Thursday 17th April 2003
It's cold!!!! Finally!!!
Spent most of the day in a track suit... Glory Hallelujah!
It's been drizzly all day but NO humidity. I know that sounds stupid...
since we're actually having 100% humidity (rain)..
but the heat's gone.
Naturally it's raining... Jared and Jason washed and cleaned the car yesterday *S* How did I manage to take them away from their other activities to spend time on the car??????
TEMPER!! That's how!!
I lost MINE!
I've hardly used the car these past couple of weeks....
It was disgusting inside and out! They've been going fishing early in the mornings and Jason is too lazy to take the gear out of the car when they come back. I had to fight fishing rods poking through from the boot (trunk) when I tried to get my seat belt on. Plus the floor was thick with sand, grit and dirt.
I got in on Monday, to go to Jared's school....and for my blood test..
I was fuming at the mess inside and to top it off....
only enough fuel to get to the service station!!!
I was running late of course!!
So I put my foot down yesterday (with a heavy hand! *S*) and started tossing everything out of the car on to the lawn... they got the message!!
Jared did a fabulous job of vaccuuming but when he was finished he asked how much he was going to get paid!
Gimme a break! *S*
I was just about to go out the door today (to the doctor) when the phone rang.... Jared was at the other end... sobbing..... someone had stolen his bike !!
I got Jason to drop me off at the doctor... which was on the way to the skate park
...see to Jared and collect me afterwards.
I waited for about 20 minutes for him to come and collect me after my appointment.... he needed cigarettes... so we stopped at the shopping centre and I went in to get them... we were driving out of the shopping centre to go home... turned right... when all of a sudden Jason acted like he was out of control!!
He did the fastest U Turn I'd ever experienced... I thought we were going to end up on the pavement! Then he sped into the inside lane and hung out of the
car window and screamed at 4 teenagers...
" HEY!!... that's not YOUR &^%$# BIKE BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
They stopped dead!
Jason spun right into the cross street and screeched to a halt!! Leapt out of the car and (you could see he was shaking with fury) grabbed the bike from the kids.
He asked them where they got said 'from a kid at the skate park...'
that he had 'borrowed" it. He was taking it back...
Jason asked "If you're taking it back.... why are you heading the opposite
Anyway he stuck the bike in the boot and we went to collect Jared who had returned to the skate park hoping this jerk was going to return his bike.
You know... while I was waiting to see the doctor and while I was waiting for Jason to collect me .. I prayed so hard that we would be lucky enough to get it back. I just can't believe the chain of events that led to its recovery.
If I hadn't had to go to the doctor and if we hadn't stopped to buy cigarettes we wouldn't have been at the right place at exactly the right time to spot the kids with Jared's bike. Jason would never have thought about searching in that direction.
Jared is so naive.... he believed the kid would bring it back....
but suspected he'd been HAD after 2 hours passed and the kid hadn't returned.
He told Jason the boy was blonde, wore a white shirt and had blue shorts.
The kid with Jared's bike had brown hair. was wearing an orange sloppy shirt
and had black shorts!!!!
Work that one out!! *S*
My trip to the doctor was successful *S* I don't have to go back for a month.... all the tests were perfect and now... instead of injections, I have to take a pill once a week instead. She told me she's going to miss my visits *S* Can you believe she actually looks forward to seeing me... (grin)... I make her laugh *S*
So... I told her I'd phone her (joking) but she took me seriously and said I could phone her ANY time, for ANY reason. *S*
My computer went 'belly up' this month... first time in a couple of years so...
I suppose I should think myself lucky. I got Jason to reinstall Windows... have to put him to good use sometimes. Lost all my email again so he spent time looking for it. I was 'off the air' for about 2 days.... Lord, it was like losing an arm or a leg!!!
Wednesday 30 April 2003
Jared had another 'altercation' at the skate park!!!!
One 12 year old thug took his helmet, ripped out the inside protection and smashed it to pieces! He came home crying. Of course he needs a helmet to ride to school, so we had to buy a new one.
I went down to the park the next day to confront the kid who did this.
I wanted to talk to him by himself.... and find out what satisfaction he got from destroying other people's property. He gave me nothing but cheek and filthy language. I was only there 3 minutes and was surrounded by about 30 kids of all ages who wouldn't 'go away'. All smart mouthed except for 3 who had witnessed the situation the day before... but the culprit still denied it.
