looked like they had been 'posterised'! YUK!  The results for my tuts looked ghastly!!  So we fiddled yesterday morning with the settings until I was happy.

I still don't have any sound... that's next on his list *S* 

I dumped the patches I was using to relieve my pain... they no longer worked and I can't see the point in taking meds that don't work. A friend called me prior to Christmas and she had success with Plaquenil for her arthritis. Eye checks showed no changes. So I decided to try them and I had been prescribed double the dose she had been taking BUT after 10 days I had no relief so I dumped them. I went back to 10mg Prednisone and my Mobic and am having less pain now. I just hope I get to see the specialist soon so I can get off the Prednisone.

Over the last few days the heat has been oppressive ... 33C (91F) and around 70% humidity... I hate it!!! Our air conditioners are going full bore... When I opened the door to let Jason and Jared in earlier tonight the blast of heat and humidity just about knocked me out.... and that was about 15 minutes past midnight!! We are having visitors tomorrow but I don't think I'll be joining them outside (they're more friends of Jason's... not mine)... I think I'll stay inside in the cool instead.

9th January 2009

Jason just got back from court....
Jared got a 2 month Conditional Release Order!! Which means he has to spend 36 hours a week for 2 months either at school or in the company of a Youth Justice Officer doing whatever they dream up to keep him occupied. He's no longer on home detention.
Apparently his teachers put in a good word for him as did his Youth Justice case worker. BUT if he breaks the order or does something stupid again..... he'll be serving 4 months in Juvenile Detention.

Jason said he, himself,  was almost in tears when the Magistrate told Jared....
.... had he been 17 or 18 when he did the offences he'd be serving 3 years imprisonment... with a non parole period of at least 18 months!    AND to help Jared out so this isn't a mark on his future employment possibilities he's ordered that NO CONVICTION BE RECORDED... that's what almost brought Jason to tears.

Now, it's up to Jared. He's got to learn to say NO to temptation and walk away from it if his so called friends dream up any more schemes.

Now... I'm happy with the 'sentence' Jared got and so very happy he was given one last chance... I pray he appreciates how many people supported him and keeps his nose clean from now on. 
I'm also surprised that the magistrate said had he been 17 he would have gone directly to jail....(do not pass GO... do not collect $200).... finally the courts are doing something about the youth in this country... who think they can do what they like and get away with it. That goes for Jared too.... I sighed with relief that he wasn't sent to Juvenile detention BUT if he breaks the law again he'll deserve whatever he gets.... I just pray we never have to go through this again.

Well... that's one huge weight off my shoulders... we can get back to some sort of normality here at home.  Maybe now that sweet, caring, fun loving kid will return to us...  I'm hoping *S*

28 January 2009

Last week I threatened Jason (son) that if he didn't have his room cleaned by Sunday I would start on it on Monday! (I had no intention doing it... but I had done it before so he thought I meant it *S*) What a pleasure it is to be able to pass his room with the door left open now and see the floor and the top of his desk!!!!      Success #1 for Jamie!!

I was going to wash the kitchen floor on Monday... yes... I know it was Australia Day.... anyway Jason was home.... he had used the bucket for something else and I couldn't find it... I wasn't going to waste time looking either..... so when he got the bucket for me he offered to do the floor!!!! I didn't need to be asked twice!!! It was a stinking hot day and I wasn't looking forward to it. He did a good job!      Success #2 for Jamie!!

This past couple of weeks he's gone fishing off the beach and caught 2 fish... One was 8kg (18 pounds)!!!!  The other 10kg (22.5 pounds) !!!! (We had to take a shelf out of the fridge so it would fit until the morning when he filleted it.) With 3 of us in this family we have enough fillets (steaks) for 10 meals!!! Plus we have enough flathead fillets for 4 meals. I priced the BIG fish in the local seafood shop... $30 per kg for the fillets so with the two monster fish we have around $300 worth of fillets!! (1kg = 2pounds 2 ounces)

Lastly.. Jared ....  Some change of attitude! Still hopeless around home, but I can put up with that if he is serious about his new attitude. He came home last week after spending time with one of the Youth Justice workers saying that the YJ worker suggested he do a Youth Justice course and end up helping youth who get into trouble!  He actually sounded interested! Jason told him he would be perfect for it because he has experienced the feelings and thoughts the youth of today go through first.. making the
mistakes and secondly... regretting it.

