Monday 31st May
I received an email from Jason today that set me to tears.....
Chantal has ended the relationship... can't commit.
I managed to get Jason on MSN not long after I received the email...
he was brokenhearted.
He feels he's failed again... and feels guilty about it. I told him... he didn't fail...
SHE did and SHE'S the one who should feel guilty for leading him on.............
Jared said last night that his Dad didn't sound like HIS Dad when he was talking to him
on the phone... he thought it was something he'd done to upset him and was crying. We gave
him the news this morning and though he hurt for his Dad... he was relieved that he wasn't
at fault.
I remember when she was here sponging off us for 10 months... telling us that she had ended
other relationships because when 'push came to shove' she always got 'cold feet' when she
looked like she had to make a commitment! I was hoping it would be different this time.
She's been seeing a Therapist for years because of this..... a waste of time and money.........
as far as I can see.
I suggested when he comes home we sell the house.... pack up and move to Tasmania. Maybe
new doors will open for us all. I'm stagnating here. Besides... I need to get rid of some rubbish I've collected over the years. *S* He said it would give him something to think about....