I went to the police but even though they do check in on the park periodically... nothing ever happens while they are around. They suggested I go to the Council since they constructed the park. Apparently I'm not the first parent/grandparent to complain. The park was built for all kids, not just a select few hooligans.
I haven't been to the Council yet, but have written to the newspaper.
So... we'll see what happens. In the meantime Jared has decided to stay
away... it's safer!
Me.... well I've had 2 weeks of one pill a week instead of the weekly jab.....
I have no pain.... but the swelling is back in my ankles :-( My next appointment is 15th May so I'll stay on the pill until then and see what she says. Luckily I saw an ad in the free local paper stating that the surgery has moved!!!!! I could picture myself turning up to a vacated premises *S* They've probably tried to contact me.... but it's pretty difficult when Jason is online day in and day out!!
No joy at all this month as far as health is concerned. Mum caught a cold
and instead of staying in bed she insisted on staying up and sharing her
germs. I caught it of course and can't shake it. I spent a couple of
days in bed. Now Jason has it too.
We're just a bunch of crocks!!!!
There is some good news... the PSP classes Ann and I created were a huge success.
We met some really terrific people and some old friends came along to give
us some support as well. We have good size classes already for the new session
starting June 1st. We're sort of having a break just now.... catching up on
things and working on streamlining the classes. We have a couple of ladies who
are fantastic moderators... couldn't have managed without them *S*
Monday 5th May
So what's new..... I'm late *S* Catching up on much needed sleep and trying
to recover from this damned cold. I have a fabulous cough now!! (Grin)
Sounds revolting!
Today is the Labour Day holiday here in Queensland. It's cold, windy and
rain threatening. The whole weekend has been lousy weather... but hey... I'm
not complaining!! It's cool *S*
I found a card sitting on my desk yesterday..... a Mother's Day card... from
Jason!! He's about as useless as we are. LOL!!!!! I thanked him... but told
him it's not until next weekend... He'd seen an ad on TV... but it didn't say
when Mother's Day is.... so he figured he better strike while his memory
was prodded. That's OK.... he can make dinner AND DO THE WASHING UP
next Sunday!! Ha! Ha! Hey... he normally forgets days like this... even my
birthday...and he's had 33 years to remember it's the day BEFORE
American Independence Day. LOL!!
Our Prime Minister is off at the Texas ranch with G.W. Bush for a family
bar-b-que.... while here at home the country is up in arms about our Governor
General, who was the Anglican Archbishop of Queensland until he landed the
'cushy' posting as G.G.
Just prior to Howard departing for the U.S.A. the results of the inquiry into
decisions made by Archbishop Hollingworth during his time serving the
Anglican Church regarding known paedophiles were made known.
. He was lucky with 9 of the charges.... blamed the outcome on 'legal advice'.
But on 2 of the charges....
one where he allowed a known paedophile priest to continue working
(because Hollingworth didn't think the priest would be able to find another job)
and the second...
where he said a 14 year old girl 'was asking for it'...
he didn't get away with.
The majority of the population in this country is demanding Hollingworth's
dismissal.... but Howard refuses to ask for his resignation. Says it has nothing
to do with the position he holds today!! Obviously what the people in this
country think... counts for nothing!
Howard doesn't care... he's got what he wanted. His good buddy G.W. Bush
thinks the sun shines out of his b....side! I'm not knocking President Bush...
I'm angry (and not alone) with John Howard. Our troops did a great job
in Iraq and not one was lost. Had this war not been imminent Mr Howard
would have retired..... but he wanted to go out in a 'blaze of glory'. So
Peter Hollingworth's tainted past isn't going to spoil anything for him.
We have Iraqi and Iranian refugees in this country being detained in camps
for the last 4 years.... These people are in fear of their lives if they are sent
back to their homelands. Does Howard care.... NO! He offers them $10,000
per family to get out of Australia and go back to torture and possibly death.
For the few who ARE here... it would take little to assimilate them instead of
imprisoning them. Some of the children in these detainee camps have known no
other life... it stinks! These people are human beings... they didn't flee their
countries for the hell of it. They deserve better. But this idiot who runs this
country has no heart... he won't give in.
As far as I'm concerned the next election can't come soon enough...
he won't be running for re-election. If we had the same system as the U.S.A.
he wouldn't be in power now. 12 years is too long!! What also stinks in this
country is.... doesn't matter who you vote AGAINST.... they could lose on the
actual national vote... BUT WE HAVE PREFERENTIAL VOTING...
which means... if those standing for election don't pull enough votes they pass
those votes on to the party of their choice.