He's back at school and has a meeting this afternoon with Training Employment Support Services who want to fill in 16 weeks, 3 days a week putting him through 4 different courses. They are "Business", "Agriculture", "Hospitality" (Operations), the third escapes me but it could be "Rural" (Operations).  His dad is picking him up from school and will be going to the meeting with him.    So, he's one very lucky kid.... so many people supporting him trying to steer him in the right direction... I hope he doesn't blow these opportunities.

I believe everything happens for a purpose, though much of the time I hate the stressful "happenings" that lead to the 'purpose'.  Maybe we had to go through all the crap right now so that Jared would "see the light" early in his life and be given opportunities he may not have had "had he kept his nose out of trouble". Hopefully this will be a turning point in his life.

So for the moment Jamie is happy... not depressed... and still waiting to get an appointment with the specialist!! LOL!


Luckily Jason walked in the door 5 minutes ago... so I sent him to vacuum his room! LOL!!!
I did their toilet, their bathroom, the laundry, Jared's room, Mum's room, hallway, entrance, kitchen and TV room... still have mine to do but I'm pooped! It can wait a little while.

Our cat brings in the occasional mouse, bird or gecko. We always know she has something in her gob
because it's the only time she meows to get in. All other times she just bangs on the door. She doesn't hurt any of her catches (she just wants to play with them) so we grab her as she comes in and rescue the poor victims.

How cute is this?
In Victoria (Australia) the temperature has been around 44C degrees all week and they are forecasting another week of 40+ temperatures. Power is failing, trains have stopped running because tracks are buckling under the heat It's just scorching and it seems that the people are not the only ones suffering.

Check out these photos of a little Koala which just walked onto a back porch looking for a bit of heat relief. The woman filled up a bucket for it and this is what happened!

10 February 2009

Latest news is that 173 people have lost their lives in the Victorian bushfires and this could rise to 200. What makes me sick about this is that it was preventable! The "Greenies" learned nothing from the Canberra (our nation's capital) fires in 2003 when 70% of the Australian Capital Territory's forests and national parks were destroyed and most of the Mount Stromlo Observatory (built in 1924) was destroyed.  After burning for a week around the edges of the ACT, the fires entered the suburbs of Canberra on
18 January 2003. Over the next ten hours, four people died and more than 500 homes were destroyed or severely damaged, requiring a significant relief and reconstruction effort.

According to David Packham OAM (Order of Australia recipient) who has been a bushfire scientist for more than 50 years, dealing with all aspects of bushfires, from prescribed burning to flame chemistry, and serving as supervisor of fire weather services for Australia......

"Fuels build up year after year at an approximate rate of one tonne a hectare a year, up to a maximum of about 30 tonnes a hectare. If the fuels exceed about eight tonnes a hectare, disastrous fires can and will occur. Every objective analysis of the dynamics of fuel and fire concludes that unless the fuels are maintained at near the levels that our indigenous stewards (our aborigines) of the land achieved, then we will have unhealthy and unsafe forests that from time to time will generate disasters such as the one that erupted on Saturday."

The controllable factor...the dead leaves, pieces of bark and grass that become the gas that feeds the 50m high flames that roar through the bush with the sound of jet engines. Fuels build up year after year at an approximate rate of one tonne a hectare a year, up to a maximum of about 30 tonnes a hectare. If the fuels exceed about eight tonnes a hectare, disastrous fires can and will occur."

Greenies here have long rejected the controlled 'back burning' we used to do in the cooler winter months to avoid disasters such as the Victorian fires. Their excuse.... to preserve our native flora and fauna. Well... how much of our native flora and fauna has been preserved this past week??? Apparently there is an eerie silence in all fire stricken areas... no birds, no animals. Controlled back burning allows animals and birds time to escape.... and the vegetation regenerates. Aborigines have done this for hundreds of years.

Also, Gum trees (Eucalypts) produce an oily vapour which creates fireballs during bushfires. We have an area south of Sydney called the Blue Mountains. The reason they are "blue" is because of the blue vapour produced by thousands of eucalypts.

