28 OCTOBER 2012
Apparently BANDWIDTH IS EXCEEDED on my site again. GRRRR!!!!!
I don't know what to do about this so am relying on Jason to help me out.
He's in a mood because some old guy ran into him yesterday and is trying to say he did nothing wrong....He turned left from the inside lane on a roundabout and collected Jason.
  30 OCTOBER 2012
I have a few members who live in the path of Hurricane Sandy and am sending my prayers.
I know there are many here in Queensland, Australia who went through similar circumstances
not so long ago are hoping that by some miracle the predicted devastation is less than anticipated.
Already hundreds of thousands of homes are without power and many areas already flooded.
Mother Nature can be extremely cruel and it seems to me that lately she's ticked off with us. None of
us are safe from her wrath, no matter where we live on this planet.

My site is still down....GRRRR!!!!

20 NOVEMBER 2012
My site is down AGAIN....GRRRR!!!!
I'm sick of this!!
Last night I pasted a printout of the message re the site not being available
and taped it to Jason's lap top so he would see it as soon as he woke up.
I got up about half an hour ago....  Jason gone to work..... he read the note....
I was ticked off because he hadn't woken me or left a note.
So I went to get a coffee....

Checked my FTP.... no Artistry connection....

It was back by mid morning...



  14 DECEMBER 2012
Came through to do some work last night... turned on my computer... entered my password,
expecting it to load normally. Got 2 messages... can't remember what they said... but I'd lost all
my settings for everything.

It was late... Jason has cluster headaches again... so I had to wait until this morning for his help.
He's had to go to work....................
Some things are working but I can't download any emails... I can't remember what to enter to link my webmail, plus none of my folders were showing so................ I'll have to wait until he comes home so he can recover my OE.

I am checking my mail from the Optus website and responding where I can. I have to keep deleting large emails because I don't want to run over my limit which was reduced when I went on Email Only at Optus.

Actually, this entire week has been a pain...

I don't have a virus or a trojan... I think I may have been leaning on one of the keys on my keyboard when I entered my password last night and that has messed me up. Of course I didn't tell Jason that!!!

So... I'll be back hopefully after Jason comes home and helps me recover everything else.

26 DECEMBER 2012
This is a message for my Artistry friends...

I lost the images for my Christmas message when my computer crashed... so had to pinch one from an earlier message. *S*

This is late in being sent for lots of reasons, the main one being that Jason, my son ended up at the hospital this evening. His cluster headaches just became too unbearable and he was in agony. Half an hour's worth of oxygen seemed to bring him relief thank God. He looked so old when he left and so normal when he came home.

We've been snapping at each other this past week... something we rarely do because it's pointless. I put it down to his headaches and the pain he was in. We managed to have a reasonable Christmas day until the evening and his friend Tim, took him up to the hospital. Of course Jason had to tell the staff what to do to relieve his pain.. they hadn't a clue!

At least it has reminded him what it's like to have chronic pain and was much more helpful towards me.

So here's the link to my message for you and I hope those who have already celebrated had a great day and those that are about to have a wonderful day!!

  28 DECEMBER 2012
I had a great welcome this morning when I tried to open a page on my website and was greeted with another.... Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

Jason is at work, has a headache, and he doesn't need this news..... neither do I.
I did email the Host the last time to ask how much it would cost to up the ante but never got a reply.
I have to wait until Jason comes home to find out how long we have to wait this time.

I can't remember when the new month begins, will have to wait until Jason returns to get some idea....hopefully he'll be well enough to help out.
I am determined to find out what's causing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!