



Two Thousand and One, who could have known....
A year which began with hopes now flown
What was to come as the months crept past?
Optimism, gone, fear replacing hopes once cast.

Who could have known what the new year would hold?
Famine, drought, fires... nature’s way.. always bold,
The whole world in turmoil in some way or other,
Wars, world wide, pitting brother against brother.

Who could have known that the world would soon change?
We've lost control ... lives rearranged.
There’s no turning back to the life we once cherished.
Our humanity, beliefs, hopes... it seems have just perished.

Who could have known what was in the minds of the evil?
Why they were driven with a passion to kill.
Innocents lost, lives snatched, gone forever.
We have but one chance, to live in peace, together.

Who could have known that in one short, terrible day
Life as we knew it would be wrenched away.
Suspicion and fear now replace trust and belief
In our fellow man .... will he cause us grief?

A fresh, new year is about to be born, let’s shout out aloud...
“Why can’t we make this one a year to be proud?”
Let’s eliminate evil, support a collective goal,
To love one another, the world, as a whole.

Make this year count, make it mean more than the last.
We can change the future, but not so... the past.
Look forward not back. and let us head forth
To a year we are thankful that we all share this same Earth

THEN maybe this time next year we'll say..

Two Thousand and Two....who could have known..
The joy and the comfort this year has shown
In helping, not hating, our fellow man
Living life for each other.. God's original plan.


Copyright J.M. Furner Dec 2001