In the Kakadu National Park (Northern Territory), which is our largest national park, covering 19,000 square kilometres (7336 square miles), huge areas that are constantly being burned as part of the age old Aboriginal tradition of environmental preservation, especially immediately after the wet season, when fires won’t get too out of control. 30% of the park is burnt every year, thus over a 3 year cycle the entire park is subject to hazard reduction. I've never heard of a bushfire in Kakadu!

What is even more ridiculous is a comment made by Victorian Premier John Brumby ....
"A royal commission would investigate every aspect of the Victorian bushfires, including the possibility of greater danger resulting from climate change."


The fires have nothing to do with climate change! He should investigate the Environmental (Greens) policies! The Greenies are a minority party but have a huge political say! It's about time they were put in their place.

Climate change and 'global warming' is a political money making exercise! I want more proof the both are
man made problems. While I agree we need to find cleaner ways of creating energy instead of depleting the earth of it's minerals.....Carbon trading is a joke.... sell a certain number of permits to companies that emit greenhouse gases.... if they emit more greenhouse gases than the permits cover, then they can purchase extra permits from companies who have used less. What if no company uses less than covered by their permits???? The extra emissions have already been produced... they can't take them back.... how are permits going to make a difference except to government coffers.

Trying to blame the Victorian fires and Queensland floods on 'human caused' climate change is rubbish. The climate has changed in cycles for centuries... before factories existed, before cars existed, before all the modern contributors to greenhouse gases existed.

Blame for the fires should be put directly on the shoulders of the Greenies... where it belongs. I heard on a talk back program (radio) that one of the residents in Victoria was attempting to back burn in order to save his home because he could see the fire heading in his direction. He was told by an inexperienced fire fighting volunteer that he must stop or be fined for starting a fire. When the volunteer left, he continued the back burning and the result of his disobedience...... his home was saved!    740 homes have been lost so far...

Other culprits to blame for the Victorian fires are ARSONISTS and I hope when and if they are caught they receive the full punishment the law will allow. They are now murderers and should be treated as such. They have no thought for the victims of these fires.

I was unwell yesterday and was listening to the callers on talkback radio while I was in bed. I ended up in tears as some people related their experiences from this past week. We've lost a great deal of history through the devastation as well as homes, towns and primarily, precious lives. All those affected are in my prayers as I'm sure they are in yours too as the fires continue to burn.

Here are some images of the devastation...

13 February 2009

Went to see the movie "Australia"...I thought it was going to be slow when it first started.... but the pace picked up. I thought Nicole Kidman played the part perfectly. AND the little aboriginal boy....Brandon Walters... for a first time acting experience was BRILLIANT! I just wanted to grab him and cuddle him to death! *S* I actually had tears running down my cheeks towards the end... it's gotta be good for me to do that. I loved the scenery... mainly filmed in Kakadu National Park (where the DO backburning... LOL!).. it was awesome. AND best of all... the accents... real Aussie accents and expressions.... and no swearing.

Here in Australia we suffer from a "Tall Poppy" syndrome.... We boost people working their way up 'the ladder' but when they reach the top we (not me) start finding fault with them. It's pathetic! I don't know why we do this. Nicole Kidman was 'our darling' for some time but now some people think she's 'stiff'... had botox treatment (not true... she has a naturally high forehead) ... the list  goes on.

Isn't this child ADORABLE.... he has the longest lashes I've ever seen on a boy!

My faith in human nature has been restored... I love this country... I love the Aussie spirit which shines at it's best when people are in need. The population of Australia, just over 21.5 million, dug deep into their pockets last night during a Telethon in aid of the Victorian fire victims. They had already donated just over $50 million before the Telethon and that figure was raised to $75 million by the end of the night. Even the Queensland flood victims donated.

A host of A-list celebrities including Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban turned out to raise money to help Victoria's fire-ravaged communities rebuild their lives.
Other big-name celebrities involved included model Miranda Kerr and her boyfriend Orlando Bloom and Australian actors Hugh Jackman, Anthony La Paglia, Rachel Griffiths and Simon Baker (he's yummy!!!!!!.... drool.....LOL!).

Speaking on the program, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said the outpouring of generosity from individuals and companies to those caught in the weekend's horrific bushfires had made him feel proud to be an Australian.
"It's about courage, it's about resilience and it's about compassion -  looking after your mates and looking after your neighbours and people you haven't actually even met before and what I see across the response to floods in the north and these terrible fires in the south, are all those great Australian values and virtues on display in a very practical Australian way. "It just makes me feel proud to be an Australian."