So what this means is.... I could vote for the Independent Party because I
don't want John Howard (Liberal) as leader. BUT the Independents don't
get enough votes... so they give their votes to the Liberals... which means
Howard wins anyway!!!!
AND THIS IS DEMOCRACY????????????????
OK... that's my political furor for this month!!
I'm just glad the war is over.. and pray that the aftermath doesn't
take too long to settle. I feel for those who lost loved ones, on both sides,
especially in not so 'friendly fire'.
I was going to add more of my feelings about the war here, but have
thought better of it... might get me into trouble *S* My friendships
are more important. I just thank God it's over and hope and pray
that the people of Iraq find the peace and happiness they deserve
after years of torture under Saddam Hussein
Ok... this is for Chantal... who I believe will be back in September for Jared's
and Jason's birthdays.... though I don't know for how long... or what their
(Jason's & Chantal's) plans are... Jason's not very forthcoming with news
though he speaks to her every day. I'm glad it's you're phone bill Chantal
and not mine!! LOL!!
Here's your rotten cat..... I caught her sleeping like this yesterday *S*
Don't you just love the paw covering her eyes.
She's weird!!! More like a dog than a cat... follows Jason around like a 'bad smell'.
She'd be OK if she just wasn't so bloody destructive with my carpets!!
Great isn't it when the 'Cat From Hell' is the only picture I have this month
to put in the journal *S*
That's about all the news for now...
I hope all of those friends who are Mothers have a wonderful day next
Sunday. I hope you like the greeting I created (below) for you. I saw
this little girl in amongst my tubes and could just imagine her 'nicking'
some flowers for her mother... so here she is *S*
AND for those of you who are not yet mothers...
remember YOUR mother on this special day.
I had this saved in a folder and thought you might
enjoy reading it.
So until next month.... be safe and happy *S*
This is for all the mothers who DIDN'T win Mother of the Year this year.
All the runners-up and all the wannabes.
The mothers too tired to enter or too busy to care.
This is for all the mothers who freeze their butts off on metal bleachers at soccer games Friday night instead of watching from cars, so that when their kids asked, 'Did you see my goal?' They could say 'of course, wouldn't have missed it for the world', and mean it.
This is for all the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying,
Its OK honey, Mommy's here.
This is for all the mothers of Kosovo and Iraq who fled in the night
and cant find their children.
This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see.
And the mothers who took those babies and made them homes.
This is also for all of the mommys who lost their babies,
and will forever have that empty helpless ache in their hearts.
For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes.
And all the mothers who DONT.
What makes a good mother anyway?
Is it patience?
Broad hips?
The ability to nurse a baby, fry a chicken, and sew a button on a shirt,
all at the same time?
Or is it heart?
Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son disappear down the street,
walking to school alone for the very first time?
The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, from bed to crib at 2 a.m.
to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby?
The need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a school shooting, a fire, a car accident, a baby dying?
I think so.
So this is for all the mothers who sat down with their children and explained all about making babies. And for all the mothers who wanted to but just couldn't.
This is for reading Goodnight, Moon twice each night, for a year.
And then reading it again. just one more time.
This is for all the mothers who mess up.
Who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair
and stomp their feet like a tired two year old who wants ice cream before dinner.
This is for all the mothers who taught their daughters to tie their shoelaces
before they started school. And for all the mothers who opted for Velcro instead.
For all the mothers who bite their lips -- sometimes until they bleed--
when their 14 year olds dye their hair green.
Who lock themselves in the bathroom when babies keep crying and wont stop.
This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up in their hair
and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purse.
This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook
and their daughters to sink a jump shot.
This is for all mothers whose heads turn automatically when a little voice calls Mom
in a crowd, even though they know their own offspring are at home.
This is for mothers who put pinwheels and teddy bears on their children's graves.
This is for mothers whose children have gone astray,
who cant find the words to reach them.
This is for all the mothers who sent their sons to school with stomachaches,
assuring them they be just FINE once they got there,
only to get calls from the school nurse and hour later
asking them to please pick them up. Right away.
This is for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation.
And mature mothers learning to let go.
For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers.
Single mothers and married mothers.
Mothers with money, mothers without.
This is for you all.
Happy Mothers Day, & hang in there.
I got the following two quotations from Billie Jo,
one of the Moderators for our PSP class and
thought them SO appropriate *S*
"My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely."
"If we sleep one third of our life away, I should have been dead yesterday.."
The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind
William James. American philosopher and psychologist, leader of Pragmatism, 1842-1910