

Poetry Competition!

A Poetry Competition, can't let THAT pass!
How I wish I'd listened in my English class!
What will I write about? What's a good theme?
What will make the judges think my poem's the "creme"?
Will it be on my life or my aspirations?
About my family or next door's dalmation?
Twenty lines! That's not enough for what I want to say!
Twenty VERSES wouldn't cover what happens to ME in ONE day!
I'm positively brain~dead, I just cannot think...
Whatever I write I know it'll just stink...
I haven't a hope, not even a glimmer
Of ever being ONE of the all time winners.
So... I may as well give up.. while I'm ahead,
And not be embarrassed with my face turning red,
When I get the message that my poem's been turned down
Because I'm the worst poet in the world... not just.. in town.
Hey look, I made it, in the prescribed number of lines!
Maybe I should send it.. while I still have the time.
What if I DID win, wouldn't THAT be absurd?
Guess I'd be proving.. "the pen's mightier than the sword"

©Copyright 2001. J.M. Furner


