5th January 2001

Only 3 weeks into our journey and we've been on 12 flights!

I had no qualms about this destination.... Virginia was one of the first people I ever met on the Internet over 2 years ago. Neither of us ever dreamt we'd ever get the chance to meet face to face but here we were... about to meet 'in the flesh'.

O.K. so the rest of the passengers on the plane from Charlotte to Columbia were in military uniform and were males.... so it was easy to recognise us out of the group departing the plane *S*. Virginia was true to her word, she met us with balloons in tow. We 'clicked' right away! This person I had poured out my heart and soul to for over 2 years was a real person! Nothing phased her... she understood we were tired and that Mum wasn't well and she went along with whatever we wanted to do.

My mother is not an avid computer fan and isn't shy about letting you know. So, when Virginia and I disappeared into the computer room ... she was miffed (to say the least). She wasn't feeling the best so, I understood how she must have felt. Jason phoned when we got back to the hotel and lucky he did because we asked him to send over the rest of Mum's Nitroglycerine patches. With the cold weather she had been using them almost every day and her supply was running out fast and we still had 4 weeks left to go. At home she'd be lucky to use one once a month!

She decided to rest up the next day at the Holiday Inn and Vee, Jared and I took off to the zoo, a lovely lunch at a one time railway station... now a terrific restaurant and to the park so Jared could mix with some kids for a change and dinner at Vee's in the evening, with her husband Bob. We had a wonderful day... this lady is wicked with the camera! She was there at every turn! *S* It was so nice to finally get to meet and I felt as though we had known each other for years and years.

Jared had a fun time in her garden collecting acorns (which we managed to sneak back into Australia). Vee and I worked on he PSP6 program... wish we'd had more time... she's a fast learner. How can I tell her I now have PSP7... picked it up on my travels for a bargain price of around $65US. It's $238 here in Australia!. I'd have been a fool to pass it up *S*

 At the Holiday Inn, Columbia, SC

In Virginia's lovely home.

This lady is an upholstery expert, does it all herself.

Bless her, she let me use her computer *S*

The 3 Amigos

I was so sorry to have to leave, it just wasn't long enough.... there was so much more we could have done together.

Virginia was at the hotel the next morning to take us to the Airport, this woman is an angel!! I must say... Columbia Airport is the prettiest airport I've ever seen, just have a look at the photo below.... you have to agree *S*

I left with the promise that I would come back.. and the next time I'd plan for a longer visit...... maybe in Spring one year.

So, sadly we were on our way to Charlotte for our connection to New Orleans.

More Pics

Holiday Photos

New Orleans....