Our country is always ready to step in and help other countries suffering a humanitarian crisis with funds, aid, doctors and volunteers. Well... the old saying...   "What goes around.. comes around" is so very true....   This is an article from today's "Australian" newspaper  proving the point.
Poorer nations offer millions in aid
Mark Dodd | February 13, 2009  "The Australian" newspaper
INDONESIA has offered $1 million for school reconstruction and the services of an Australian Federal Police-trained forensic team to help with victim identification as the international community continues to make offers of support over the Victorian bushfire disaster.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pledged the aid in a letter to Kevin Rudd in which he also expressed Indonesia's solidarity with Australia. "Australia's success is also Indonesia's success and its misery is also Indonesia's misery," he wrote.
Like Indonesia, near neighbour Papua New Guinea is a less well-off developing nation. In a phone call to the Prime Minister yesterday, PNG Prime Minister Michael Somare offered $2 million in aid for Victorian bushfire and Queensland flood victims.
At least 60 American fire recovery specialists will arrive early on Sunday.
They include experts on burnt-area rehabilitation, incidence management, aviation support and mid- to senior-level crisis management. The US team had been selected for its specific expertise after consultation with Australian fire authorities, said a spokeswoman for the US embassy in Canberra.
Two 13-member Burnt Area Emergency Response teams will work alongside Australian experts to assess damage to water catchments. They comprise an environmental specialist, forestry expert, soil scientist, hydrologist, geologist and documentation and cultural resources specialist.
Other US expertise includes a 20-strong "interagency hotshot crew" that specialises in all aspects of fire suppression. The US aid followed a telephone call this week from President Barack Obama to Mr Rudd.
And Israel's President Shimon Peres yesterday sent a letter to Governor-General Quentin Bryce. "On behalf of the people of Israel and myself, our heartfelt sympathy and, through you, our sincere condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy and to the people of Australia, as well as a speedy recovery to the injured," Mr Peres wrote. He said Israel was ready to offer any assistance that might be required.
Other countries that offered firefighting expertise included New Zealand, Britain and France.
Six Kiwi police disaster victim identification experts have arrived in Melbourne to help their Victorian counterparts in the task of identifying human remains. Four New Zealand victim recovery dogs and their handlers will accompany 53 firefighters arriving today to help reinforce local fire crews.
Offers of assistance are being referred to the Victorian Government's fire authority and Emergency Management Australia for assessment. Not all offers had been taken up, Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said. "We are, even in difficult times, a prosperous and well-developed country," he said. "But all of the offers are very greatly appreciated, and it does, I think, reflect our standing in the international community as a nation who responds well in a humanitarian crisis, and a nation who does its best to help others develop their own capacity."

At last count 1060+ homes were lost, the death toll remains at 181 but they expect to find more bodies in the rubble and there's concern for the burns victims in hospital.

The article above proves that in time of need the world CAN pull together!

I just wish this would happen all over the world in the war torn regions and in regions suffering from disease and poverty. Maybe we need a WORLD DISASTER before everyone will learn that life is more important than anything.

I'm so proud to be part of this nation.... Australia.

Oh... see the story of Sam the Koala who has fallen in love with Bob, another rescued Koala.,21985,25047210-2862,00.html

16 February 2009
We lost part of our family this evening... our beautiful, gentle, loving 6 year old cat BUFFY.


Some mongrel driver hit her and drove off!

She never ever went near the road. She would get up on our roof, sit at the end of the front path... 6 metres from the road,  lie on the front lawn waiting for Jason to come home from work, or sit on top of the shed and trampoline in our back yard. Not once in 7 years did she ever go near the road, she had enough territory around our home between the back yard, pool area and front yard.

Someone had thrown some trash out of their car on the other side of the road outside our home and we can only assume the fluttering in the breeze of the plastic bag containing the trash must have attracted her attention to make her venture on to the road. She was lying next to it.

She was usually back inside by 7pm, especially when it's hot and humid like today.  Jason went looking for her about 8:30pm and saw her lying on the road, her head was crushed.

