Bay Goes Batty




Hey, you guys in the in the good old US of A., you celebrate Halloween only once a year...... Here in Hervey Bay we have Halloween all year round!

Need some Bats????

We can supply!




The News Story

The Hervey Bay


23 July 1999

Bay Goes Batty

Thousands of bats filled the sky over Tooan Tooan Creek this week. The bats, which are normally inactive during the day and only seen as they head out to feed at night, have been creating quite a stir for the past couple of days.

A couple of theories have been put forward by locals about the unusual behaviour which vary from people walking along the creek banks disturbing the creatures, to an invasion of bats escaping the cold inland winter taking up roost in the camp along the creek.

It is thought that as the visiting bats try to settle in the camp, the resident bats kick up a stink. The resulting fights dislodge many more bats who then take off looking for a quieter place to settle down. But the real answer will be revealed after rangers from Queensland Parks and Wildlife investigate today.


I'm here to tell you that these "delightful' creatures cause some concern here in Hervey Bay. They're really popular with folks who have bat droppings on their washing! The stench from their droppings is disgusting. They carry disease, people have died after being scratched by a bat. These are fruit bats not your Halloween type vampire bats. A couple of the rotten little sods camp in a tree in my front garden directly above my driveway and so, if I leave my car in the drive instead of under cover it ends up filthy with droppings.

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Created 26 July 1999