He was in tears... we all were in tears.... I'm in tears writing this.

I used to call her the "Cat from Hell' but she had become loveable over the 7 years we had her. We are going to miss her and her quirky habits.

If she'd died from old age it wouldn't have been as heart wrenching, but to be hit ... and left in the middle of the road stinks! There would have been no way a driver wouldn't have seen her, or not realized  he/she had hit something.

She's no longer the Cat from Hell... she's in Heaven now.. I just hope her death was instant.

I had hoped this was going to be a better year for us.
Now I wonder... what's next??


23rd February

Here are pics of the 2 fish I was bragging about Jason catching... Barramundi...
Huge suckers!!!! AND DELICIOUS!!!
He looks tired in both photos... Jason.. not the fish... *S* Because he fishes
in the wee small hours.

BTW... the pic taken in the garage.... not my garage... his fishing buddies garage...
it's neater than mine... I'm still waiting for mine to be put back in order...

Now... see... he is good for some things *S*

26th February

I just rang the hospital re the appointment with the specialist... was told my doctor has NOT sent in any more letters asking that I be attended to urgently and it could be another 2 months before he sees me as a Cat3 patient. I can't believe that she promised twice to contact him again and didn't do anything! I have an appointment with her tomorrow... she'll be getting a mouthful!!  The clinic said if she contacts him saying that the matter IS urgent it WILL make a difference and I could virtually get an appointment right away!  Is it any wonder I get depressed! I thought she cared!

I think the medications are affecting my hair as well.... I can yank it out in handfuls and my scalp.... don't even want to go there!
I couldn't go to the hairdresser even if I could afford it... I'd be too embarrassed!

My life basically stinks!! All I have is my PSP (Paint Shop Pro) group and classes I run. It takes up a huge portion of my time thankfully because I'm unable to do much of anything else any more. The Protective office made sure I wouldn't have enough money to keep me going for the rest of my life so I'm on a Disabled Pension... 2 years too young for Aged Pension. I hate having to go without and count every penny. I now charge $5 per class to pay for the site I have... a case of necessity otherwise I would have had to shut down.  Jason pays the power bills and water rates and our internet connection. 
Isn't it lucky we can't see what's in store for us in our future!

I had to share this.... From the Courier Mail 25/2/09
This man deserves an award for taking a stand for discipline...
Let's just hope there's no repercussions from the kids on his next trip.
Kids are out of control these days and think they're invincible.

A VETERAN bus driver who drove his out-of-control student passengers to the police station for a dressing down has attracted widespread praise.

Police have called Westside Bus Company driver Graham King "brilliant", a school principal has commended him for his strict message to their students and the public registered support for him online in their hundreds.

However Mr King said he had originally worried he might get into trouble over the incident, in which he drove unruly students from St Edmund's and St Mary's College at Ipswich to the Yamanto police station on Tuesday afternoon.

"They were refusing to put seatbelts on," Mr King said."They were told to sit down and behave themselves ... (but) within a couple of kilometres they were running around the bus and they started pegging (throwing) things.

"Something hit me in the back of the head, which I didn't know at the time what it was, so I pulled over and stopped."I rang Operations and they asked me if it was dangerous, which it could have been if it had gone through the windscreen or knocked me out - we could have ended up having a serious accident.

"The offending object turned out to be a hard-boiled lolly (candy), but Mr King said it could just as easily have been a cricket ball."Safety is my biggest issue," he said."I don't know if you have ever seen where a child has gone through a windscreen or a glass window and seen what sort of mess (is made)."Well I have ... and I don't want to see it again.

"Ipswich Police District Inspector Kevin Keillor described Mr King's decision to involve them as "fantastic".Insp Keillor said police had already attended two accidents involving school buses - including one fatal crash - in their district during the past couple of weeks and Mr King's action had ensured that there wasn't another.

St Edmund's College principal Brendan Lawler said Mr King's decision was a positive one and students now faced disciplinary action. St Mary's College has denied their students were involved. readers have expressed their support for the driver, with one giving him a "big pat on the back" and another saying his actions deserved applause.   "What a brilliant chap the driver is!", wrote Camille of Brisbane.   "Good on him. ''The culprits should have been put in the lock-up for half an hour!!''

"Be kind to each other"

Catch you next month *S*